References gallery: Christmas In Duckburg

This references gallery shows images of:

1. items that W CP 9-01 refers to,
2. items referring to W CP 9-01,
3. recursively, items referring to items in 2 (limited to 10 recursions to avoid infinite loops).

Basic information on W CP 9-01
W CP 9-01 doesn't refer to any item.
W CP 9-01 is referred to by 16 items: IC AR 477, GC HD 78, IC ZP 63, ARC LICD 23, ARC LICD 23B, Qno/DD1997-13I, Qdk/DDFR 2E, Qit/GCD 230A, D 22802, Qdk/CBSV 18E, Qit/DPCS 17C, Qit/ILPA 31B, Qit/UACK 40B, XUC CBDL 21, Qus/CBDL 21A, Qus/CBDL 4A.

United States, Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Dell) 9 (1958)

Spain, Dumbo Álbum/Almanaque 1959-03 (1959)

Italy, Topolino (libretto) 224 (1959)

Greece, Κλασικά Ντίσνεϋ 3 (1970)

France, Le Journal de Mickey 1019 (1971)

Brazil, Disney Especial (1ª Série) 20 (1975)
Changes: Layout remounted

Greece, Μίκυ Μάους 808 (1981)

Mexico, Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Avestruz) E1982-06 (1982)

Netherlands, Donald Duck 1983-50 (1983)

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) (Zweitauflage) 52 (1986)

France, Grands albums cartonnés Le Livre de Paris/Hachette 15 (1987)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 251 (1991)

Netherlands, De beste verhalen van Donald Duck 73 (1992)

France, Picsou Magazine 251 (1992)

Denmark, Carl Barks' jul 1 (2002)

United States, Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gemstone) 4 (2006)

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 17 (2008)

Finland, Carl Barksin joulu 2 (2008)

France, Mes plus belles histoires 5 (2011)

Netherlands, Donald Duck Kerstspecial 2012 (2012)

France, Picsou Magazine 497 (2013)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 17 (2015)

Spain, La Gran Dinastía del Pato Donald 28 (2018)

Italy, Uack! 40 (2018)

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 21 (2019)

Brazil, Coleção Carl Barks Definitiva 21 (2020)

Items referring to W CP 9-01
IC AR 477 (gallery) cover

Italy, Albi della rosa / Albi di Topolino 477 (1963)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 17 (2015)
GC HD 78 (gallery) panel page 18, panel 4

Germany, Der Donaldist 78 (1991)
IC ZP 63 (gallery) cover

Italy, Zio Paperone 63 (1994)
ARC LICD 23 (gallery) cover

United States, The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures in Color 23 (1995)

Germany, Barks Library Special Donald Duck 23 (1998)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 2021B49 (2021)

Germany, Entenhausen-Edition Donald von Carl Barks 73 (2022)
ARC LICD 23B (gallery) panel 18.1
No image available
Qno/DD1997-13I (Turistguide - Turistattraksjoner) (gallery) article
No image available
Qdk/DDFR 2E (Udgivelser siden sidst) (gallery) article

Denmark, Rappet 2 (2003)
Qit/GCD 230A (Tutti insieme per Natale) (gallery) article
No image available
D 22802 (Sixty-One Christmases with Uncle Scrooge) (gallery) illustration

Finland, Vuosikalenterit 2008 (2007)

France, Picsou Magazine 431 (2007)

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 247 (2007)

France, Le Journal de Mickey 2894 (2007)

Bulgaria, Мики Маус 2007-53 (2007)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 383 (2008)

China, 米老鼠特刊 2014-12 (2014)
Changes: original background removed and filled up with several comic strips

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)

France, Les trésors de Donald 3 (2015)

France, La Grande épopée de Picsou - Intégrale Don Rosa 7 (2016)

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)
Items referring to D 22802
Qfi/AA2007-51A (Roope-setä kautta aikain 12) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qno/DD2007-49 (Skrue 60 år!) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qde/TGDD 247A (Anmerkungen zur Poster-Serie) (gallery) article

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 247 (2007)
Xgr/HBPS 1B (Ημερολόγιο 2015 - Ο βίος & η πολιτεία του Σκρουτζ Μακ Ντακ) (gallery) image

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)
Qit/UACK 17C (Un ipnotico natale) (gallery) article

Italy, Uack! 17 (2015)
Qus/DRL 10F (The Birthday Pin-Up Series) (gallery) article

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 19 (2019)
Qdk/CBSV 18E (Det høje juletræ) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/DPCS 17C (La storia: Paperino e la sfida natalizia) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 17 (2008)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 17 (2015)
Qit/ILPA 31B (Politica... pennuta) (gallery) article

Italy, I love Paperopoli 31 (2018)
Qit/UACK 40B (Natale a Paperopoli (e dintorni)) (gallery) article

Italy, Uack! 40 (2018)
XUC CBDL 21 (Donald Duck: Christmas in Duckburg) (gallery) image

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 21 (2019)

Brazil, Coleção Carl Barks Definitiva 21 (2020)
Qus/CBDL 21A (Story Notes) (gallery) article

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 21 (2019)

Brazil, Coleção Carl Barks Definitiva 21 (2020)
Qus/CBDL 4A (Story Notes) (gallery) article

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 4 (2023)

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.