Kebijakan Anti Korupsi Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan, 2022
Korupsi merupakan salah satu fenomena melawan hukum yang terjadi di Indonesia.Fenomena ini meru... more Korupsi merupakan salah satu fenomena melawan hukum yang terjadi di Indonesia.Fenomena ini merupakan kegiatan memperkaya diri sendiri,sekelompok orang atau korporasi.Berdasarkan Lembaga Transparency International pada tahun 2015 dan 2016 telah menempatkan Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara terkorup di dunia.Korupsi di Indonesia berdampak buruk terhadap berbagai dimensi kehidupan bermasyarakat dan berbangsa serta dapat merusak sistem perekonomian negara, demokrasi, politik, hukum, pemerintahan, dan lain-lain.Upaya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia saat ini belum menunjukkan hasil yang optimal, perlu ada nya upaya yang lebih seriusdan radikal ke depannya.di perlukan penyelenggaraan kebijakan anti korupsi dari pemerintah sebagai bentuk upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang terjadi, antara lain melalui: reformasi kelembagaan politik,reformasi birokrasi, perumusan dan penetapan standar etika politik, penegakan hukum yang dapat memberikan efek jera bagi para koruptor,dan prosedur penanganan pengaduan korupsi yang tepat oleh masyarakat
The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat... more The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat, namely the increase in the mosquito population because there are more breeding places and the growth of mosquito larvae, namely puddles of water. The most dangerous threat is the increase in the proliferation of one type of mosquito that spreads disease, namely the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito bite is a medium of transmission of the Dangue virus that causes Dengue Fever To prevent the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the local government urges its citizens to clean their respective environments. The activities carried out are community service work in droves to clean the gutters. In addition to cleaning the environment, people are also advised to maintain the cleanliness of bathrooms and other water reservoirs. Dangue (DBD). The community is also reminded to keep implementing the 3 M, namely Closing, Draining and Burying. This needs to be paid attention to by the public because in addition to standing water, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes also breed in dirty places such as trash cans.
The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat... more The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat, namely the increase in the mosquito population because there are more breeding places and the growth of mosquito larvae, namely puddles of water. The most dangerous threat is the increase in the proliferation of one type of mosquito that spreads disease, namely the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito bite is a medium of transmission of the Dangue virus that causes Dengue Fever To prevent the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the local government urges its citizens to clean their respective environments. The activities carried out are community service work in droves to clean the gutters. In addition to cleaning the environment, people are also advised to maintain the cleanliness of bathrooms and other water reservoirs. Dangue (DBD). The community is also reminded to keep implementing the 3 M, namely Closing, Draining and Burying. This needs to be paid attention to by the public because in addition to standing water, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes also breed in dirty places such as trash cans.
Bayi Perempuan Umur 11 Bulan Meninggal Dikarenakan Kekerasan Seksual, 2022
Sexual violence is a form of harassment by one person to another where the victim really does not... more Sexual violence is a form of harassment by one person to another where the victim really does not want it to happen. At this time, we encounter many cases of sexual violence or harassment that occur at various ages, ranging from children, teenagers, adults to the elderly. Recently, there was a case of sexual violence against an 11-month-old baby by the husband of the babysitter. This incident is very unnatural and violates child protection laws. Then what is the basis or reason for the perpetrator to do this, even though it is an untrue act. Perpetrators of this sexual violence must be given the appropriate punishment for their actions. Another reason that causes the perpetrator to commit this disgraceful act is because he is a user of methamphetamine, where meth when consumed by humans will cause side effects in the form of loss of consciousness or common sense.
Corona Virus Disease 2019 or what given the term"Covid-19"causes serious anxiety and threats in t... more Corona Virus Disease 2019 or what given the term"Covid-19"causes serious anxiety and threats in the sectors of education,health,social,trade,including the economy.Using this paper is to examine how it affectsthe welfare of the people in Samarinda City.The data carried out by surveying 65 informants who were representatives of each district in Samarinda City during August 2021.We received each information that applied to the level of welfare, where it focused on those with different professions, but the same thing was as workers daily.Using a cluster sampling based technique,we know that there has been a sharp decline between 35%-40% after implementing"Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB)" in all partsof Indonesia. However,the good thing is that not all informants have experienced a drastic degradation which affects changing food patterns.Broadly,they are more concerned with maintaining long term expenditures,such as the consumption of vitamins andmedicines.In addition,the informants thought now it is necessary to increase income through extra work as an alternative effort.
Kesadaran Akan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Dari Kasus Perundungan Di Sekolah, 2022
The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and soci... more The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and social media. We can see the dark side of the development of children's lives in the news, besides that we can also see it directly in everyday life. the harsh reality is that children are forced to live on the streets, these children have become the backbone of family life. This research uses quantitative methods and this research uses normative legal research which uses the method of collecting legal materials as a literature study or documentation study (documentary study). The legal materials used are also primary legal materials, namely a collection of statutory regulations. from the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Law, Everyone has Constitutional Rights which are individual rights. which is owned by everyone without feeling pressured and of course must be guaranteed a right by a State. This thinking stems from doctrines originating from western countries, where individual rights are conceptualized as natural rights mixed in natural law. Today it can be concluded that human rights values are often ignored, human rights violations often occur in the community or even in the school environment where bullying or bullying cases are often found at school. Cases of bullying or harassment psychologically have a negative impact on the perpetrator or victim. Therefore, a solution must be found to minimize the occurrence of bullying cases
Kesadaran Akan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Dari Kasus Perundungan Di Sekolah, 2022
The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and soci... more The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and social media. We can see the dark side of the development of children's lives in the news, besides that we can also see it directly in everyday life. the harsh reality is that children are forced to live on the streets, these children have become the backbone of family life. This research uses quantitative methods and this research uses normative legal research which uses the method of collecting legal materials as a literature study or documentation study (documentary study). The legal materials used are also primary legal materials, namely a collection of statutory regulations. from the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Law, Everyone has Constitutional Rights which are individual rights. which is owned by everyone without feeling pressured and of course must be guaranteed a right by a State. This thinking stems from doctrines originating from western countries, where individual rights are conceptualized as natural rights mixed in natural law. Today it can be concluded that human rights values are often ignored, human rights violations often occur in the community or even in the school environment where bullying or bullying cases are often found at school. Cases of bullying or harassment psychologically have a negative impact on the perpetrator or victim. Therefore, a solution must be found to minimize the occurrence of bullying cases
Bayi Perempuan Umur 11 Bulan Meninggal Dikarenakan Kekerasan Seksual, 2022
Kekerasan seksual merupakan bentuk pelecehan yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain dimana ko... more Kekerasan seksual merupakan bentuk pelecehan yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain dimana korban sangat tidak menginginkan hal tersebut terjadi.Pada saat ini kasus kekerasan atau pelecehan seksual sangat banyak kita jumpaiyang terjadi pada berbagai umur,dari anak anak, remaja, dewasa maupun lansia.Baru ini, terjadi kasus kekerasan seksual yang menimpa bayi berumur 11 bulan oleh suami dari pengasuh bayi tersebut. Kejadian ini sangatlah tidak wajar dan melanggar undang undang perlindungan terhadap anak. Kemudian apakah yangmenjadi dasar atau alasan pelaku melakukan hal tersebut, padahal itu adalah perbuatan yang tidak benar. Pelaku kekerasan seksual ini patut di jatuhi hukuman yang setimpal karena perbuatannya.Sebab lain yang menyebabkan pelaku melakukan perbuatan tercela tersebut dikarenakan ia adalah pengonsumsi sabu,dimana sabu apabila dikonsumsi oleh manusia akan menimbulkan efek sampinghilang kesadaran atau akal sehat
Kebijakan Anti Korupsi Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan, 2022
Korupsi merupakan salah satu fenomena melawan hukum yang terjadi di Indonesia.Fenomena ini meru... more Korupsi merupakan salah satu fenomena melawan hukum yang terjadi di Indonesia.Fenomena ini merupakan kegiatan memperkaya diri sendiri,sekelompok orang atau korporasi.Berdasarkan Lembaga Transparency International pada tahun 2015 dan 2016 telah menempatkan Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara terkorup di dunia.Korupsi di Indonesia berdampak buruk terhadap berbagai dimensi kehidupan bermasyarakat dan berbangsa serta dapat merusak sistem perekonomian negara, demokrasi, politik, hukum, pemerintahan, dan lain-lain.Upaya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia saat ini belum menunjukkan hasil yang optimal, perlu ada nya upaya yang lebih seriusdan radikal ke depannya.di perlukan penyelenggaraan kebijakan anti korupsi dari pemerintah sebagai bentuk upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang terjadi, antara lain melalui: reformasi kelembagaan politik,reformasi birokrasi, perumusan dan penetapan standar etika politik, penegakan hukum yang dapat memberikan efek jera bagi para koruptor,dan prosedur penanganan pengaduan korupsi yang tepat oleh masyarakat
The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat... more The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat, namely the increase in the mosquito population because there are more breeding places and the growth of mosquito larvae, namely puddles of water. The most dangerous threat is the increase in the proliferation of one type of mosquito that spreads disease, namely the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito bite is a medium of transmission of the Dangue virus that causes Dengue Fever To prevent the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the local government urges its citizens to clean their respective environments. The activities carried out are community service work in droves to clean the gutters. In addition to cleaning the environment, people are also advised to maintain the cleanliness of bathrooms and other water reservoirs. Dangue (DBD). The community is also reminded to keep implementing the 3 M, namely Closing, Draining and Burying. This needs to be paid attention to by the public because in addition to standing water, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes also breed in dirty places such as trash cans.
The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat... more The air is cool and comfortable because the rain that falls almost every day poses its own threat, namely the increase in the mosquito population because there are more breeding places and the growth of mosquito larvae, namely puddles of water. The most dangerous threat is the increase in the proliferation of one type of mosquito that spreads disease, namely the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito bite is a medium of transmission of the Dangue virus that causes Dengue Fever To prevent the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the local government urges its citizens to clean their respective environments. The activities carried out are community service work in droves to clean the gutters. In addition to cleaning the environment, people are also advised to maintain the cleanliness of bathrooms and other water reservoirs. Dangue (DBD). The community is also reminded to keep implementing the 3 M, namely Closing, Draining and Burying. This needs to be paid attention to by the public because in addition to standing water, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes also breed in dirty places such as trash cans.
Bayi Perempuan Umur 11 Bulan Meninggal Dikarenakan Kekerasan Seksual, 2022
Sexual violence is a form of harassment by one person to another where the victim really does not... more Sexual violence is a form of harassment by one person to another where the victim really does not want it to happen. At this time, we encounter many cases of sexual violence or harassment that occur at various ages, ranging from children, teenagers, adults to the elderly. Recently, there was a case of sexual violence against an 11-month-old baby by the husband of the babysitter. This incident is very unnatural and violates child protection laws. Then what is the basis or reason for the perpetrator to do this, even though it is an untrue act. Perpetrators of this sexual violence must be given the appropriate punishment for their actions. Another reason that causes the perpetrator to commit this disgraceful act is because he is a user of methamphetamine, where meth when consumed by humans will cause side effects in the form of loss of consciousness or common sense.
Corona Virus Disease 2019 or what given the term"Covid-19"causes serious anxiety and threats in t... more Corona Virus Disease 2019 or what given the term"Covid-19"causes serious anxiety and threats in the sectors of education,health,social,trade,including the economy.Using this paper is to examine how it affectsthe welfare of the people in Samarinda City.The data carried out by surveying 65 informants who were representatives of each district in Samarinda City during August 2021.We received each information that applied to the level of welfare, where it focused on those with different professions, but the same thing was as workers daily.Using a cluster sampling based technique,we know that there has been a sharp decline between 35%-40% after implementing"Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB)" in all partsof Indonesia. However,the good thing is that not all informants have experienced a drastic degradation which affects changing food patterns.Broadly,they are more concerned with maintaining long term expenditures,such as the consumption of vitamins andmedicines.In addition,the informants thought now it is necessary to increase income through extra work as an alternative effort.
Kesadaran Akan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Dari Kasus Perundungan Di Sekolah, 2022
The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and soci... more The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and social media. We can see the dark side of the development of children's lives in the news, besides that we can also see it directly in everyday life. the harsh reality is that children are forced to live on the streets, these children have become the backbone of family life. This research uses quantitative methods and this research uses normative legal research which uses the method of collecting legal materials as a literature study or documentation study (documentary study). The legal materials used are also primary legal materials, namely a collection of statutory regulations. from the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Law, Everyone has Constitutional Rights which are individual rights. which is owned by everyone without feeling pressured and of course must be guaranteed a right by a State. This thinking stems from doctrines originating from western countries, where individual rights are conceptualized as natural rights mixed in natural law. Today it can be concluded that human rights values are often ignored, human rights violations often occur in the community or even in the school environment where bullying or bullying cases are often found at school. Cases of bullying or harassment psychologically have a negative impact on the perpetrator or victim. Therefore, a solution must be found to minimize the occurrence of bullying cases
Kesadaran Akan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Dari Kasus Perundungan Di Sekolah, 2022
The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and soci... more The fate of children in Indonesia is indeed bleak, both in mass media, electronic media, and social media. We can see the dark side of the development of children's lives in the news, besides that we can also see it directly in everyday life. the harsh reality is that children are forced to live on the streets, these children have become the backbone of family life. This research uses quantitative methods and this research uses normative legal research which uses the method of collecting legal materials as a literature study or documentation study (documentary study). The legal materials used are also primary legal materials, namely a collection of statutory regulations. from the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Law, Everyone has Constitutional Rights which are individual rights. which is owned by everyone without feeling pressured and of course must be guaranteed a right by a State. This thinking stems from doctrines originating from western countries, where individual rights are conceptualized as natural rights mixed in natural law. Today it can be concluded that human rights values are often ignored, human rights violations often occur in the community or even in the school environment where bullying or bullying cases are often found at school. Cases of bullying or harassment psychologically have a negative impact on the perpetrator or victim. Therefore, a solution must be found to minimize the occurrence of bullying cases
Bayi Perempuan Umur 11 Bulan Meninggal Dikarenakan Kekerasan Seksual, 2022
Kekerasan seksual merupakan bentuk pelecehan yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain dimana ko... more Kekerasan seksual merupakan bentuk pelecehan yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain dimana korban sangat tidak menginginkan hal tersebut terjadi.Pada saat ini kasus kekerasan atau pelecehan seksual sangat banyak kita jumpaiyang terjadi pada berbagai umur,dari anak anak, remaja, dewasa maupun lansia.Baru ini, terjadi kasus kekerasan seksual yang menimpa bayi berumur 11 bulan oleh suami dari pengasuh bayi tersebut. Kejadian ini sangatlah tidak wajar dan melanggar undang undang perlindungan terhadap anak. Kemudian apakah yangmenjadi dasar atau alasan pelaku melakukan hal tersebut, padahal itu adalah perbuatan yang tidak benar. Pelaku kekerasan seksual ini patut di jatuhi hukuman yang setimpal karena perbuatannya.Sebab lain yang menyebabkan pelaku melakukan perbuatan tercela tersebut dikarenakan ia adalah pengonsumsi sabu,dimana sabu apabila dikonsumsi oleh manusia akan menimbulkan efek sampinghilang kesadaran atau akal sehat
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