Papers by Fiammetta Susanna
Vicino Oriente XXVIII N.S. , pp. 581-596, 0
The study of sacred areas in North Africa turns out to be complex for several reasons. The most o... more The study of sacred areas in North Africa turns out to be complex for several reasons. The most obvious is related to the state of art, on the one hand because of the lack of archaeological evidence, and on the other hand in the field due to the progressive urbanization of places. A systematic and comparative study of the elements found in the Punic African world and in the Eastern Levant can lead to an understanding of the religious models common to this culture.
Ceramics, 2024
This study reports the analytical investigations on clayey and ceramic finds, characterised by hi... more This study reports the analytical investigations on clayey and ceramic finds, characterised by high variability in terms of prime materials, with the aim to determine the role of this important ceramic production situated close to the city walls, fortuitously found during service excavations developed in the garden of Palazzo Corsini in Rome. The complexity of the finds led to the choices of appropriate methodologies and techniques suitable for defining the diagnostic elements of each find. Optical microscopy (OM) combined with micro-Raman (µ-Raman) spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) were used to analyse the nature and microstructure of the ceramic and burned clay that were found. In such a complicated se ing, the objective of conducting chemical analyses is to provide clues to describe the various kinds of ceramics produced, the production and processing methods, and, as a result, the typology of the workshop.
Minerals, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Aouam I, 2016
is is a report on t e first e ca ations in t e mining site o t e ortified cit o ouam ts isi e str... more is is a report on t e first e ca ations in t e mining site o t e ortified cit o ouam ts isi e structures pro a date ac to t e mora id period and it can e ound in man istorica sources inc uding t e te t o eo ricanus, o descri es its eaut e en a ter our centuries o a andon e e ca ation as carried out in t e nort eastern part o t e citade , c ose to t e point o intersection et een t e ortified a and t e perimeter one o t e citade e resu ts o tained in s ort sur e s ere surprising and announced great resu ts or t e upcoming ears « ader unan est une cit , ui a t difi e de notre temps par un tr sorier du ponti e a du umen, sus a ri e du eu e uragrag, non autre e et ue pour cognoitre ces ieu estre ort r uentez cause des mines de er e est distante d t as en iron di mi es, entre a ue e et a montagne, a p usieurs grans o s, o se trou ent et repairent de grans ons et urieu opards andis ue a ami e et ign e du ondateur ut en estre, cette cit se maintint ass s ien et ci i e ment, estant ort a it e et peup e de e es maisons, temp es et ote eries mais es a itans ne urent gueres repeus d un si dou apast, cause ue a guerre des arins ut cause de sa ruine, o p usieurs d entre eu prindrent fin, et partie ut r duite en capti it et e reste, pour e dernier et p us seur re uge, se retira en a cit de a a ».
Aouam I, 2016
The broadening of the archaeological and topographical knowledge of the mining area of Tighza led... more The broadening of the archaeological and topographical knowledge of the mining area of Tighza led to the necessity of executing new surveys, where topographers and archaeologists can work together for the construction of an archaeological map of the area. e researc as carried out in t o a s t e arc aeo ogica one, or t e identification o structura data and o ects and t e survey for mining and metallurgical structures, during which the sampling of tools and slags for the analyses has been accomplished. e pro ect i e unctiona to t e reprocessing o data and t e construction o ne cartograp t at i co ect toget er a t e evidences. The results, although preliminary, permit not only to frame the fortress of Ighram Aousser under the chronological point o ie , ut a so to define t e area it in ic t e ancient production acti ities ere organized
Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente del Mediterráneo A Journey between East and West in the Mediterranean SEBASTIÁN CELESTINO PÉREZ ESTHER RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, 2020
The present work aims to bring new elements for an actual interpretation of the economic processe... more The present work aims to bring new elements for an actual interpretation of the economic processes
of Morocco, using information obtained on the basis of new perspectives of archaeological
investigation and with the contribution of data carried out by the use of modern methodologies
based on scientific technologies focused to archeometallurgical activities. This type of
methodological approach could be defined as transversal, since it proposes to embrace several
cultural phases and periods, allowing getting an overview that includes, all branches connected to
social and political implications in which indigenous and allogeneous interlocutors. are involved.
Lo studio si propone di approfondire i dati relativi alla fase punica dello scavo del Mausoleo B ... more Lo studio si propone di approfondire i dati relativi alla fase punica dello scavo del Mausoleo B di Sabratha condotto da Antonino Di Vita, tra il 1964 e il 1974. Le stratigrafie delle fasi ellenistiche e proto-romane sono state recentemente elaborate da Benedetta Bessi, mentre i dati numismatici sono stati esaminati da Lorenza Ilia Manfredi. Il poster propone una ricostruzione grafica (elaborata da Fiammetta Susanna su base cartografica applicata alle immagini satellitari) dei dati con una ricontestualizzazione mirata del materiale archeologico e numismatico, pertinente alla fase di fondazione del mausoleo. Fig.1. Foto aerea e ricostruzione planimetrica del sito di Sabratha. Planimetria tratta dal volume DI VITA -BESSI -MANFREDI 2009, 12, fig.1 (Elaborazione di F. Susanna).
A simple, fast, and nondestructive analytical methodology combining X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) an... more A simple, fast, and nondestructive analytical methodology combining X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Back-scattered Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (BSEM+EDS) has been applied to characterize the alloy's composition of ex-votos metal statuettes of unknown provenance and age stored in the Museum of Évora in Southern Portugal, and to compare it with Iron-Age artefacts of similar typology recovered from the well-known Phoenician settlement (7th century BC) of Alcàcer do Sal located about 50 km W of Évora. The aim of the study was two-fold: (a) to confirm the age and provenance of the bronzes from the Alcàcer settlement; (b) to assess whether the combined archaeometric approach could shed light on the interaction between local (Iberian peninsula) and allochtonous (Phoenician) technological know-how and on how the "Orientalizing" Phoenician influence had been modulated locally in the making of metal artifacts. In this respect, for comparative purposes, selected bronze statuettes N. Schiavon ( )
Applied Physics Part A, Mar 2014
This study focusses on the development and
application of an innovative protocol which combines
... more This study focusses on the development and
application of an innovative protocol which combines
chemical data, GIS (geographical information system) and
PCA, involving numeric (chemical composition) and categorical
(typology of object, archaeological context,
chronology and geographical areas) variables, as a simple
tool to help in the visualisation and interpretation of large
multidisciplinary datasets on Cu-based alloy archaeological
artefacts influenced by Phoenician–Punic contacts. The
protocol is a useful tool for highlighting existing connections
between specific alloy chemical compositions, the
location of the original settlement where the artefact had
been produced and the proximity to mining resources,
waterways, and allochthonous presence such as, in the
specific case of this study, the Phoenician and Punic
influence in the Iberian bronze production during the Late
Bronze Age–Iron Age. The protocol was tested successfully
in a case study concerning the precise dating and
provenance of bronze statuettes of unknown age and
provenance from the Evora Museum collection in Southern
Portugal where it confirmed and further refined earlier
hypotheses based solely on archaeological and/or chemical
studies. The results were interpreted with a unique perspective,
to validate the GIS system in combination with
experimental chemical-physical data to yield the identification
of metallurgical sites of bronze production.
Thesis Chapters by Fiammetta Susanna, 2021
This work aims to bring new elements for a more current interpretation of the ancient economic pr... more This work aims to bring new elements for a more current interpretation of the ancient economic processes of Morocco from proto-history to the pre-Roman era. This study was carried out through the analysis of numerous remains of pyrometallurgical processing, found near the mining areas and focused on contexts unrelated to the area traditionally considered to be of Punic influence. The research project therefore utilized information collected on the basis of new archaeological investigation perspectives with the contribution of data obtained by using scientific technologies applied to the chemical and physical analyses on residual materials related with archaeometallurgical activities.
This study takes in consideration either slag coming from the prospected ancient mines, both analytical data reported in the bibliography concerning metal artefacts of Punic production and imitation, found in the sites near the considered mining areas.
The samples have been analysed by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersion microanalysis (SEM-EDS), by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and by micro-Raman spectroscopy.
The articulation of archaeological data lead to experiment for the first time, through a GIS processing, the possibility of connecting in a georeferenced system all the topographical registration information of the archaeological records to those derived from the analytical results.
The integration of archaeological, scientific and territorial data has allowed a knowledge of economic practices in pre-Roman times totally new with respect to the theories in force, giving a concrete evidence and a relevant value to the importance of the autochthonous component before, during and after, the contribution of Punic culture.
Papers by Fiammetta Susanna
of Morocco, using information obtained on the basis of new perspectives of archaeological
investigation and with the contribution of data carried out by the use of modern methodologies
based on scientific technologies focused to archeometallurgical activities. This type of
methodological approach could be defined as transversal, since it proposes to embrace several
cultural phases and periods, allowing getting an overview that includes, all branches connected to
social and political implications in which indigenous and allogeneous interlocutors. are involved.
application of an innovative protocol which combines
chemical data, GIS (geographical information system) and
PCA, involving numeric (chemical composition) and categorical
(typology of object, archaeological context,
chronology and geographical areas) variables, as a simple
tool to help in the visualisation and interpretation of large
multidisciplinary datasets on Cu-based alloy archaeological
artefacts influenced by Phoenician–Punic contacts. The
protocol is a useful tool for highlighting existing connections
between specific alloy chemical compositions, the
location of the original settlement where the artefact had
been produced and the proximity to mining resources,
waterways, and allochthonous presence such as, in the
specific case of this study, the Phoenician and Punic
influence in the Iberian bronze production during the Late
Bronze Age–Iron Age. The protocol was tested successfully
in a case study concerning the precise dating and
provenance of bronze statuettes of unknown age and
provenance from the Evora Museum collection in Southern
Portugal where it confirmed and further refined earlier
hypotheses based solely on archaeological and/or chemical
studies. The results were interpreted with a unique perspective,
to validate the GIS system in combination with
experimental chemical-physical data to yield the identification
of metallurgical sites of bronze production.
Thesis Chapters by Fiammetta Susanna
This study takes in consideration either slag coming from the prospected ancient mines, both analytical data reported in the bibliography concerning metal artefacts of Punic production and imitation, found in the sites near the considered mining areas.
The samples have been analysed by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersion microanalysis (SEM-EDS), by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and by micro-Raman spectroscopy.
The articulation of archaeological data lead to experiment for the first time, through a GIS processing, the possibility of connecting in a georeferenced system all the topographical registration information of the archaeological records to those derived from the analytical results.
The integration of archaeological, scientific and territorial data has allowed a knowledge of economic practices in pre-Roman times totally new with respect to the theories in force, giving a concrete evidence and a relevant value to the importance of the autochthonous component before, during and after, the contribution of Punic culture.
of Morocco, using information obtained on the basis of new perspectives of archaeological
investigation and with the contribution of data carried out by the use of modern methodologies
based on scientific technologies focused to archeometallurgical activities. This type of
methodological approach could be defined as transversal, since it proposes to embrace several
cultural phases and periods, allowing getting an overview that includes, all branches connected to
social and political implications in which indigenous and allogeneous interlocutors. are involved.
application of an innovative protocol which combines
chemical data, GIS (geographical information system) and
PCA, involving numeric (chemical composition) and categorical
(typology of object, archaeological context,
chronology and geographical areas) variables, as a simple
tool to help in the visualisation and interpretation of large
multidisciplinary datasets on Cu-based alloy archaeological
artefacts influenced by Phoenician–Punic contacts. The
protocol is a useful tool for highlighting existing connections
between specific alloy chemical compositions, the
location of the original settlement where the artefact had
been produced and the proximity to mining resources,
waterways, and allochthonous presence such as, in the
specific case of this study, the Phoenician and Punic
influence in the Iberian bronze production during the Late
Bronze Age–Iron Age. The protocol was tested successfully
in a case study concerning the precise dating and
provenance of bronze statuettes of unknown age and
provenance from the Evora Museum collection in Southern
Portugal where it confirmed and further refined earlier
hypotheses based solely on archaeological and/or chemical
studies. The results were interpreted with a unique perspective,
to validate the GIS system in combination with
experimental chemical-physical data to yield the identification
of metallurgical sites of bronze production.
This study takes in consideration either slag coming from the prospected ancient mines, both analytical data reported in the bibliography concerning metal artefacts of Punic production and imitation, found in the sites near the considered mining areas.
The samples have been analysed by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersion microanalysis (SEM-EDS), by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and by micro-Raman spectroscopy.
The articulation of archaeological data lead to experiment for the first time, through a GIS processing, the possibility of connecting in a georeferenced system all the topographical registration information of the archaeological records to those derived from the analytical results.
The integration of archaeological, scientific and territorial data has allowed a knowledge of economic practices in pre-Roman times totally new with respect to the theories in force, giving a concrete evidence and a relevant value to the importance of the autochthonous component before, during and after, the contribution of Punic culture.