Metafora este una dintre cele mai uzuale modalităţi de a modela realitatea, iar metaforizarea est... more Metafora este una dintre cele mai uzuale modalităţi de a modela realitatea, iar metaforizarea este un fenomen cognitiv, care implică mecanisme gnoseologice universale la nivel conceptual. Terminologia medicală abundă în termeni-metafore. Conform datelor prezentate de către specialiştii, în domeniul medical sunt atestaţi 3500 de termeni medicali-metafore, dintre care 1000 sunt termeni utilizaţi în domeniile anatomie și clinică. În terminologia anatomică predomină metaforele la nivel de microunivers; transpoziţia presupune proprietăţile fizice (formă, mărime, situare, stare, culoare etc.), funcţiile obiectului (tactil, cinetic etc.) din "spaţiul limitat".
A professional have to possess the specialized language of the practicing field, because the lang... more A professional have to possess the specialized language of the practicing field, because the language is "measuring of the civilization" (Eminescu). The continuous influx of terms is an expression of progress and neological civilization reflects specific trends and some of the current of Romanian vocabulary. So, this paper is a milestone of knowledge and the use of terminological elements, that form the core of international medical terminology.
Catedra Limba Română si terminologie medicală, Facultatea Medicină, Universitatea de Stat de Medi... more Catedra Limba Română si terminologie medicală, Facultatea Medicină, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină si Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”
This work is based on the linguistic research, intended to open affixoid mechanisms of formation ... more This work is based on the linguistic research, intended to open affixoid mechanisms of formation of neologisms in the Romanian language.
Lucrarile conferintei stiintifice nationale "Lecturi în memoriam acad. Silviu Berejan", Ediția 6
Metaphor reflects the notions of (de)nomination of „things”. Trite (dead) metaphors represent wor... more Metaphor reflects the notions of (de)nomination of „things”. Trite (dead) metaphors represent words subject to „blunting” of the image. These are no longer considered as genuine metaphors, being subject to the process of demetaphorization. We refer, in particular, to trite metaphors, formed in Latin and Greek, and taken over by specialized languages. In the present article, trite metaphors from the perspective of mythical love will be analyzed. Many terms were formed based on Latin and Greek etymologies from the sphere of mythical love (actions, qualities, deities, etc.). Thus, the terms: aphrodisiac (< Greek aphrodisiakos „relating to love”), hermaphrodite (< Geek Hermes + < Greek Aphrodite), narcissism (< French narcissisme < Greek Narkissos < Greek narke „numb”), etc. have mythical characters as a starting point, while some terms have a less perceptible connection with mythical love: for example, venom (< Latin venenum, i, n „liquor of love, drug”); echo (<...
Filologia modernă: realizări şi perspective în context european
The great scholar Dimitrie Cantemir, considered the founder of Romanian medical terminology, trea... more The great scholar Dimitrie Cantemir, considered the founder of Romanian medical terminology, treats man from the perspective of the three-dimensionality of body, soul, spirit. In the novel Hieroglyphic History, divided into twelve parts …, we attest reminiscences of Geto-Dacian medicine. Plato mentioned that this is one of the most evolved and contains the sacred teaching of human healing. Dimitrie Cantemir explains the state of health and the pathological state within the body → soul relationship, defining the terms megalopsychia and micropsychia, which designate the presence of the “big soul” and the “small soul”, an explanation made by the author. A true psychologist, the scientist mentions the importance of emotional balance, the lack of inner conflict in maintaining health, because “life sitting and serving good account, to cure all and cure”, is “in the form of soul power”, “health and all useful soul and body”.
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The knowing of Romanian ... more Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The knowing of Romanian language and Romanian medical terminology by both native and international speakers is a necessity generated by the socio-professional environment which exists in the Republic of Moldova. The continuous and qualitative modernization of the courses that we propose to medical students is pervasive. In this communication the authors propose an innovative concept in the methodology of teaching/learning the Romanian language and Romanian medical language at the SMPhU “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Cunoaşterea limbii române şi a limbajului medical românesc de către studenţii alolingvi, autohtoni şi internaţionali, este o necesitate generată de mediul socioprofesional, existent în Republica Moldova. Modernizarea continuă şi calitativă a cursurilor pe care le propunem mediciniştilor este omniprezentă. În prezenta comunicare autoarele propun o concepţie inovatoare în metodologia predării/învâţării limbii...
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Actualy the communication... more Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Actualy the communication in our life demands an organized expression, fluency, efficiency. For this purpose we need to correct different language mistakes. Recommended formula will increase the quality of every person expression only in case of observation of the Romanian language norms. Actualmente comunicarea în viaţa noastră necestă o exprimare organizată, fluentă, eficientă etc. Pentru aceasta avem nevoie de a corecta diversele categorii de erori de limbaj. Formele recomandate vor spori calitatea exprimării fiecărei persoane, doar atunci cînd vor fi respectate normele limbii române
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Our world is permanently... more Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Our world is permanently changed, fact that can be observed in the scientifical area, at the instrumental level, at the level of techniques and technologies, attitudes and behavior. These changes are obvious, also, in the educational system. The methods used during the process of teching should be modern, interractive, being able to make the lesson interesting and dynamic. Într-o lume dinamică, schimbarea, progresul se manifestă în plan ştiinţific, metodologic, instrumental, la nivelul tehnicilor şi tehnologiilor, dar şi la nivelul mentalităţilor, atitudinilor şi comportamentelor. Ca urmare, procesul învăţării moderne nu poate face abstracţie de aceste schimbări. Dimensiunea novatoare este sesizată, în mod special, la nivelul metodologiei didactice, orientate spre cultivarea procedeelor și tehnicilor moderne, participative, menite să confere lecției dinamism și interactivitate
Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”, ChișinăuBackground. Medicina disciplin... more Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”, ChișinăuBackground. Medicina disciplina antiqua est. Medical terminology in the Romanian language is a terminology formed at a national level, which takes over romanian philosophy and existential values. Scholar languages, Greek and Latin, ensure the terminological continuity of medicine. Objective of the study. The elucidation of the formation process, establishment of medical terminology in the Romania language in the context of internationalisation of the medical terminology. Material and Methods. The factual material of investigation included: lexicographical sources, fiction sources, etc. The methodology of scientifical research, through the essence of the adressed topic, is deductive. The purpose and the objectives of this research requested conjugation of miscellanious methods: the hystorical method, the comparative method, the structural-functional method, etc. Results. Medical terminology in the Romanian language re...
The investigation of the process of establishing the Greco-Latin doublets implies the presence of... more The investigation of the process of establishing the Greco-Latin doublets implies the presence of mythological sources, which offer elucidations from the origin and are important in their semantic-functional design. In this article, we propose the analysis of the Greek-Latin doublet < lat. umbilicus, i, m and < gr. omphalos, es, f „umbilical” (national and international dimensions), a representative doublet in medical terminology, but also modestly productive. Each of the components of the doublet requires personalized investigations (diachronic, synchronic aspects): the Latin component is included in the fundamental vocabulary of the Romanian languages (national terminology); Greek component – in the mass of vocabulary (international terminology). Neological lexical creations (formed on the basis of Greco-Latin doublets) correspond to a universal dimension of the conscious creativity of scientists and denominate specialized medical knowledge.
Metafora este una dintre cele mai uzuale modalităţi de a modela realitatea, iar metaforizarea est... more Metafora este una dintre cele mai uzuale modalităţi de a modela realitatea, iar metaforizarea este un fenomen cognitiv, care implică mecanisme gnoseologice universale la nivel conceptual. Terminologia medicală abundă în termeni-metafore. Conform datelor prezentate de către specialiştii, în domeniul medical sunt atestaţi 3500 de termeni medicali-metafore, dintre care 1000 sunt termeni utilizaţi în domeniile anatomie și clinică. În terminologia anatomică predomină metaforele la nivel de microunivers; transpoziţia presupune proprietăţile fizice (formă, mărime, situare, stare, culoare etc.), funcţiile obiectului (tactil, cinetic etc.) din "spaţiul limitat".
A professional have to possess the specialized language of the practicing field, because the lang... more A professional have to possess the specialized language of the practicing field, because the language is "measuring of the civilization" (Eminescu). The continuous influx of terms is an expression of progress and neological civilization reflects specific trends and some of the current of Romanian vocabulary. So, this paper is a milestone of knowledge and the use of terminological elements, that form the core of international medical terminology.
Catedra Limba Română si terminologie medicală, Facultatea Medicină, Universitatea de Stat de Medi... more Catedra Limba Română si terminologie medicală, Facultatea Medicină, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină si Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”
This work is based on the linguistic research, intended to open affixoid mechanisms of formation ... more This work is based on the linguistic research, intended to open affixoid mechanisms of formation of neologisms in the Romanian language.
Lucrarile conferintei stiintifice nationale "Lecturi în memoriam acad. Silviu Berejan", Ediția 6
Metaphor reflects the notions of (de)nomination of „things”. Trite (dead) metaphors represent wor... more Metaphor reflects the notions of (de)nomination of „things”. Trite (dead) metaphors represent words subject to „blunting” of the image. These are no longer considered as genuine metaphors, being subject to the process of demetaphorization. We refer, in particular, to trite metaphors, formed in Latin and Greek, and taken over by specialized languages. In the present article, trite metaphors from the perspective of mythical love will be analyzed. Many terms were formed based on Latin and Greek etymologies from the sphere of mythical love (actions, qualities, deities, etc.). Thus, the terms: aphrodisiac (< Greek aphrodisiakos „relating to love”), hermaphrodite (< Geek Hermes + < Greek Aphrodite), narcissism (< French narcissisme < Greek Narkissos < Greek narke „numb”), etc. have mythical characters as a starting point, while some terms have a less perceptible connection with mythical love: for example, venom (< Latin venenum, i, n „liquor of love, drug”); echo (<...
Filologia modernă: realizări şi perspective în context european
The great scholar Dimitrie Cantemir, considered the founder of Romanian medical terminology, trea... more The great scholar Dimitrie Cantemir, considered the founder of Romanian medical terminology, treats man from the perspective of the three-dimensionality of body, soul, spirit. In the novel Hieroglyphic History, divided into twelve parts …, we attest reminiscences of Geto-Dacian medicine. Plato mentioned that this is one of the most evolved and contains the sacred teaching of human healing. Dimitrie Cantemir explains the state of health and the pathological state within the body → soul relationship, defining the terms megalopsychia and micropsychia, which designate the presence of the “big soul” and the “small soul”, an explanation made by the author. A true psychologist, the scientist mentions the importance of emotional balance, the lack of inner conflict in maintaining health, because “life sitting and serving good account, to cure all and cure”, is “in the form of soul power”, “health and all useful soul and body”.
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The knowing of Romanian ... more Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The knowing of Romanian language and Romanian medical terminology by both native and international speakers is a necessity generated by the socio-professional environment which exists in the Republic of Moldova. The continuous and qualitative modernization of the courses that we propose to medical students is pervasive. In this communication the authors propose an innovative concept in the methodology of teaching/learning the Romanian language and Romanian medical language at the SMPhU “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Cunoaşterea limbii române şi a limbajului medical românesc de către studenţii alolingvi, autohtoni şi internaţionali, este o necesitate generată de mediul socioprofesional, existent în Republica Moldova. Modernizarea continuă şi calitativă a cursurilor pe care le propunem mediciniştilor este omniprezentă. În prezenta comunicare autoarele propun o concepţie inovatoare în metodologia predării/învâţării limbii...
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Actualy the communication... more Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Actualy the communication in our life demands an organized expression, fluency, efficiency. For this purpose we need to correct different language mistakes. Recommended formula will increase the quality of every person expression only in case of observation of the Romanian language norms. Actualmente comunicarea în viaţa noastră necestă o exprimare organizată, fluentă, eficientă etc. Pentru aceasta avem nevoie de a corecta diversele categorii de erori de limbaj. Formele recomandate vor spori calitatea exprimării fiecărei persoane, doar atunci cînd vor fi respectate normele limbii române
Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Our world is permanently... more Catedra Limba Română şi terminologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Our world is permanently changed, fact that can be observed in the scientifical area, at the instrumental level, at the level of techniques and technologies, attitudes and behavior. These changes are obvious, also, in the educational system. The methods used during the process of teching should be modern, interractive, being able to make the lesson interesting and dynamic. Într-o lume dinamică, schimbarea, progresul se manifestă în plan ştiinţific, metodologic, instrumental, la nivelul tehnicilor şi tehnologiilor, dar şi la nivelul mentalităţilor, atitudinilor şi comportamentelor. Ca urmare, procesul învăţării moderne nu poate face abstracţie de aceste schimbări. Dimensiunea novatoare este sesizată, în mod special, la nivelul metodologiei didactice, orientate spre cultivarea procedeelor și tehnicilor moderne, participative, menite să confere lecției dinamism și interactivitate
Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”, ChișinăuBackground. Medicina disciplin... more Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”, ChișinăuBackground. Medicina disciplina antiqua est. Medical terminology in the Romanian language is a terminology formed at a national level, which takes over romanian philosophy and existential values. Scholar languages, Greek and Latin, ensure the terminological continuity of medicine. Objective of the study. The elucidation of the formation process, establishment of medical terminology in the Romania language in the context of internationalisation of the medical terminology. Material and Methods. The factual material of investigation included: lexicographical sources, fiction sources, etc. The methodology of scientifical research, through the essence of the adressed topic, is deductive. The purpose and the objectives of this research requested conjugation of miscellanious methods: the hystorical method, the comparative method, the structural-functional method, etc. Results. Medical terminology in the Romanian language re...
The investigation of the process of establishing the Greco-Latin doublets implies the presence of... more The investigation of the process of establishing the Greco-Latin doublets implies the presence of mythological sources, which offer elucidations from the origin and are important in their semantic-functional design. In this article, we propose the analysis of the Greek-Latin doublet < lat. umbilicus, i, m and < gr. omphalos, es, f „umbilical” (national and international dimensions), a representative doublet in medical terminology, but also modestly productive. Each of the components of the doublet requires personalized investigations (diachronic, synchronic aspects): the Latin component is included in the fundamental vocabulary of the Romanian languages (national terminology); Greek component – in the mass of vocabulary (international terminology). Neological lexical creations (formed on the basis of Greco-Latin doublets) correspond to a universal dimension of the conscious creativity of scientists and denominate specialized medical knowledge.
Papers by Eugenia Mincu