Papers by Hotman Manurung
Rona Teknik Pertanian/Rona teknik pertanian, Apr 4, 2024
bstrak. Jeruk dikenal sebagai sumber nutrisi terutama vitamin C yang berguna bagi tubuh manusia: ... more bstrak. Jeruk dikenal sebagai sumber nutrisi terutama vitamin C yang berguna bagi tubuh manusia: karena dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, mengobati sariawan, dan meningkatkan imunitas tubuh. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kematangan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia jeruk. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap 2 faktor. Faktor 1 Tingkat kematangan: Hijau, Hijau Kuning dan Kuning. Faktor ke 2 Lama penyimpanan (hari): 0 , 2 , 4 ,6 , 8 ,10 dan 12 hari. Parameter yang dianalisis: Mutu Fisika (susut bobot dan kekerasan) dan mutu kimia (Total Padatan Terlaru-TPT, pH, Asam Tertitrasi total-ATT, rasio PTT ATT dan Kandungan Vitamin C). Hasil penelitian menujukkan: Tingkat kematangan jeruk berpengaruh nyata terhadap susut bobot 3,0826% -4,3590%; kekerasan 1,3 - 2,6 kg/cm2; TPT dengan nilai 7,7 -11,6 º Brix; pH dengan nilai 3,3 - 4,2; ATT dengan nilai 0,566 - 2,410 %, dan Rasio TPT:ATT dengan nilai 4,37 - 24,14 %. Akan tetapi, tingkat kematangan tidak memberi pengaruh yang nyata terhadap kandungan Vitamin C. Lama penyimpanan buah memberi pengaruh nyata terhadap susut bobot yang berkisar antara 0,0000% - 6,8151%; kekerasan 1,5 - 2,4 kg/cm2. Lama penyimpanan selama 12 hari tidak memberi pengaruh nyata terhadap TPT, pH, ATT, Rasio TPT:ATT, dan kandungan Vitamin C.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi, Apr 21, 2023
Serangan pandemi Covid-19 telah membuka kesadaran kita mengenai pentingnya menjaga kesehatan tubu... more Serangan pandemi Covid-19 telah membuka kesadaran kita mengenai pentingnya menjaga kesehatan tubuh sekaligus meningkatkan imunitas tubuh. Kasus suspect Covid-19 ternyata lebih tinggi terjadi pada daerah yang masyarakatnya memiliki pola makan tidak beragam. Penyuluhan kepada masyarakat mengenai Pedoman Gizi Seimbang (PGS), isi piringku dan makanan berimbang, bergizi, dan beragam (B3) perlu dilakukan kepada kaum ibu mengingat perannya dalam penyediaan makanan bagi keluarga. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di Gereja Kristen Injili Nusantara (GKIN) Desa Bakaran Batu, Kecamatan Lubuk Pakam Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Peserta penyuluhan adalah kaum ibu dari jemaat GKIN dengan jumlah 22 orang. Penyuluhan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai makanan sehat, dan mampu memanfaatkan bahan pangan lokal yang ada disekitar lingkungan tempat tinggal untuk meningkatkan gizi makanan keluarga. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan secara tatap muka langsung dengan peserta kegiatan. Materi makanan sehat dipresentasikan kepada peserta dan dilanjutkan dengan praktik pembuatan mi labu kuning dan bakso wortel. Hasil uji Wicoxon menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman kaum ibu terhadap makanan sehat dan mampu membuat produk makanan sehat mi labu kuning dan bakso wortel dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan produk lokal. Penyuluhan kepada kaum ibu Gereja Kristen Injili Nusantara (GKIN) Bakaran Batu berhasil mencapai sasaran.
Agrintech, Jun 20, 2018
Mie yang beredar di pasaran dan yang sering kita konsumsi bahan utamanya adalah tepung terigu seh... more Mie yang beredar di pasaran dan yang sering kita konsumsi bahan utamanya adalah tepung terigu sehingga komponen nutrisi seperti serat dan karotenoid yang terkandung dalam mie sangat minim. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan serat dan karoten mie diperlukan substitusi tepung dengan makanan lokal yang mengandung serat dan karotenoid. Misalnya sukun dan labu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh jumlah pasta labu dan sukun sebagai substitusi tepung terhadap karakteristik mie basah dan uji preferensi warna serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap kandungan karotenoid mie basah. Percobaan dilakukan dengan rancangan acak non faktorial dengan membandingkan jumlah pasta labu dengan pasta sukun dan lama simpan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar air, kadar abu dan kadar protein tidak dipengaruhi oleh rasio jumlah pasta labu terhadap pasta sukun. Namun kandungan serat meningkat dari 1,22% menjadi 3,16% dan tingkat karotenoid dari 0,07 ppm menjadi 0,10 ppm. Tingkat preferensi warna meningkat dari 1,86 (tidak suka) ke 3,35 (suka). Penyimpanan waktu dapat menurunkan tingkat karotenoid dari 0,105 ppm pada penyimpanan 0 hari menjadi 0,08 ppm pada 4 hari. Kesimpulan substitusi tepung dengan pasta sukun dan pasta labu dapat meningkatkan kandungan serat dan mie karotenoid basah. Penyimpanan menghasilkan penurunan tingkat karotenoid.
Rona Teknik Pertanian, May 20, 2023
The increasing variety of benefits of the butterfly pea flower requires the availability of dried... more The increasing variety of benefits of the butterfly pea flower requires the availability of dried butterfly pea flowers to replace fresh butterfly pea flowers. A study has been carried out on "The Influence of Packaging Type and Storage Time on the Quality Characteristics of Dried Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria Ternatea). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the type of packaging and storage time on the quality characteristics of dried butterfly pea flowers. The study was conducted using an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (RALF). Treatment of packaging types: K1 = PolyPropylene (PP) Plastic Packaging and K2 = Aluminum Foil (AF) Packaging. Storage time: L0= 0 days; L1= 7 days; L2= 14 days; L3=21 days. The research was conducted with 3 replications. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20. Significantly different effects were tested by Duncan's test at the level of p=0.05. The results showed that the water content of the butterfly pea flower was 10.1% in the PP packaging and 9.7% in the AF packaging. Dried butterfly pea flowers contained a total phenol of 9.74 mg/g in PP packaging and 11.5 mg/g in aluminum foil packaging. IC50 values in PP and AF packaging were 242.7 and 224.4 ppm, respectively. The water content of the butterfly pea flowers increased significantly from 8.7% at 0 days of storage to 11.1% at 21 days of storage. Anthocyanin and flavonoid bioactive compounds were detected by positive tests up to 21 days of storage. The total phenol of the butterfly pea flower decreased significantly from 14.95 mg/g at 0 days of storage to 6.19 mg/g at 21 days of storage. IC50 value (antioxidant activity) increased from 140.1 ppm to 293.1 ppm during storage.
Rona Teknik Pertanian, Jul 29, 2021
Kue mangkok yang beredar di pasar menggunakan pewarna sintetik dan tidak mengandung senyawa aktiv... more Kue mangkok yang beredar di pasar menggunakan pewarna sintetik dan tidak mengandung senyawa aktiv yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Karamunting mempunyai warna ungu yang menarik dan kaya antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan ekstrak buah karamunting sebagai pewarna alami, sumber antioksidan dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik mutu kue mangkok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode ekperimental dengan perlakuan: Konsentrasi ekstrak buah karamunting: 0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; dan 10,0% (b/b). Parameter penelitian: daya antioksidan (IC50) ppm, volume spesifik (mL/g), total padatan terlarut (o Brix), derajat putih (%) dan uji kesukaan terhadap rasa dan warna. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah ekstrak buah karamunting dapat menurunkan IC50 secara nyata dari 83,935ppm menjadi 66,10ppm. Kesukaan terhadap warna meningkat dari 2,98 (tidak suka) menjadi 4,88 (mendekati sangat suka), sedangkan derajat putih menurun dari 62,5% menjadi 52,34%. Volume spesifik, total padatan terlarut dan kesukaan rasa tidak terpengaruh. Ekstrak buah karamunting dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber antioksidan dan meningkatkan kesukaan warna kue mangkok.
Agrintech, Jun 20, 2019
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the type of packaging on characteristics... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the type of packaging on characteristics of quality of the karimunting fruits during storage. The experimental design used was completely randomized design with two factors. The first factor was type of packaging with 2 levels, namely polyethylene (PE) plastic box and wrapping packaging. The second factor was storage duration (L): 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days. The study was conducted with 3 replications. Parameters observed were IC50, weight loss, texture, color, total soluble solid, and color preference. The results showed that the longer storage the higher IC50 for both PE and wrapping. The highest IC50 (97.04 ppm) was in the storage of day 4 with PE plastic packaging. The reduction of weight was higher with plastic packaging (7.40%) compared with wrapping packaging (4.80%). Karimunting packed with PE plastic produced higher total solid soluble (TSS) (7.60brix) compared with wrapping storage (6.20brix
Rona Teknik Pertanian, Oct 1, 2019
Composite dry noodle-making aims to improve the nutritional value of noodles, particularly functi... more Composite dry noodle-making aims to improve the nutritional value of noodles, particularly functional food components by performing partial substitution of wheat flour with seaweed and wheat flour pumpkin. Research carried out by three stages. The first stage is to manufacture seaweed flour and flour pumpkin. The second stage is to make dry noodle by using seaweed flour and flour pumpkin as the wheat substituer and third stage is to analyze the component of dry noodle. Methods of experimental research with completely randomized design with treatment ratio (%) for seaweed flour and flour pumpkin which consisting of 4 levels (t = 4).
Journal of physics, 2023
This research aims to determine the effect of blanching treatment and the effectiveness of hybrid... more This research aims to determine the effect of blanching treatment and the effectiveness of hybrid system solar dryer for drying red chilli. The dried red chilli quality parameters such as moisture content, total microba and L*,a*,b* for colour values were determined. The experimental results showed the drying box of hybrid system solar drying can reach maximum temperature from 55.2°C to 57.1°C. Blanching treatment combined with hybrid system of solar drying shortened drying time, gave lower moisture content and lower total plate count of dried red chilli compared with nonblanched-conventional drying.
Rona Teknik Pertanian
The increasing variety of benefits of the butterfly pea flower requires the availability of drie... more The increasing variety of benefits of the butterfly pea flower requires the availability of dried butterfly pea flowers to replace fresh butterfly pea flowers. A study has been carried out on "The Influence of Packaging Type and Storage Time on the Quality Characteristics of Dried Butterfly Pea Flower (clitoria ternatea). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the type of packaging and storage time on the quality characteristics of dried butterfly pea flowers. The study was conducted using an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (RALF). Treatment of packaging types: K1 = PolyPropylene (PP) Plastic Packaging and K2 = Aluminum Foil (AF) Packaging. Storage time: L0= 0 days; L1= 7 days; L2= 14 days; L3=21 days. The research was conducted with 3 replications. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20. Significantly different effects were tested by Duncan's test at the level of p=0.05. The results showed that the water content of...
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2018
Rona Teknik Pertanian, 2019
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
The research about nanoemulsion preparation base on palm fiber mesocarp residue's oil and its app... more The research about nanoemulsion preparation base on palm fiber mesocarp residue's oil and its application on dry noodle was carried out. The purposes of this research are to know the characterization of Palm Fiber Mesocarp Residue's Oil (PFMRO), to generate nanoemulsion product and to apply nanoemulsion as well as colorness agent and carotenoid source on noodle. The method research consists of three steps: i) extraction of PFMRO with hexane solvent; ii) to generate nanoemulsion under condition: a. ratio PFMRO: water (15:82 and 20:80); b. concentration of tween 80 (2.5% and 5%) and c. homogenezier pressure (300 and 500 bar), respectively; and iii) application of nanoemulsion as colorness agent and carotenoid source on noodle. The results show that PFMRO contains oil 7.67 % (w/w), carotenoid (2549.5 ppm) and Deterioration of bleaching index (DOBI) 2.39. The nanoemulsion which was produced has diameter (150.80-202.35 nm) and average of Polidispercity index (PDI) (0.106-0.186).The conditions of best formula of nanoemulsion are rasio of PFMRO:water (20:80), amount of tween 80 (5%) and pressure of homogenizer (P) (500 bar). It is interestingly due is stable until storing for 16 days. Nanoemulsion may affect favoritecolor those are disfavorcolor (score2.5) tobefavorcolor (score 4.0 and 4.12). In addition, the concentration of carotenoid also increases on dry noodle namely undetected on dry noodle for without emulsion convert tobe 33.53ppm (crude emulsion) and 81.27 (nano emulsion). It may be concluded that crude and nanoemulsion may apply to improve the quality of dry noodle.
Agrintech: Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian, 2019
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the type of packaging on characteristics... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the type of packaging on characteristics of quality of the karimunting fruits during storage. The experimental design used was completely randomized design with two factors. The first factor was type of packaging with 2 levels, namely polyethylene (PE) plastic box and wrapping packaging. The second factor was storage duration (L): 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days. The study was conducted with 3 replications. Parameters observed were IC50, weight loss, texture, color, total soluble solid, and color preference. The results showed that the longer storage the higher IC50 for both PE and wrapping. The highest IC50 (97.04 ppm) was in the storage of day 4 with PE plastic packaging. The reduction of weight was higher with plastic packaging (7.40%) compared with wrapping packaging (4.80%). Karimunting packed with PE plastic produced higher total solid soluble (TSS) (7.60brix) compared with wrapping storage (6.20brix
Rona Teknik Pertanian, 2021
Abstrak. Kue mangkok yang beredar di pasar menggunakan pewarna sintetik dan tidak mengandung seny... more Abstrak. Kue mangkok yang beredar di pasar menggunakan pewarna sintetik dan tidak mengandung senyawa aktiv yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Karamunting mempunyai warna ungu yang menarik dan kaya antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan ekstrak buah karamunting sebagai pewarna alami, sumber antioksidan dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik mutu kue mangkok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode ekperimental dengan perlakuan: Konsentrasi ekstrak buah karamunting: 0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; dan 10,0% (b/b). Parameter penelitian: daya antioksidan (IC50) ppm, volume spesifik (mL/g), total padatan terlarut (oBrix), derajat putih (%) dan uji kesukaan terhadap rasa dan warna. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah ekstrak buah karamunting dapat menurunkan IC50 secara nyata dari 83,935ppm menjadi 66,10ppm. Kesukaan terhadap warna meningkat dari 2,98 (tidak suka) menjadi 4,88 (mendekati sangat suka), sedangkan derajat putih menurun dari 6...
Papers by Hotman Manurung