Papers by laura bazzicalupo
Cartografie sociali. Rivista di sociologia e scienze umane, Jan 12, 2017
Le chèque en gris dello Stato alla polizia di Didier Fassin GOVERNING IMMIGRATION THROUGH CRIME A... more Le chèque en gris dello Stato alla polizia di Didier Fassin GOVERNING IMMIGRATION THROUGH CRIME AT THE STREET LEVEL The metamorphosis of an immigration detention centre in Belgium di Andrew Crosby THE (LOCAL) MEDICAL WORKER Understanding the act of bearing witness through a reorientation of testis, superstes di Shubranshu Mishra «I DIDN'T CROSS THE BORDER, THE BORDER CROSSED ME» Le mobilità palestinesi attraverso il confi ne tra Egitto e Striscia di Gaza di Lorenzo Navone LA DÉMOCRATIE EN IRAK APRÈS LA GUERRE Entre représentations, rhétoriques et stratégies d'ordre
The essay focuses on the effects of the power of naturalization of differences, that is classifyi... more The essay focuses on the effects of the power of naturalization of differences, that is classifying principle of biopolitical devices. Biopolitical/thanatological management of populations, using the naturalization of human for exclusionary purposes, is supported by a flexible form of governmental inclusiveness organized by an economic logic: one option does not exclude the other. The racialized subaltern uses his own body for a form of strategic and antagonistic identification. The juridical de-identification, induced by economic evaluation criteria, helps practices of self-management that are political in a different way from traditional one. The subjects who actively fit into the governmental system bypass exclusion in an interesting though problematic way and are oriented towards new and experimental subjectifications.
Firenze University Press eBooks, 2023
Filosofia politica, 2014
The image of the hero confirms the aesthetic dimension of politics. It represents an element of c... more The image of the hero confirms the aesthetic dimension of politics. It represents an element of contrast to the common sense. Following the parallel development of aesthetics, the essay analyzes the changes in the relationship between the "excédent" subjectivity of hero and the background or "sensus communis" which today turns into a repertoire of images in the fictional economy. The middle section of the essay draws, on the suggestion of Arendt and Foucault, this image/form as a performative act of disagreement, which, paradoxically, "save" the heroic phenomena in a time of no heroes. Such as aesthetics turns toward the Truth/Event, imagery coincides with a kind of heroism without "aura", within a hypertrophic space of communication, and nevertheless perhaps attesting to the contrast and the freedom of which the hero is a canonical form
Che cos’è un dispositivo? In che modo esso forma le soggettivazioni? E’ la domanda che l’autrice ... more Che cos’è un dispositivo? In che modo esso forma le soggettivazioni? E’ la domanda che l’autrice si pone, a partire da Foucault e dalla risposta che ad essa avevano dato autori come Deleuze e Agamben. Costituisce, infatti, l’oggetto di questo libro l’analisi dei dispositivi disciplinari, che implicano il disciplinamento ortopedico dei corpi, e biopolitici governamentali, che prendono in carico la vita, la incrementano, la curano. Pur rispondendo a logiche diverse, essi mantengono il carattere sostanzialmente inclusivo della governabilità delle vite, valutate e selezionate in base a criteri di rischio e potenzialità. Una selezione che, seguendo il codice economico, orienta verso una direzione negandone altre, incentiva soggettività marginalizzandone altre. Ed è proprio nel comportamento economico che vengono colti i caratteri persistenti di governamentalità delle vite, anche al di là del dirigismo economico dello Stato, della gestione politica, welfarista, dell’economia: la bioeconomia produce soggettivazioni, interne al dispositivo ma allo stesso tempo ambiguamente eccedenti, mettendo così in scacco la logica moderna del soggetto astratto e universale
Quodlibet eBooks, Dec 23, 2022
Politics is not only an acting of people concerning the world that keeps them together or sets th... more Politics is not only an acting of people concerning the world that keeps them together or sets them apart, as Arendt argues. Today it also, and above all else, needs to be the governing of processes of subjectivation, of the production of forms of life shaping the social space. The Neo-liberal turn, dating back to thirty years ago and that today appears willing to overcome the terrible, global, ongoing economic crisis by strengthening its junctions rather than significantly modifying them, has drastically increased the number of subjects of politics to include different forms of social powers, without depriving the old ones of their authority. The main feature of this new kind of political rationality, that finds in the market its legitimacy criterion, is, in fact, as we all are well aware, a co-existence and co-presence of the old with the new and, therefore, an overlapping of languages and rationalities
The mere descriptiveness of the term coexistence shows the dissolution of the modern ordering log... more The mere descriptiveness of the term coexistence shows the dissolution of the modern ordering logic. The essay argues that the ontology of the individual elements and immanent social powers that cannot be transcended is functional to the neo-liberal governmentality, which organizes the disconnection through competition and determines an heavy anti-democratic hierarchy. We must see the complexity of coexistence, highlighting the gaps of the neoliberal narrative and the persistence of the modern discourse of rights together with new molecular struggles
Papers by laura bazzicalupo