Papers by Rwegasha Ishemo
International journal of education and social science research, 2024
The widespread reports of school adolescents being victimized by sexual harassment have raised co... more The widespread reports of school adolescents being victimized by sexual harassment have raised concerns towards understanding how adolescents cope with such incidents. This study assessed the influence of perpetrator identity on the likelihood of schoolgirls employing certain sexual harassment coping strategies. The utilized a descriptive cross sectional design. The target population constituted of adolescent ordinary level secondary schoolgirls in Mbulu Town Council and the sample size was 400 girls. The sampling procedure was a two stages cluster sampling. The data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by binary logistic regression using the Statistical Package for Social Science software version 27. Perpetrator identities were found to influence coping strategies adopted by schoolgirls. Harassment from senior students was likely to elicit normalization coping strategy whereas stranger harassment was less likely to elicit engagement coping strategy. Harassment from classmates, senior students and strangers was likely to prompt detachment coping strategy whereas help-seeking coping strategy was a likely response towards non-teaching staff harassment. It was recommended that adolescents should be provided with educational programs on sexual harassment which include information on consent, boundaries and personal rights so as to mitigate the tendency of normalizing harassment particularly in peer relationships. Also, the programs should emphasize the usage of help seeking rather than other strategies regardless of the identity of the perpetrator.
International journal of innovative research and development, Mar 14, 2024
The curriculum is the backbone of education. It is the key and indispensable part of the academic... more The curriculum is the backbone of education. It is the key and indispensable part of the academic and training system that contains immense aims of scientific, thought, social, cultural, political, and moral facets. Of note, the fastgrowing global technology systems in societies exalt pressure on the need for a curriculum that fits the purpose (Tiari, 2019). The curriculum represents a conscious and systematic selection of knowledge, skills, and values, a selection that shapes the way teaching, learning, and assessment processes are organized by addressing questions such as what, why, when, and how students should learn (Stabback, 2016). The curriculum prepares the needed conditions based on learners' needs and positions, albeit it has the most challenging and controversial theoretical recognition aspects. Nevertheless, it requires teachers to design and share experiences that learners will acquire and understand not only theoretical aspects but also practical content (Tiari, 2019). This implies that curriculum entails a system of teaching that includes educational materials and resources and recognizes a teacher as the most substantial part of the education process. It is an important part of an educational program, as it helps to change the behavior of students and fulfills their needs. Therefore, the curriculum, scheme of work, lesson plan, different patterns, and educational design remain the fundamentals of the educational and training system placed in to achieve the learning process for the student. The curriculum is continually changing to suit the needs of changing society and changing knowledge. With the advancement of science and technology, knowledge is spreading, and society is changing. Change links societal needs to school needs to bring out dynamic personalities that can address societal needs effectively. Change strategies in the curriculum are at the top of the agenda to make the curriculum more attractive and responsive to the socioeconomic and labor market needs of the country (Davies, 1994). Change leads to more effective and efficient use of resources. It confirms that curriculum change is inevitable in any society. It should be understood that the key driver to curriculum change success is the development of teachers' knowledge, skills, and attitudes and the alignment of teacher training methods. Of note, the need for curriculum change rests on the fact that lack of clear explanation and inadequate knowledge and skills to
International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanitie
The study on the conception of the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) process was examined among se... more The study on the conception of the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) process was examined among secondary school academic members of staff within the Njombe Region in Tanzania. The aim of the study was to examine internal quality assurers’ conception of the IQA process. The study employed a qualitative research approach because internal quality assurance is a neweducational reform that was introduced officially in schools by the government of Tanzania in 2021. Always new reform brought fear to teachers in terms of the conception of the new idea itself and the way it can be conducted. Therefore, to come up with the clear and deep understanding of the newobligation, a qualitative study was needed with a descriptive case study design to check participants’ lived experiences, beliefs, attitudes, behavior, perception and interaction which allowed inner feelings and opinions concerning the phenomenon in theirreal life situation. Nevertheless, the study was guided by two theories which are ...
Many developing countries have been implementing the learner centered approach to improve learnin... more Many developing countries have been implementing the learner centered approach to improve learning and poor performance of students. The approach enables the system of education to achieve quality education. This article discusses the characteristics of the learner centered approach in an educational provision. Execution of the foregoing learning paradigm encounters various challenges. The observation indicates challenges that have been affecting teachers, students and in general the system of education. It explains teachers’ misconceptions and students’ resistances against the preceding educational approach. In addition, the article describes the influence of cultural attributes on this style of teaching and learning. It ends by presenting suggestions for improving the implementation of the learner centered approach as well as the educational provision.
Many developing countries have been borrowing educational policies and practices from abroad. The... more Many developing countries have been borrowing educational policies and practices from abroad. These nations need foreign programs in efforts to improve teaching, learning, and students’ performance. Educators aimed at learning and adopting educational policies and practices from countries and systems that demonstrate excellent educational provisions. They expect to acquire education programs to achieve quality education in their home countries. This article provides knowledge regarding the borrowing process. It discusses the process, principles and states why educators should accomplish the task. It gives some insights regarding the accurate ways for borrowing. Based on these perspectives, the article presents the model of borrowing and features and suggests the perfect methods to carry out the borrowing properly.
Many developing countries have adopted the learner centered approach to be employed during the te... more Many developing countries have adopted the learner centered approach to be employed during the teaching and learning process. The purpose was to implement the educational practices guided by the learner centered approach to improve teaching, learning, and performance of students. This paper discusses the development of various educational programs that are guiding educational practices in Tanzania. It describes the aims of these programs in supporting the educational provision. The execution of the learner centered approach encounters various challenges. The observation indicates challenges that have been affecting teachers, students, and the system of education. In addition, this paper explains the educational transfer and borrowing of educational programs from overseas. It describes the instructions and suggestions on how to make a quality curriculum and its implementation. It ends by presenting the suggestions of educators on how to improve the implementation of the learner cente...
The transformation from teacher centered to learner centered teaching has been one of the most im... more The transformation from teacher centered to learner centered teaching has been one of the most important contemporary trends in the provision of education. Studies in various national and cultural contexts have been reporting several issues addressing about this shift. The issues include how the transformation is promoted, implemented, as well as challenges in the course. This article discusses general insights of the implementation of the learner centered teaching. It describes conceptualization of the learner centered teaching. It also explains the processes of promoting and implementing the learner centered teaching. The article ends by summarizing conclusions made about the implementation of the learner centered teaching. Keywords : learner centered teaching, teacher centered, implementation, performance.
The system of education has been introducing philosophy and policies to guide the educational pro... more The system of education has been introducing philosophy and policies to guide the educational provision. The philosophy and policies enable the system of education to facilitate the implementation processes and achieve quality education. This article describes some educational aspects which have been established in Tanzania to support the provision of education at various levels. It discusses the progress of implementation of the philosophy of education for self-reliance, learner centered approach, and fee-free education policy. The observation indicates the implementation processes and the challenges encountered during the process of implementation. The article ends by presenting suggestions for improving the implementation processes and the fee-free education policy as well as the quality of education.
Papers by Rwegasha Ishemo