The main aim of health promotion and diseases profilaxis is a struggle with smoking, which is a w... more The main aim of health promotion and diseases profilaxis is a struggle with smoking, which is a well known factor in many disorders, i.e. malignant carcinomas, noncarcinomatous diseases of respiratory system and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was the analysis of the smoking level amongst the students of 6th year of the Medical Faculty of Wroclaw Medical University. Amongst 131 polled women--116 were non-smoking persons (88.5%), 15 smoking (11.5%). Amongst 55 polled men--43 these are non-smoking persons (78%), 12 smoking (22%). Out of smoking women, the most women (6) is smoking from 11 to 15 cigarettes per day, out of smoking men, the most (5 men)--6-10 cigarettes per day. Smoking women began smoking during the secondary school the most often. 8 of men began the smoking in the secondary school. The majority of examined didn't try to limit smoking. Respondents would expect the biggest support from close persons during giving up smoking Only 59% of women and 64% of men disagree definitely to smoking in their presence. In the consequence of above results surprising seems still high percentage of smokers amongst examined, scantiness of taking attempts of giving up smoking and indifference of non-smoking medical students towards smoking in their presence.
Making conditional on the smoking is making the essential problem of the contemporary society. Co... more Making conditional on the smoking is making the essential problem of the contemporary society. Conducted examinations are pointing in Poland and in the world that the number of young people which are reaching for the first cigarette is soaring together with age. The aim of the study was an analysis of smoking amongst students of the Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole. Group of 290 stationary and non-stationary students of the Nursing Institute and the Obstetrics Institute of the Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole was put through an examination. Out of polled --72 students (24.8%) is smoking cigarettes but 218 students (75.2%) are non-smoking persons. 13.8% of the examined group of non-stationary students is smoking cigarettes, however smoking cigarettes is declaring 29% of the examined on stationary studies. Polled the most, well as far as 70.8%, began smoking cigarettes during the secondary school. 62.5% smoking persons tried to give up smoking having the harmfulness of smoking in mind. Unfortunately these attempts ended in failure. The students would expect the biggest support from close persons (the husband, the wife) during giving up smoking, 93.1% of examined is confirming such an opinion.
Purpose of the study: To determine the level of alcohol intake (including risky drinking) and tob... more Purpose of the study: To determine the level of alcohol intake (including risky drinking) and tobacco smoking among students of higher medical schools, as well as the level of students' knowledge about epidemiology and consequences of alcohol abuse. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 2010-2012 and involved 1054 students of medical school. The majority of the participants were female (82.3%). Average age of respondents was 25.13 years (SD = 6.64, median = 24). The questionnaire was to determine the students' knowledge of alcohol abuse, short version of AUDIT and questions about tobacco smoking. Results: The average 100% alcohol intake in Poland was correctly identified by 32.0% (318) of students. The alcohol level in blood which indicates the state after alcohol intake was correctly determined by 57.2% (571) of respondents. Tobacco was the choice of 13.8% (138) of students as the main health risk factor and cause of premature deaths in Europe, alcohol was chosen by 17.8% (177). Cirrhosis was recognized correctly by 52% of students (521) as the most frequent disease caused by alcohol in European men. Regarding the question about the biochemical indicators helpful in diagnostics of alcohol abuse only 27.6% (275) indicated correctly: MCV and GGT. In short version of AUDIT 32.2% (238) of women gained 4 points and above, 56.2% (91) of men gained 5 points and above. Among women: 3.5% (28) have 14 and above standardized portions of an alcoholic drinks during week. Among men: 6.5% (11) have 28 and above standardized portions of an alcoholic drinks during week. Non-smokers represent 20.6% (205) of respondents. A majority (39.4%, 82) indicate they smoke not more than 5 cigarettes per day. The students first began smoking in secondary (21.7%, 45) and high school (45.9%, 95). Smokers statistically significantly more often (p<0.001) drink alcohol. More than four times higher percentage of smokers (10.0% vs 2.3% non-smokers) drink in a day when they drink 10 or more standardized portions of an alcoholic drink (p<0.001). Those who drink at least once a month drink 6 standardized portions of an alcoholic drink statistically significantly more often (p<0.001)were smokers (21.8% vs 10.8% non-smokers). Smokers were more than four times more likely (13.4%) than non-smokers (3.2%) to drink 6 standardized portions of an alcoholic drink once a week. During the majority of weekdays, 6 standardized portions of an alcoholic drink were taken by 2.48% (5) of smokers (vs 0% non-smokers). Conclusions: A high percentage of students in medical schools drink riskily. Especially the risky drinking was observed among smoking students. The level of knowledge gained by respondents about alcohol abuse is still insufficient. Programs that promote avoiding tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse are necessary among children during the first years of education (in primary school and earlier).
Referat wygloszony podczas XII Kongresu Pielegniarek Polskich w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja... more Referat wygloszony podczas XII Kongresu Pielegniarek Polskich w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, Krakow 12-14 czerwca 2014 r. Referat dostepny rowniez w publikacji "Pielegniarstwo na rzecz milenijnych celow" pod adresem
The smoking is a multifaceted social problem. Early beginning smoking by children and young peopl... more The smoking is a multifaceted social problem. Early beginning smoking by children and young people are increasing the risk of the quicker appearance of tobacco related diseases and mortality of people in a productive age. It is a cause of the higher death rate than AIDS, the alcoholism, car accidents, drugs, fires, homicides and suicides assessed together in the world. Even though smoking is making greatest risk, its prevention is possible and should be an element of the health education understood widely. The aim of the study was the ccomparison of the knowledge level of stationary and non-stationary students of the Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole on the subject of the health results of smoking. Students of non-stationary studies demonstrated the higher level of the knowledge on the subject of health results of smoking. The stationary students, young people, don't realize a nicotine addiction as the strong risk fully--11.2% of examined is negating a fact that the smoking can cause so strong addiction, like taking drugs.
It turned out that 1999 was crucial in primary health care in Poland. The institution of fami1y d... more It turned out that 1999 was crucial in primary health care in Poland. The institution of fami1y doctor (a manager of medical services) became dominant. The main thread of our paper is how these changes influenced an patients’ estimation of quality and medical services acessibility for the community. We present very subjective estimation of primary care functionality and medical services acessibility but also the most effective because descended from patients - receivers these services.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę
Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleWyzwania stawiane przed jednostką we współczesnym świe... more Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleWyzwania stawiane przed jednostką we współczesnym świecie, choroby cywilizacyjne i niekorzystne tendencje zdrowotne powodują, że praca przedstawicieli ochrony zdrowia oraz wszystkich, którzy zajmują się zdrowiem, staje się niezwykle istotna. Szczególna rola przypada tu przede wszystkim pielęgniarkom i położnym, na co dzień zajmujących się zdrowiem swoich podopiecznych w różnych fazach ich życia i zdrowia. Ochrona wartości, jaką jest zdrowie i pomnażanie jego potencjału to idea, którą odnajdujemy w zawodach pielęgniarki, położnej czy lekarza. Jeszcze do niedawna, udział w opiece zdrowotnej wiązał się głównie z korzystaniem ze świadczeń w sposób bierny, natomiast obecnie, to również branie odpowiedzialności za zdrowie własne i innych ludzi oraz czynne uczestnictwo w tworzeniu środowiska sprzyjającego zdrowiu. Budowanie świadomości zdrowotnej społeczeństwa, opartej na przekonaniu, że styl życia jest głównym, modyfikowalnym czynnikiem determinu...
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperIntroduction: Proper health behaviours and healthy eating ... more Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperIntroduction: Proper health behaviours and healthy eating are a significant factor that helps maintain health and reduce the risk of diseases. The varied food intake is a key element of proper nutrition every man. Proper diet also affects our productivity at work, at college, and on the development of social relationships and perform household duties. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the variety of food consumption among students of different universities in Poland. Material and Methods: As the study technique a standardized questionnaire variety of food consumption FIVeQ was used, developed by Eve Niedźwiedzka and Lydia Wądołowska from the Department of Human Nutrition University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Questionnaire consists of 79 questions. The questions concerned the variety of food consumption or consumption of various range of products from basic 8 food groups. The study was conducted on a group of 282 people in t...
Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleDziedziną, która w ciągu ostatnich lat osiągnęła znacz... more Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleDziedziną, która w ciągu ostatnich lat osiągnęła znaczny stopień popularności w skali globalnej jest promocja zdrowia. Wynika to nie tylko z jej historii (choć stosunkowo krótkiej) czy dorobku, ale działań podejmowanych na jej płaszczyźnie i niejednokrotnie bardzo dobrych efektów tych działań. Współczesne trendy zdrowotne jak i statystyki dotyczące zachorowalności czy umieralności wskazują na konieczność realizowania zadań z zakresu promocji zdrowia, bowiem tendencje te wynikają w dużej mierze z niewłaściwego czy też nieracjonalnego stylu życia jednostek, a często również z deficytu wiedzy. Aby jednak uczynić go bardziej racjonalnym, potrzebna jest wiedza upowszechniana przez profesjonalistów, tj. osoby merytorycznie przygotowane do jej krzewienia. Promocja zdrowia nie jest jedynie ideą, która ma zapełniać niszę w naukach o zdrowiu, ale przez lata wdrażania i kultywowania pewnych zasad i przekonań, wynikających z doświadczeń i obserwacji, o...
The main aim of health promotion and diseases profilaxis is a struggle with smoking, which is a w... more The main aim of health promotion and diseases profilaxis is a struggle with smoking, which is a well known factor in many disorders, i.e. malignant carcinomas, noncarcinomatous diseases of respiratory system and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was the analysis of the smoking level amongst the students of 6th year of the Medical Faculty of Wroclaw Medical University. Amongst 131 polled women--116 were non-smoking persons (88.5%), 15 smoking (11.5%). Amongst 55 polled men--43 these are non-smoking persons (78%), 12 smoking (22%). Out of smoking women, the most women (6) is smoking from 11 to 15 cigarettes per day, out of smoking men, the most (5 men)--6-10 cigarettes per day. Smoking women began smoking during the secondary school the most often. 8 of men began the smoking in the secondary school. The majority of examined didn't try to limit smoking. Respondents would expect the biggest support from close persons during giving up smoking Only 59% of women and 64% of men disagree definitely to smoking in their presence. In the consequence of above results surprising seems still high percentage of smokers amongst examined, scantiness of taking attempts of giving up smoking and indifference of non-smoking medical students towards smoking in their presence.
Making conditional on the smoking is making the essential problem of the contemporary society. Co... more Making conditional on the smoking is making the essential problem of the contemporary society. Conducted examinations are pointing in Poland and in the world that the number of young people which are reaching for the first cigarette is soaring together with age. The aim of the study was an analysis of smoking amongst students of the Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole. Group of 290 stationary and non-stationary students of the Nursing Institute and the Obstetrics Institute of the Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole was put through an examination. Out of polled --72 students (24.8%) is smoking cigarettes but 218 students (75.2%) are non-smoking persons. 13.8% of the examined group of non-stationary students is smoking cigarettes, however smoking cigarettes is declaring 29% of the examined on stationary studies. Polled the most, well as far as 70.8%, began smoking cigarettes during the secondary school. 62.5% smoking persons tried to give up smoking having the harmfulness of smoking in mind. Unfortunately these attempts ended in failure. The students would expect the biggest support from close persons (the husband, the wife) during giving up smoking, 93.1% of examined is confirming such an opinion.
Purpose of the study: To determine the level of alcohol intake (including risky drinking) and tob... more Purpose of the study: To determine the level of alcohol intake (including risky drinking) and tobacco smoking among students of higher medical schools, as well as the level of students' knowledge about epidemiology and consequences of alcohol abuse. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 2010-2012 and involved 1054 students of medical school. The majority of the participants were female (82.3%). Average age of respondents was 25.13 years (SD = 6.64, median = 24). The questionnaire was to determine the students' knowledge of alcohol abuse, short version of AUDIT and questions about tobacco smoking. Results: The average 100% alcohol intake in Poland was correctly identified by 32.0% (318) of students. The alcohol level in blood which indicates the state after alcohol intake was correctly determined by 57.2% (571) of respondents. Tobacco was the choice of 13.8% (138) of students as the main health risk factor and cause of premature deaths in Europe, alcohol was chosen by 17.8% (177). Cirrhosis was recognized correctly by 52% of students (521) as the most frequent disease caused by alcohol in European men. Regarding the question about the biochemical indicators helpful in diagnostics of alcohol abuse only 27.6% (275) indicated correctly: MCV and GGT. In short version of AUDIT 32.2% (238) of women gained 4 points and above, 56.2% (91) of men gained 5 points and above. Among women: 3.5% (28) have 14 and above standardized portions of an alcoholic drinks during week. Among men: 6.5% (11) have 28 and above standardized portions of an alcoholic drinks during week. Non-smokers represent 20.6% (205) of respondents. A majority (39.4%, 82) indicate they smoke not more than 5 cigarettes per day. The students first began smoking in secondary (21.7%, 45) and high school (45.9%, 95). Smokers statistically significantly more often (p<0.001) drink alcohol. More than four times higher percentage of smokers (10.0% vs 2.3% non-smokers) drink in a day when they drink 10 or more standardized portions of an alcoholic drink (p<0.001). Those who drink at least once a month drink 6 standardized portions of an alcoholic drink statistically significantly more often (p<0.001)were smokers (21.8% vs 10.8% non-smokers). Smokers were more than four times more likely (13.4%) than non-smokers (3.2%) to drink 6 standardized portions of an alcoholic drink once a week. During the majority of weekdays, 6 standardized portions of an alcoholic drink were taken by 2.48% (5) of smokers (vs 0% non-smokers). Conclusions: A high percentage of students in medical schools drink riskily. Especially the risky drinking was observed among smoking students. The level of knowledge gained by respondents about alcohol abuse is still insufficient. Programs that promote avoiding tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse are necessary among children during the first years of education (in primary school and earlier).
Referat wygloszony podczas XII Kongresu Pielegniarek Polskich w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja... more Referat wygloszony podczas XII Kongresu Pielegniarek Polskich w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, Krakow 12-14 czerwca 2014 r. Referat dostepny rowniez w publikacji "Pielegniarstwo na rzecz milenijnych celow" pod adresem
The smoking is a multifaceted social problem. Early beginning smoking by children and young peopl... more The smoking is a multifaceted social problem. Early beginning smoking by children and young people are increasing the risk of the quicker appearance of tobacco related diseases and mortality of people in a productive age. It is a cause of the higher death rate than AIDS, the alcoholism, car accidents, drugs, fires, homicides and suicides assessed together in the world. Even though smoking is making greatest risk, its prevention is possible and should be an element of the health education understood widely. The aim of the study was the ccomparison of the knowledge level of stationary and non-stationary students of the Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole on the subject of the health results of smoking. Students of non-stationary studies demonstrated the higher level of the knowledge on the subject of health results of smoking. The stationary students, young people, don't realize a nicotine addiction as the strong risk fully--11.2% of examined is negating a fact that the smoking can cause so strong addiction, like taking drugs.
It turned out that 1999 was crucial in primary health care in Poland. The institution of fami1y d... more It turned out that 1999 was crucial in primary health care in Poland. The institution of fami1y doctor (a manager of medical services) became dominant. The main thread of our paper is how these changes influenced an patients’ estimation of quality and medical services acessibility for the community. We present very subjective estimation of primary care functionality and medical services acessibility but also the most effective because descended from patients - receivers these services.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę
Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleWyzwania stawiane przed jednostką we współczesnym świe... more Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleWyzwania stawiane przed jednostką we współczesnym świecie, choroby cywilizacyjne i niekorzystne tendencje zdrowotne powodują, że praca przedstawicieli ochrony zdrowia oraz wszystkich, którzy zajmują się zdrowiem, staje się niezwykle istotna. Szczególna rola przypada tu przede wszystkim pielęgniarkom i położnym, na co dzień zajmujących się zdrowiem swoich podopiecznych w różnych fazach ich życia i zdrowia. Ochrona wartości, jaką jest zdrowie i pomnażanie jego potencjału to idea, którą odnajdujemy w zawodach pielęgniarki, położnej czy lekarza. Jeszcze do niedawna, udział w opiece zdrowotnej wiązał się głównie z korzystaniem ze świadczeń w sposób bierny, natomiast obecnie, to również branie odpowiedzialności za zdrowie własne i innych ludzi oraz czynne uczestnictwo w tworzeniu środowiska sprzyjającego zdrowiu. Budowanie świadomości zdrowotnej społeczeństwa, opartej na przekonaniu, że styl życia jest głównym, modyfikowalnym czynnikiem determinu...
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperIntroduction: Proper health behaviours and healthy eating ... more Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperIntroduction: Proper health behaviours and healthy eating are a significant factor that helps maintain health and reduce the risk of diseases. The varied food intake is a key element of proper nutrition every man. Proper diet also affects our productivity at work, at college, and on the development of social relationships and perform household duties. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the variety of food consumption among students of different universities in Poland. Material and Methods: As the study technique a standardized questionnaire variety of food consumption FIVeQ was used, developed by Eve Niedźwiedzka and Lydia Wądołowska from the Department of Human Nutrition University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Questionnaire consists of 79 questions. The questions concerned the variety of food consumption or consumption of various range of products from basic 8 food groups. The study was conducted on a group of 282 people in t...
Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleDziedziną, która w ciągu ostatnich lat osiągnęła znacz... more Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleDziedziną, która w ciągu ostatnich lat osiągnęła znaczny stopień popularności w skali globalnej jest promocja zdrowia. Wynika to nie tylko z jej historii (choć stosunkowo krótkiej) czy dorobku, ale działań podejmowanych na jej płaszczyźnie i niejednokrotnie bardzo dobrych efektów tych działań. Współczesne trendy zdrowotne jak i statystyki dotyczące zachorowalności czy umieralności wskazują na konieczność realizowania zadań z zakresu promocji zdrowia, bowiem tendencje te wynikają w dużej mierze z niewłaściwego czy też nieracjonalnego stylu życia jednostek, a często również z deficytu wiedzy. Aby jednak uczynić go bardziej racjonalnym, potrzebna jest wiedza upowszechniana przez profesjonalistów, tj. osoby merytorycznie przygotowane do jej krzewienia. Promocja zdrowia nie jest jedynie ideą, która ma zapełniać niszę w naukach o zdrowiu, ale przez lata wdrażania i kultywowania pewnych zasad i przekonań, wynikających z doświadczeń i obserwacji, o...
Papers by Mariola Seń