Papers by Sulthon Rohmadin
Widya praja, May 28, 2020
Pandemi virus corona menuntut seluruh sektor untuk berbenah dan menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi ... more Pandemi virus corona menuntut seluruh sektor untuk berbenah dan menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi normal baru (new normal), tidak terkecuali organisasi Pemerintah Daerah. Pemerintah Daerah sebaiknya melakukan beberapa langkah perubahan untuk memberikan dorongan (driving force) agar organisasi pemerintah daerah lebih efektif dan efisien dalam menjalan tugas dan fungsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan konsep baru dalam rangka penataan organisasi pemerintah daerah di era "new normal", serta menghadapi revolusi industry 4.0 dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi literatur. Konsep baru yang ditawarkan dalam penataaan organisasi pemerintah daerah mencakup 6 (enam) aspek, diantaranya aspek strategi, aspek struktur, aspek proses, aspek masyarakat, aspek teknologi dan aspek kepemimpinan.
Jurnal Konstituen, 2019
Abstrak Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang kemungkinan kelayakan pemekaran Kecamatan Lamboya Kabupa... more Abstrak Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang kemungkinan kelayakan pemekaran Kecamatan Lamboya Kabupaten Sumba Barat berdasarkan PP No. 19 Tahun 2008 tentang Kecamatan. Analisis kelayakan pemekaran Kecamatan Lamboya dilakukan berdasarkan kelayakan administratif, teknis, dan fisik kewilayahan. Hasilnya, secara administratif, Kecamatan Lamboya layak untuk dimekarkan. Secara teknis juga layak dimekarkan. Sedangkan secara fisik kewilayahan belum layak untuk dimekarkan. Kata Kunci : Administratif; Fisik Kewilayahan; Kelayakan; Pemekaran dan Teknis..
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani
A sub-district with a Camat as its leader is not an ordinary organization that carries out a cert... more A sub-district with a Camat as its leader is not an ordinary organization that carries out a certain field of government affairs. But they are responsible for a work area and its contents, namely society and its activities. The Camat's workload is closely related to the size of the area, the number of people served, and their distribution. Kuala Kencana sub-district has an area of 860,74 km2 with a population of 27,774 people, making it one of the most densely populated sub-districts in Mimika Regency. You can imagine how hard the task is, coupled with the relatively limited transportation and communication facilities and infrastructure. As a result, many people are not served properly. One way out is to split the sub-district into two so that the coverage area and population served are smaller. On the other hand, the number of ASN serving them increases. This study uses an exploratory method by operationalizing the concept of scenario planning. The stages are Identify Focal Is...
In line with the President Jokowi’s Government Vision for the 2019-2024 period which focuses on “... more In line with the President Jokowi’s Government Vision for the 2019-2024 period which focuses on “Excellent human Resources”, the bureaucratic reform requires the structuring and strengthening of apparatus resources, one of which is through ASN position competency standards. Job competency standards are used for employee procurement, appointment in office, promotion, transfer between positions, career development and awards for ASN. The method used in this study is tailor made method combined with FGD (expert meeting) method with related bureaucratic apparatus, and Delphi technique, which is one of the techniques for involving stakeholders in decision making/policy by gathering opinions through questionnaires/questionnaire. This study resulted in the concept of competency standards for high-level leadership positions in the Majalengka Regency Inspectorate consisting of managerial competencies (8 competencies), socio-cultural competencies (1 competency), technical competencies (8 comp...
Bu calisma, pazarlama yonetiminin uygulanmasi uzerine yerel ajans algisini belirlemek, pazarlama ... more Bu calisma, pazarlama yonetiminin uygulanmasi uzerine yerel ajans algisini belirlemek, pazarlama yonetimini kullanarak olasiligi analiz etmek ve yerel olarak pazarlama yonetimi uygulamasinda uygun stratejileri belirlemek icin odaklanmistir Bandung Regency Endonezya 'da kamu sektoru. Kullanilan yontem, nitel yaklasimla arastirmaci 'dir. Analiz yontemi bazi asamalari ile senaryo planlama: stratejik analiz; Senaryo olusturma; Strateji bulma; Strateji formulasyonu. Veri roportaj, gozlem, dokumantasyon ve triangulation yaparak toplanir. Muhbirler Bandung 'un naibi, bolge sekreteri, bappeda 'nin Baskani, egitim ve Kultur Ofisi Baskani ve 10 ogretmen. Sonuclar, urun, Fiyat, yer, promosyon, insan, fiziksel kanit ve surec destek ofis egitim ve kultur Bandung Regency icin ofiste pazarlama yonetimi uygulama destegi, Fiyat yonunu desteklemiyor gosterir. Bu analizten, Grup Egitim ve kultur Bandung Regency icin ofis pazarlama yonetimi uygulamada dort senaryo vardir. Mevcut senaryo...
Jurnal MSDA (Manajemen Sumber Daya Aparatur)
Indonesia’s bureaucratic condition in the current reform era has not shown a good development dir... more Indonesia’s bureaucratic condition in the current reform era has not shown a good development direction, because there are still many unprofessional bureaucrats, acting as rulers, running corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) practices at the central, provincial and district levels. In addition, bureaucrats tend to choose comfort zones without competition, but rather based on seniority. Bureaucrats are generally not ready to enter the competitive zone.To transform a reliable and professional bureaucracy, the Government has formulated strategic policies. One of them is the Perpres No. 81/2010 on the Grand Design of Indonesian Bureaucracy 2010-2025, which is followed up by the PermenPAN RB No. 37 of 2013 on Guidelines for Formulating the Local Government Bureaucratic Reform Roadmap.The method used in this study is tailor made method combined with FGD (expert meeting) method with related bureaucratic apparatus, and Delphi technique, which is one of the techniques for involving stake...
Jurnal Politik Pemerintahan Dharma Praja
Abstrak Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang kemungkinan kelayakan pemekaran Kecamatan Tana Righu Kabu... more Abstrak Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang kemungkinan kelayakan pemekaran Kecamatan Tana Righu Kabupaten Sumba Barat berdasarkan PP No. 19 Tahun 2008 tentang Kecamatan. Analisis kelayakan pemekaran Kecamatan Tana Righu dilakukan berdasarkan kelayakan administratif, teknis, dan fisik kewilayahan. Hasilnya, secara administratif, Kecamatan Tana Righu layak untuk dimekarkan. Secara teknis juga layak dimekarkan. Sedangkan secara fisik kewilayahan belum layak untuk dimekarkan. Kata kunci: kelayakan, pemekaran, teknis, fisik kewilayahan, dan administratif.
TRANSFORMASI: Jurnal Manajemen Pemerintahan, Aug 14, 2019
T he research undertaken has the objective to analyze the wide area, demography and area coverage... more T he research undertaken has the objective to analyze the wide area, demography and area coverage in order to provide policy recommendations related to the regulation of regency in West Java Province as mandated by UU 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. This study used tailor made method which directs a comprehensive study results become a major consideration for policy makers in the formulation of policy. The results of the analysis show that only Bogor Regency has the most complete feasibility to be expanded into district and city compared to other districts in West Java. While Cianjur, Bekasi and Garut have the feasibility to form City.
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Widya Praja
Pandemi virus corona menuntut seluruh sektor untuk berbenah dan menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi ... more Pandemi virus corona menuntut seluruh sektor untuk berbenah dan menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi normal baru (new normal), tidak terkecuali organisasi Pemerintah Daerah. Pemerintah Daerah sebaiknya melakukan beberapa langkah perubahan untuk memberikan dorongan (driving force) agar organisasi pemerintah daerah lebih efektif dan efisien dalam menjalan tugas dan fungsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan konsep baru dalam rangka penataan organisasi pemerintah daerah di era “new normal“ serta menghadapi revolusi industry 4.0 dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi literatur. Konsep baru yang ditawarkan dalam penataaan organisasi pemerintah daerah mencakup 6 (enam) aspek, diantaranya aspek strategi, aspek struktur, aspek proses, aspek masyarakat, aspek teknologi dan aspek kepemimpinan.
Papers by Sulthon Rohmadin