Papers by Rudolf Schoberberger
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, Jul 1, 2011
Beurteilung der Nachhaltigkeit des Public Health Programms "Schlank ohne Diät" Zusammenfassung. H... more Beurteilung der Nachhaltigkeit des Public Health Programms "Schlank ohne Diät" Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: In den Industrieländern steigt die Prävalenz von Adipositas und den damit assoziierten Erkrankungen kontinuierlich und wird zunehmend zu einer fi nanziellen Belastung für die Gesundheits-und Sozialsysteme. Um dem vorzubeugen bietet die Niederösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Sozialmedizin der Medizinischen Universität Wien das Gewichtsreduktionsprogramm "Schlank ohne Diät (SOD)" an. Das Programm basiert auf Verhaltensmodifi kation im Ess-und Bewegungsverhalten der Teilnehmer. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Daten 4.053 Personen mittels Statistikprogramm SPSS (Version 15) deskriptiv ausgewertet und die Nachhaltigkeit beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die wissenschaftlich empfohlene Zielgruppe von Gewichtsreduktionsprogrammen sowohl in Bezug auf BMI und Alter der Teilnehmer erreicht wird und auch der Erfolg bei der Gewichtsreduktion mit anderen Programmen vergleichbar ist. Nachuntersuchungen im Rahmen des Schlank ohne Diät-Programmes sechs bzw. zwölf Monate nach Programmende zeigten, dass eine durchschnittliche Gewichtsreduktion von 4,26 kg vom Ausgangsgewicht gehalten werden konnte. Jene Teilnehmer, die den Th erapieempfehlungen folgen, haben einen signifi kant höheren Gewichtsverlust, die Gewichtsabnahme korreliert ebenfalls mit der Zahl der besuchten Gruppenstunden (p < 0,001). Die Teilnahmefrequenz bei den beiden Nachuntersuchungen zeigt aber eine sinkende Tendenz von bis zu 75 Prozent. Schlussfolgerungen: Um einen langfristigen Erfolg in der Gewichtsreduktion zu erzielen, gilt es neue Methoden zu entwickeln, die die Motivation und Compliance der Teil
PubMed, 1995
In a multicenter study by 243 practicing physicians in Austria 819 severely obese subjects of bot... more In a multicenter study by 243 practicing physicians in Austria 819 severely obese subjects of both sexes without overt disease were encouraged to keep a calorie-restricted diet to reduce weight. After a run-in period of more than two weeks of dieting patients started taking 15 mg dexfenfluramine (Isomeride) twice daily for three month. While their weight was fairly stable during the run-in period progressive weight loss occurred during taking dexfenfluramine due to obvious changes in eating habits and appetite allowing to keep the reducing diet more strictly. Females lost 7.7 +/- 3.9 kg while obese men lost 9.32 +/- 4.6 kg. Laboratory tests obtained before starting dexfenfluramine and after 3 months at termination of medication showed blood glucose, cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides to decrease while HDL-cholesterol increased moderately. Dexfenfluramine was well tolerated by the majority of patients. Side effects such as fatigue, sedation, flatulence or diarrhea occurred in only 7.9% of the probands initially and dropped to 2.1% during the third month of the medication. It is concluded that Dexfenfluramine modifies eating habits and appetite thus making weight reducing diets easier acceptable and resulting in weight loss. It is suggested that Dexfenfluramine has a role in treatment regimes for morbid and refractory obesity.
PubMed, 1997
Among disorders of appetite and eating frequent craving of carbohydrate containing snacks between... more Among disorders of appetite and eating frequent craving of carbohydrate containing snacks between meals is well known. Excessive carbohydrate consumption causes increased caloric intake and may lead to overweight and risks of obesity regarding metabolism and vascular remodelling. Up to now prevalence and consequences of that disorder have never been studied in the Austrian population. Hence we investigated by questionnaires and interviews eating habits in samples of 1058 women and 942 men of the Austrian population. Evaluation showed that carbohydrate craving is a more or less serious problem for about 30% of Austrians. Women, especially those with overweight, were affected more frequently than men. In the whole population sample investigated there was a seasonal variation with a tendency to increased carbohydrate craving in fall and winter. This was, however, not significant for overweight women, they probably eat their snacks over the whole year. A subgroup of males reported craving of snacks containing sausage or meat instead of carbohydrate. Craving of carbohydrate is considered the consequence of a decrease of serotonin in appetite regulating neurons and centers of the brain. Treatment of craving by drugs inhibiting the re-uptake of serotonin into afferant neurons is discussed. Medication of this type is, however, hampered by cardiovascular side effects observed with fenfluramines.
PubMed, Jul 30, 1989
Positive compliance is essential for the successful treatment of coronary heart disease. To study... more Positive compliance is essential for the successful treatment of coronary heart disease. To study the reasons for non-compliance of patients with angina pectoris 50 patients out of a sample of 2000 persons were recruited. Randomized telephone-calls were used. The 50 angina pectoris patients were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Another questionnaire was sent to all general practitioners and specialists for internal diseases in Austria. 675 doctors replied. The responding physicians reported a 68.9% positive compliance of the patients to pharmaceutical treatment of angina pectoris. Nevertheless most of the physicians believe that about half of the patients sometimes forget to take their medicine or change their therapeutic scheme or don't take the prescribed drugs if they have no symptoms. Patients suffering from angina pectoris confirm compliance problems, but significantly less often than doctors.
PubMed, Dec 1, 1990
"Schlank ohne Diät" ("Weight-Reduction Without Diet") is a strategy to normalize body weight, by ... more "Schlank ohne Diät" ("Weight-Reduction Without Diet") is a strategy to normalize body weight, by influencing multiple factors that appear to influence and promote obesity. The base line of therapy is the modification of nutritional habits. Self-control, especially monitoring and recording of caloric intake and the loss of energy by physical activities is the key that trains every client to change his nutritional habits and helps to reduce body weight and keep normal body weight stable. In a retrospective study, including 134 persons, 84 clients (62.69%) were able to reduce body weight, 9 clients (6.72%) reached starting point of weight and in 30, 60% (41 clients) during the participation in this methods an increase of body weight was seen. On an average 120 clients achieved a weight reduction of 5.98 kg during the participation in this methode. The loss of weight ranged from 1 to 31 kg per person.
PubMed, 1992
130 medical and 130 administrative heads were asked to fill in a structured questionnaire to obta... more 130 medical and 130 administrative heads were asked to fill in a structured questionnaire to obtain an assessment of meals provided in Austrian hospitals. 62 questionnaires in each group were returned fully completed. Meals: öS 46,--are available per patient and day; whereby the costs of special diets are öS 11,--higher on average per day. Diets on offer: 96.8% of the questioned hospitals offered a diabetes diet; 95.2% a weight-reducing diet, 93.5% a light balanced diet and diet for patients with hyperlipidaemia and 90.3% a reduced salt diet (the worst accepted by the patients). 90.3% of these hospitals would consider dietary recommendations as a preventive measure. In fact, preventive dietary measure are implemented in 75.5% of the hospitals questioned. It was apparent that the staff in charge are aware of the influence of correct-nutrition in hospitals. It is recommended that nutritional advice should be offered more often in all wards (this is at present available in only 8.0% of the hospitals). It should be mentioned that financial resources concerning hospital meals should be increased for the more widespread establishment of "healthy food", too.
PubMed, May 1, 1991
"Schlank ohne Diät" ("Weight-Reduction Without Diet") is a strategy to normalize body weight, by ... more "Schlank ohne Diät" ("Weight-Reduction Without Diet") is a strategy to normalize body weight, by influencing multiple factors that appear to influence and promote obesity. The base line of therapy is the modification of nutritional habits. Self-control, especially monitoring and recording of calorie intake and the loss of energy by physical activities is the key that trains every client to change his nutritional habits and helps to reduce body weight and keep normal body weight stable. In a retrospective study, including 134 persons, 84 clients (62,69%) were able to reduce body weight, 9 clients (6,72%) reached starting point of weight and in 30,60% (41 clients) during the participation in this methods an increase of body weight was seen. On an average 120 clients achieved a weight reduction of 5.98 kg during the participation in this method. The loss of weight ranged from 1 to 31 kg per person.
Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, 2002
PubMed, Dec 1, 1999
The aim of the publication is to discuss reduced smoking as a concept to control tobacco-related ... more The aim of the publication is to discuss reduced smoking as a concept to control tobacco-related diseases. New scientific studies show that nicotine-replacement medications may be an untapped source in efforts to reduce smoking. This new indication for nicotine-replacement therapy was licensed for the first time in Denmark by the registration authority. Austrian data have shown that approximately 10 years after implementation, a 1% reduction in smoking could prevent 14 male cancers deaths each year. A 50% reduction could save 700 male lives. 100,000 lives (male and females) could be saved in the European Union annually by a reduction like this including other tobacco-related diseases. Even a 1% reduction would save 1,000 lives. These data are supplemented by the new hypothesis of longer induction time (of lung cancer): Even if this theory fails for the individual smoker, a remarkable gain in years of life will result for society if illness is a probability-based event. A new term of delayed and/or reduced incidence will be a result of this hypothesis. Nevertheless, primary abstinence will remain the most desirable goal in efforts to control tobacco-related diseases. However, most primary prevention campaigns failed, and it will take 30-40 years to translate primary prevention into major health benefits. Reduced smoking should be licensed as a valid method for those unwilling or unable to stop smoking.
Der Internist, Dec 8, 1998
ABSTRACT Das vorliegende “Wiener Standard Raucher-Inventar” (WSR) wurde erstellt, um die Durchfüh... more ABSTRACT Das vorliegende “Wiener Standard Raucher-Inventar” (WSR) wurde erstellt, um die Durchführung der Erstdiagnostik bzw. Begleitdiagnostik im Zusammenhang mit der Rauchertherapie zu optimieren. Die einzelnen Teile des WSR reichen von allgemeinen Lebensdaten, über Prä-Abstinenz-Syndrom und Nikotinabhängigkeit bis zu möglichen Barrieren zur Raucherentwöhnung. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, daß das WSR von den Therapeuten nach der jeweiligen Ausbildung und Vorerfahrung individuell genützt werden soll, um so einen jeweils spezifischen Zugang zum Problem offen zu lassen.
PubMed, Dec 8, 1989
Interviews of 1000 probands - representative of the Austrian population - on the subject of healt... more Interviews of 1000 probands - representative of the Austrian population - on the subject of health consciousness/nutrition show the following results: --about a quarter (26%) of the population is health-conscious and acts in accordance with this viewpoint --almost half of the Austrians (47%) characterize themselves as being health-conscious, but do not live according to this attitude --the rest of the population, nearly a quarter (22%), has not developed a health-conscious attitude. Health-conscious persons would welcome the introduction of new "more healthy" foods on the market. They would like to have more products of high-fibre foods (60%), skimmed or semi-skimmed milk (56%), low-fat sausages and cheese (51%), special vegetable fat for cooking (50%), drinks with less sugar/alcohol (48%), low fat spread (43%), special margarines (43%) and cheese, sausages and bread with less salt (40%). Persons lacking a health-conscious attitude do not believe that it is essential for such products to be available. They think that similar effects could be reached if probands modified their eating behaviour accordingly more economic nutrition.
PubMed, 1994
For promoting health the "Fonds Gesundes Osterreich" worked out an "Intervention Programme Agains... more For promoting health the "Fonds Gesundes Osterreich" worked out an "Intervention Programme Against Smoking". In cooperation with different institutions as "Osterreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Volksgesundheit", "Ludwig-Boltzmann Institut für Gesundheitspsychologie der Frau" and "Institute of Social Medicine, University of Vienna" a report on smoking and health, an update on smoking in pregnancy and associated health hazards, report and overview of smoking cessation in Austria and state of the art of smoking cessation therapy were carried out. Based on these projects curricula for physicians, pharmacists, midwives and psychologists were prepared to involve more and more health professionals that smoking cessation treatment will become a generally accepted part of any preventive or therapeutic strategy to control tobacco associated diseases. The target group of the intervention programme is the dissonant smoker, who wants to stop smoking, informing him and providing professional help. Many techniques ranging from self help to sophisticated combined therapeutic approaches including pharmacological interventions are now available to deal with the nicotine addiction problem. For health policy and public health smoking cessation will be one approach within the framework of a comprehensive approach to control the most important modern epidemic, the health damages caused by tobacco consumption.
Stark nikotinabhangigen RaucherInnen steht heute, neben ambulanten Angeboten, auch eine dreiwochi... more Stark nikotinabhangigen RaucherInnen steht heute, neben ambulanten Angeboten, auch eine dreiwochige stationare Therapie zur Verfugung, deren Kosten von verschiedenen Krankenkassen, wie etwa der Versicherungsanstalt fur Eisenbahnen und Bergbau, der Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse und der Oberosterreichischen Gebietskrankenkasse, ubernommen werden.
Papers by Rudolf Schoberberger