Books by Vladislav B . Sotirović
Циљ овог чланка је конструктиван допринос проучавању феномена антисрпског карактера Комунистичке ... more Циљ овог чланка је конструктиван допринос проучавању феномена антисрпског карактера Комунистичке партије Југославије, тј. каснијег Савеза комуниста Југославије, југословенској и пре свега српској историографској науци.
Power is the ability to make people, states, movements, organizations, or things do what they wou... more Power is the ability to make people, states, movements, organizations, or things do what they would not otherwise have done. It is a matter of fact that politics is seen to be about might rather than right.
Scholars’ Press, 2020
Book Global Politics. Selected Articles, Vol. 3, Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Scholars’ Press, 2020, I... more Book Global Politics. Selected Articles, Vol. 3, Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Scholars’ Press, 2020, ISBN 978-613-8-93339-7
Book by Vladislav B. Sotirović, Global Politics. Selected Articles, Vol. 2, Beau Bassin, Mauritiu... more Book by Vladislav B. Sotirović, Global Politics. Selected Articles, Vol. 2, Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Scholars’ Press, 2018, ISBN 978-620-2-31005-5
Book Из јужнословенске догађајнице. Збирка одабраних чланака, Виљнус: Штампарија литванског едуко... more Book Из јужнословенске догађајнице. Збирка одабраних чланака, Виљнус: Штампарија литванског едуколошког универзитета „Едукологија“, 2014, printed book ISBN 978-609-408-524-6, electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-525-3 [From the South Slavic History: Collection of Selected Articles]
Book: Кривотворине о Јосипу Брозу Титу, Брозовим партизанима и Равногорском покрету, 1941. г.−194... more Book: Кривотворине о Јосипу Брозу Титу, Брозовим партизанима и Равногорском покрету, 1941. г.−1945. г., Виљнус: Штампарија Литванског едуколошког универзитета, 2014, printed book ISBN 978-609-408-557-4, electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-556-7, UDK 94 (497.1) “1941/1945” So-121 [Forgeries about Josip Broz Tito, Broz’s Partisans and the Ravna Gora Movement, 1941−1945]
Book: From the EuroBalkan Studies: Scientific Articles in English, Vilnius, Lithuanian University... more Book: From the EuroBalkan Studies: Scientific Articles in English, Vilnius, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press, 2014, printed book ISBN 978-609-408-597-0, electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-598-7, UDK 94 (497.1) So-121
Book Global Politics. Selected Articles, Vol. 1, Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 20... more Book Global Politics. Selected Articles, Vol. 1, Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017, ISBN 978-3-330-03128-9
Book Global Research. Selected articles (second edition), Vilnius: UAB “Mylida”, 2016, ISBN 978-6... more Book Global Research. Selected articles (second edition), Vilnius: UAB “Mylida”, 2016, ISBN 978-609-408-840-7, UDK 911.3:32 So-121
Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-659-69315-1
Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-659-41652-1
Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-659-67591-1
The Death of Yugoslavia, 1991−1999
The Death of Yugoslavia, 1991−1999
Publisher & editor
Independent Research Centre for Advanced Balkan Studies
Cover & design
Vladislav B. Sotirović
© 2013 by Vladislav B. Sotirović & The “CRUCIFIED KOSOVO” – Independent Research Centre for Advanced Balkan Studies
All rights reserved
50 exemplars
Second edition
Printed by Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press
T. Ševčenkos g. 31, LT-03111 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius, 2013
Paper book ISBN 978-609-408-433-1
Electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-434-8
UDK 325.2 (497.1) So-121
Book web presentation
[email protected]
[email protected]
Front cover page photo
Destroyed Serbian 14th century church in Kosovo by Albanians in 2004
Back cover page photo
Serbian refugges from Croatia in August 1999
"This book is a product of eighteen years of research and writings on the issue of the Balkan and... more "This book is a product of eighteen years of research and writings on the issue of the Balkan and especially the Yugoslav national identities, nationalism, state formation process, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional clashes, atrocities, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide committed in this part of Europe and above all on the territory of the ex-Yugoslavia(s) in historical perspective. The reaseach on the topic was begun in 1995 at the Central European University, Budapest Colleage in Budapest, Hungary when I was M.A. student. From that time up today the reaseach was done in several countries where I was using the libraries and archives. As a product of this extensive research several articles was written and published in scientific journals together with a dozen of columnist articles published in several juournals and many internet pages.
The final text of the book, that is already presented at several scientific conferences, is a product of my five years of research participation at the COST Action IS0803: “Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe: A Network Exploring Social, Moral and Material Relocations of Europe’s Eastern Peripheries”. The final stage of research on the topic of the book and the writing of the text of it is financed by the COST Action.
I hope and believe that the research results presented in this book are going to be of certain value for the sake of better undertanding of the process of the bloody destruction of the ex-Yugoslavia in the years of 1991−1999 in order to prevent the next wars and atrocities between and among the Yugoslavs. The ultimate task of this research and the book is to constructively contribute in the efforts by „international community“ to justifiably solve the „Yugoslav Question“ in the recent future.
"Поштовани читаоци, прелистивачи, непријатељи и пријатељи као и сви они који су игром случаја зал... more "Поштовани читаоци, прелистивачи, непријатељи и пријатељи као и сви они који су игром случаја залутали између корица ове књиге или је пак са намером да је до краја прочитају отворили,
Пред Вама се налази збирка од двадесет и седам огледа из области повести, антропологије, етнологије и пре свега политике југословенских народа и народности, а који су написани у последње четири године и објављивани на неколико интернет страница информативних служби/сервиса српске и србијанске опозиционе (антивладине) провенијенције са којих су преузимани од стране других организација и удружења који су их објављивали на својим порталима и форумима у изворном облику. За ову збирку аутор је сваки чланак ажурирао са најновијим подацима, а датум коначне верзије сваког текста се налази на његовом крају заједно са местом у коме је оглед угледао своју финалну форму за штампање у овој књизи у форми збирке.
Збирка носи наслов Огледи из Југославологије, тј. из опште научне дисциплине која се бави „југословенским“ тематикама и областима истраживања. Пред Вама се налази књига за коју је аутор убеђен да неће имати никаквог практичног утицаја на дневнополитичка догађања у региону, а поготово у Републици Остатака (Остатака) Србије и нарочито међ Србима, тј. да ће се и након читања ове књиге разбијање и даље уситњавање Српства и Србије од стране владајућих титоистичких структура и даље наставити под патронатом западних србомрзитеља, истих оних који су аустроугарског каплара и довели на власт у Београду октобра 1944. г., а чији је крајњи циљ да се границе државе Србије као западне марионетске колоније сведу у оквире које је прописао Ото фон Бизмарк на Берлинском конгресу 1878. г. уз стварање Велике Хрватске и Велике Шипније око „Бизмарк-Брозове“ Србије, што није и разлог да књига небуде написана, отштампана и прочитана.
This as a collection of twenty-seven essays from the field of anthropology, ethnology, and above all the politics of the Yugoslav peoples and nationalities, which were written in the last four years and published on several Serb opposition (anti-government) web information services. They have been later re-published by other organizations and associations on their web sites and forums. For this collection, the author updated each article with the latest data. The date of the final version of each text is at its end along with the place where the essays saw their final form for printing in this book.
The collection is titled “Essays from Yugoslavology”, ie. from the general scientific discipline which deals with the “Yugoslav” themes and research areas. This is the book that the author is convinced that it will have no practical impact on the daily political events in the region, especially in the Republic of the Rest (of the Rest) of Serbia and especially among the Serbs, ie. that after reading this book the further fragmentation of the Serbian nation and Serbia by the governing structure of Serbia composed by the Titoist Communist commarades under the auspices of the Western Serbophobes – the same ones who Austro-Hungarian corporal Joseph Broz Tito (1892−1980) from Croatia brought to the power in Belgrade in October 1944 is going to continue. Their ultimate political goals are to reduce the territory of Serbia, as a Western puppet colony, to the borders prescribed by Otto von Bismarck at the Berlin Congress in 1878 and to create a Greater Croatia, Greater Albania and enlarged Hungary around “Bismarck-Broz’s” remains of Serbia.
This is a book about a long process of destruction of Serbian nation and Serbia by her Balkan and West Euro-American enemies in the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century with historical background of Serbian relations with the most important neighbours. The western destruction of Serbdom in the Balkans is only a part of the preparations of the West for the last crucide against Russia – the Third and the Last World War during which Europe as a continent will definitelly disapear like Atlantida. The Balkan Serbs and Serbia are the first collateral victims in this struggle.
Books by Vladislav B . Sotirović
The Death of Yugoslavia, 1991−1999
Publisher & editor
Independent Research Centre for Advanced Balkan Studies
Cover & design
Vladislav B. Sotirović
© 2013 by Vladislav B. Sotirović & The “CRUCIFIED KOSOVO” – Independent Research Centre for Advanced Balkan Studies
All rights reserved
50 exemplars
Second edition
Printed by Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press
T. Ševčenkos g. 31, LT-03111 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius, 2013
Paper book ISBN 978-609-408-433-1
Electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-434-8
UDK 325.2 (497.1) So-121
Book web presentation
[email protected]
[email protected]
Front cover page photo
Destroyed Serbian 14th century church in Kosovo by Albanians in 2004
Back cover page photo
Serbian refugges from Croatia in August 1999
The final text of the book, that is already presented at several scientific conferences, is a product of my five years of research participation at the COST Action IS0803: “Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe: A Network Exploring Social, Moral and Material Relocations of Europe’s Eastern Peripheries”. The final stage of research on the topic of the book and the writing of the text of it is financed by the COST Action.
I hope and believe that the research results presented in this book are going to be of certain value for the sake of better undertanding of the process of the bloody destruction of the ex-Yugoslavia in the years of 1991−1999 in order to prevent the next wars and atrocities between and among the Yugoslavs. The ultimate task of this research and the book is to constructively contribute in the efforts by „international community“ to justifiably solve the „Yugoslav Question“ in the recent future.
Пред Вама се налази збирка од двадесет и седам огледа из области повести, антропологије, етнологије и пре свега политике југословенских народа и народности, а који су написани у последње четири године и објављивани на неколико интернет страница информативних служби/сервиса српске и србијанске опозиционе (антивладине) провенијенције са којих су преузимани од стране других организација и удружења који су их објављивали на својим порталима и форумима у изворном облику. За ову збирку аутор је сваки чланак ажурирао са најновијим подацима, а датум коначне верзије сваког текста се налази на његовом крају заједно са местом у коме је оглед угледао своју финалну форму за штампање у овој књизи у форми збирке.
Збирка носи наслов Огледи из Југославологије, тј. из опште научне дисциплине која се бави „југословенским“ тематикама и областима истраживања. Пред Вама се налази књига за коју је аутор убеђен да неће имати никаквог практичног утицаја на дневнополитичка догађања у региону, а поготово у Републици Остатака (Остатака) Србије и нарочито међ Србима, тј. да ће се и након читања ове књиге разбијање и даље уситњавање Српства и Србије од стране владајућих титоистичких структура и даље наставити под патронатом западних србомрзитеља, истих оних који су аустроугарског каплара и довели на власт у Београду октобра 1944. г., а чији је крајњи циљ да се границе државе Србије као западне марионетске колоније сведу у оквире које је прописао Ото фон Бизмарк на Берлинском конгресу 1878. г. уз стварање Велике Хрватске и Велике Шипније око „Бизмарк-Брозове“ Србије, што није и разлог да књига небуде написана, отштампана и прочитана.
This as a collection of twenty-seven essays from the field of anthropology, ethnology, and above all the politics of the Yugoslav peoples and nationalities, which were written in the last four years and published on several Serb opposition (anti-government) web information services. They have been later re-published by other organizations and associations on their web sites and forums. For this collection, the author updated each article with the latest data. The date of the final version of each text is at its end along with the place where the essays saw their final form for printing in this book.
The collection is titled “Essays from Yugoslavology”, ie. from the general scientific discipline which deals with the “Yugoslav” themes and research areas. This is the book that the author is convinced that it will have no practical impact on the daily political events in the region, especially in the Republic of the Rest (of the Rest) of Serbia and especially among the Serbs, ie. that after reading this book the further fragmentation of the Serbian nation and Serbia by the governing structure of Serbia composed by the Titoist Communist commarades under the auspices of the Western Serbophobes – the same ones who Austro-Hungarian corporal Joseph Broz Tito (1892−1980) from Croatia brought to the power in Belgrade in October 1944 is going to continue. Their ultimate political goals are to reduce the territory of Serbia, as a Western puppet colony, to the borders prescribed by Otto von Bismarck at the Berlin Congress in 1878 and to create a Greater Croatia, Greater Albania and enlarged Hungary around “Bismarck-Broz’s” remains of Serbia.
This is a book about a long process of destruction of Serbian nation and Serbia by her Balkan and West Euro-American enemies in the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century with historical background of Serbian relations with the most important neighbours. The western destruction of Serbdom in the Balkans is only a part of the preparations of the West for the last crucide against Russia – the Third and the Last World War during which Europe as a continent will definitelly disapear like Atlantida. The Balkan Serbs and Serbia are the first collateral victims in this struggle.
The Death of Yugoslavia, 1991−1999
Publisher & editor
Independent Research Centre for Advanced Balkan Studies
Cover & design
Vladislav B. Sotirović
© 2013 by Vladislav B. Sotirović & The “CRUCIFIED KOSOVO” – Independent Research Centre for Advanced Balkan Studies
All rights reserved
50 exemplars
Second edition
Printed by Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences Press
T. Ševčenkos g. 31, LT-03111 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius, 2013
Paper book ISBN 978-609-408-433-1
Electronic book ISBN 978-609-408-434-8
UDK 325.2 (497.1) So-121
Book web presentation
[email protected]
[email protected]
Front cover page photo
Destroyed Serbian 14th century church in Kosovo by Albanians in 2004
Back cover page photo
Serbian refugges from Croatia in August 1999
The final text of the book, that is already presented at several scientific conferences, is a product of my five years of research participation at the COST Action IS0803: “Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe: A Network Exploring Social, Moral and Material Relocations of Europe’s Eastern Peripheries”. The final stage of research on the topic of the book and the writing of the text of it is financed by the COST Action.
I hope and believe that the research results presented in this book are going to be of certain value for the sake of better undertanding of the process of the bloody destruction of the ex-Yugoslavia in the years of 1991−1999 in order to prevent the next wars and atrocities between and among the Yugoslavs. The ultimate task of this research and the book is to constructively contribute in the efforts by „international community“ to justifiably solve the „Yugoslav Question“ in the recent future.
Пред Вама се налази збирка од двадесет и седам огледа из области повести, антропологије, етнологије и пре свега политике југословенских народа и народности, а који су написани у последње четири године и објављивани на неколико интернет страница информативних служби/сервиса српске и србијанске опозиционе (антивладине) провенијенције са којих су преузимани од стране других организација и удружења који су их објављивали на својим порталима и форумима у изворном облику. За ову збирку аутор је сваки чланак ажурирао са најновијим подацима, а датум коначне верзије сваког текста се налази на његовом крају заједно са местом у коме је оглед угледао своју финалну форму за штампање у овој књизи у форми збирке.
Збирка носи наслов Огледи из Југославологије, тј. из опште научне дисциплине која се бави „југословенским“ тематикама и областима истраживања. Пред Вама се налази књига за коју је аутор убеђен да неће имати никаквог практичног утицаја на дневнополитичка догађања у региону, а поготово у Републици Остатака (Остатака) Србије и нарочито међ Србима, тј. да ће се и након читања ове књиге разбијање и даље уситњавање Српства и Србије од стране владајућих титоистичких структура и даље наставити под патронатом западних србомрзитеља, истих оних који су аустроугарског каплара и довели на власт у Београду октобра 1944. г., а чији је крајњи циљ да се границе државе Србије као западне марионетске колоније сведу у оквире које је прописао Ото фон Бизмарк на Берлинском конгресу 1878. г. уз стварање Велике Хрватске и Велике Шипније око „Бизмарк-Брозове“ Србије, што није и разлог да књига небуде написана, отштампана и прочитана.
This as a collection of twenty-seven essays from the field of anthropology, ethnology, and above all the politics of the Yugoslav peoples and nationalities, which were written in the last four years and published on several Serb opposition (anti-government) web information services. They have been later re-published by other organizations and associations on their web sites and forums. For this collection, the author updated each article with the latest data. The date of the final version of each text is at its end along with the place where the essays saw their final form for printing in this book.
The collection is titled “Essays from Yugoslavology”, ie. from the general scientific discipline which deals with the “Yugoslav” themes and research areas. This is the book that the author is convinced that it will have no practical impact on the daily political events in the region, especially in the Republic of the Rest (of the Rest) of Serbia and especially among the Serbs, ie. that after reading this book the further fragmentation of the Serbian nation and Serbia by the governing structure of Serbia composed by the Titoist Communist commarades under the auspices of the Western Serbophobes – the same ones who Austro-Hungarian corporal Joseph Broz Tito (1892−1980) from Croatia brought to the power in Belgrade in October 1944 is going to continue. Their ultimate political goals are to reduce the territory of Serbia, as a Western puppet colony, to the borders prescribed by Otto von Bismarck at the Berlin Congress in 1878 and to create a Greater Croatia, Greater Albania and enlarged Hungary around “Bismarck-Broz’s” remains of Serbia.
This is a book about a long process of destruction of Serbian nation and Serbia by her Balkan and West Euro-American enemies in the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century with historical background of Serbian relations with the most important neighbours. The western destruction of Serbdom in the Balkans is only a part of the preparations of the West for the last crucide against Russia – the Third and the Last World War during which Europe as a continent will definitelly disapear like Atlantida. The Balkan Serbs and Serbia are the first collateral victims in this struggle.
1. Present the main reasons and historical backgrounds of the current Serbian-Albanian dispute over the region of Kosovo
2. Present the crucial questions and features about the region
3. Present the most important points of the EU and the rest of “International Community” policy towards the “Kosovo Question”
4. Present Serbia’s and Kosovo’s politics towards the EU and possibility to join it in the future
The seminar format is divided into three parts:
1. Lecturing with power point presentation
2. Seminar with video material
3. Common discussion with active participation of the participants
The final aims of the seminar are to:
1. Understand the real complexity of the “Kosovo Question”
2. Understand the justifiable way of solving the problem
3. Understand the real possibility and problems of the EU enlargement in the area of the Central Balkans
Basic literature:
1. Michael Parenti, To Kill a Nation. The Attack on Yugoslavia, London-New York: Verso, 2000
2. Hannes Hofbauer, Experiment Kosovo. Die Rückkehr des Kolonialismus, Wien, 2008
3. Edward S. Herman, David Peterson, The Politics of Genocide, 2010
4. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, Museum in Prishtina (displaced), The March Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija, March 17-19, 2004, with a survey of destroyed and endangered Christian cultural heritage, Belgrade, 2004