Papers by Emenda Sembiring
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, Apr 30, 2024
E3S web of conferences, 2024
CRC Press eBooks, Jun 6, 2023
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems faced by Indonesia as the second largest contributor... more Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems faced by Indonesia as the second largest contributor of plastic waste to the oceans in the world. The leakage of plastic waste from land to sea is generally caused by the lack of waste management in Indonesia. There are still many unsafe waste management practices carried out by Indonesian people. Therefore, an assessment and evaluation of waste management is needed to determine the appropriate intervention in waste management so as to reduce the leakage of plastic waste into the environment. Plastic Flow Diagram (PFD) applies the principle of Material Flow Analysis (MFA) that can rapidly and systematically assess the plastic waste management system and show the fates of plastic waste in the environment. The results of mapping the plastic waste flow show that waste handling in Banyuwangi Subdistrict and Negara Subdistrict has reached the national target that is 86,63% and 81,89%. Meanwhile, waste handling in Muncar Subdistrict and Jembran...
Scientific Reports
Plastic waste monitoring technology based on Earth observation satellites is one approach that is... more Plastic waste monitoring technology based on Earth observation satellites is one approach that is currently under development in various studies. The complexity of land cover and the high human activity around rivers necessitate the development of studies that can improve the accuracy of monitoring plastic waste in river areas. This study aims to identify illegal dumping in a river area using the adjusted plastic index (API) and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery data. Rancamanyar River has been selected as the research area; it is one of the tributaries of Citarum Indonesia and is an open lotic-simple form, oxbow lake type river. Our study is the first attempt to construct an API and random forest machine learning using Sentinel-2 to identify the illegal dumping of plastic waste. The algorithm development integrated the plastic index algorithm with the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized buildup indices. For the validation process, the results of plastic waste im...
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2017
This study aimed to obtain an equation model of the collection and transportation of Municipal So... more This study aimed to obtain an equation model of the collection and transportation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Manado City, North Sulawesi. Common problems typically encountered in a system of waste management are, in particular, the vehicle routing, the loading capacity of the vehicle, travel time, the working time per day, and high operational costs. The methodology used in data retrieval is direct observation. Meanwhile, to create MSW collection and transportation equation model, drawing logical paths and pathways are made. After that, continue by defining the problem, setting goals, assigning functions as influential factors, making notations. To apply the equations, C ++ is used with a Codeblock editor. Three scenarios were developed in which scenario 1 uses an individual pattern directly, scenario 2 uses a pattern combination between individual directly with the communal directly, and scenario 3 uses a communal pattern directly. The analysis results show that scenario 3 produces a smaller value than scenarios 1 and 2. The number of vehicles required for scenario 3 is 45, and the number of routes per year is as high as 45,000. The distance is 674,172 km/year and the travel time is 120,242 hours/year. The conclusion is that optimization of travel time is proportional to the distance and operating costs as well as environmental costs. The operation of TPS3R, which facilitated by the government and managed by the community, requires active community involvement. Waste is reduced significantly, and the use of waste carrier vehicles is also reduced because the travel time and mileage decrease. The operational costs of waste management also decrease.
Jurnal Permukiman, 2019
Peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk, perkembangan ekonomi yang pesat, urbanisasi dan kenaikan standa... more Peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk, perkembangan ekonomi yang pesat, urbanisasi dan kenaikan standar hidup masyarakat sangat mempercepat laju timbulan sampah kota. Hal ini perlu ditangani dengan segera agar tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif. Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan Undang-undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 untuk mengatasi permasalahan pengelolaan sampah. Dalam pelaksanaan undang-undang, Kota Bandung memiliki beberapa kawasan yang melakukan kegiatan reuse, reduce, recycle namun hanya beberapa yang berjalan, salah satunya adalah kawasan RW 09 Kelurahan Cigereleng. Adanya keefektifan pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah di kawasan RW 09 maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui persentase pengurangan sampah yang dibuang ke tempat penampungan sementara serta untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung keberlanjutan pengelolaan sampah di kawasan ini. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis keefektifan program reuse, reduce, recycle dengan menghitung reduksi pengelolaan sampah. Selain itu juga dilakukan ...
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
Microplastics (MP) can pose a serious threat to the environment and human health because of their... more Microplastics (MP) can pose a serious threat to the environment and human health because of their tiny size and ability to spread easily in water. One of the alternative treatments to remove MP from water is the rapid sand filter (RSF). The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of filter media size and loading rate on RSF performance in removing MP. The applied filter media was silica sand with effective sizes (ES) of 0.39 and 0.68 mm. The loading rates of filtration were 4; 6; 8 and 10 m3/m2-h. The MP samples were made from plastic bags and torn tires (artificial samples: 10 to 800 µm). This study showed that the MP removal percentage was up to 96.6% (MP size larger than 200 µm). The head loss increment for loading rates 4; 6; 8; 10 m3/m2-h was 0.16; 0.35; 0.34; 0.25 m (ES 0.39 m) and 0.10; 0.18; 0.18; 0.19 m (ES 0.68 m)), respectively. Meanwhile, the filtration cycle for loading rates 4; 6; 8; and 10 m3/m2-h was 5, 2, 2, and 1 days (ES 0.39 mm) and 9, 4, 3, and 3 days...
Modern day’s rapid development in technology has forced a shift in trends and popularity of elect... more Modern day’s rapid development in technology has forced a shift in trends and popularity of electronic products. This causes early obsolescence of former technologies such as cathode ray tubes (CRT), leading to massive disposal in a short amount of time. To be able to predict this newly developing waste stream, a study on the generation of such electronic waste products is needed. In a case study focusing on Bandung, questionnaires to primary sources of e-waste such as households, offices, schools and laundromats were conducted to determine not only the number of e-products that is used and discarded, but also how e-waste is treated firsthand when it becomes unwanted. The e-waste generation predicted is about 65,000 units of CRT TVs per year, 19,000 CRT monitors per year and 48,000 washing machines per year. Survey results show that when proper waste collection and recycling is implemented, CRT TVs and monitors will have been eliminated within a decade (2028 being the marking year) ...
Water Supply, 2021
Microplastics (MPs) have been detected in drinking water and raw water sources. Therefore, it is ... more Microplastics (MPs) have been detected in drinking water and raw water sources. Therefore, it is important to know the performance of drinking water treatment process. The rapid sand filter (RSF) is one of the water treatments that can be an alternative treatment in removing MPs after several configuration processes (pre-sedimentation, coagulation-flocculation, and sedimentation). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of RSF to remove MPs. The artificial samples were made from plastics bags and tyre flakes, with sizes from 10 μm to more than 500 μm. Bentonite was added to represent turbidity in the water. The average removal efficiency of plastics flakes before entering the filter was 50.48% (using bentonite) and 47.78% (without bentonite). Overall, the removal efficiency for the tyre flakes was 90.72% (using bentonite) and 93.03% (without bentonite). The filtration used in this study was varied between 4 and 10 m/h. Removal efficiency using RSF for plastic flakes on which ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021
Abstract Can the unit process or operation in the drinking water treatment plant remove Microplas... more Abstract Can the unit process or operation in the drinking water treatment plant remove Microplastics (MPs)? Is an additional unit operation/process needed? This study aims to determine the cloth filters' ability to remove MPs based on the particle size of MPs. The cloth filter can be used as an additional unit operation after a conventional rapid sand filter or as surface filtration in the ultrafiltration process. The cloth filter media was made by 194 μm, 115 μm, and 57.5 μm polyester. The artificial MPs size varied from 210 to 420 μm and > 420 μm. A 194 μm filter pore could remove 41.5% of MPs which particle size >420 μm, while 115 μm and 57.5 μm filters pore could remove 55.5% and 83.7%, respectively. A 194 μm filter pore could remove 34% of MPs which particle size range of 210–420 μm, while 115 μm and 57.5 μm filters pore could remove 52.85% and 85.3%, respectively. Based on tensile strength and elongation, the 194 μm filters pore were better than both 115 μm and 57.5 μm filter pores. However, quality (tensile strength and elongation) had no impact on MPs removal due to its large pore size. Filters which pore sizes 194 μm and 115 μm showed that the MPs size had a significant effect on removal (p 0.05) on which also be shown by a low regression coefficient of 1%.
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2020
Citarum River is the largest natural stream in West Java, Indonesia, flowing across an area of 66... more Citarum River is the largest natural stream in West Java, Indonesia, flowing across an area of 6614 km 2. About 3000 industries discharge their wastewater into the stream, affecting almost 19 million people who live along the river. Considering the perseverance and the prospective toxicity of microplastics (MPs), investigating their concentrations in this river is critical to help illustrate the exposure of the risks to the residents of the area and beyond. This study was focused on identifying the MPs concentrations in the water, sediment, and milkfish (Chanos chanos). A volume-reduce method by using manta trawl was used to take water samples. Sediment and milkfish samples were taken using a grab sampling method. Digestion of fish was using Fenton oxidation method according to weighted ratio (1:5) and H 2 O 2 30% (w/v). The average MPs concentration in the river was 0.0574 ± 0.025 particles/m 3 ; in the seawater ponds 3.000 ± 2.645 particles/L; and in the mixed-water ponds, where the water from the river and the sea were mixed, 0.666 ± 0.577 particles/L. The average MPs concentration in the sediment of Citarum River was 16.666 ± 0.577 particles/100 g; in the seawater ponds 13.335 ± 1.527 particles/100 g; in the mixed-water ponds
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2018
In this study, Polypropylene (PP) plastics waste with various concentrations of 0.5%, 0.8%, and 1... more In this study, Polypropylene (PP) plastics waste with various concentrations of 0.5%, 0.8%, and 1% were investigated to substitute bitumen's mass. The mixing of plastics and asphalt was conducted by wet method, which added PP plastic into the asphalt when being heated so it produced a homogeneous mixture. Then, AC-WC mixture was made with bitumen contents of 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5%, and 7%. Each mixture was carried out in triplicate for every plastic's concentrations. Five parameters of mixtures were tested by Marshall Method, as follows: VIM, VMA, VFA, stability, and flow. Then, all the parameters were plotted in bar chart to determine an OBC (optimum bitumen content). Changes in rheological properties after the addition of PP plastics occurs which indicates the increasing of viscosity, softening point, flash point, and the decreasing of density, penetration and solubility. Based on Marshall Test, the OBC for asphalt pen 60/70 was 5.4% while the OBC with PP plastic content of 0.5%, 0.8% and 1%, consecutively, were 5.41%, 5.43% and 5.45%. Despite the increasing of OBC, this substitution of bitumen to plastics has some advantages such as increasing stability and remaining strength index (RSI), reducing plastic waste generation and asphalt cost. However, it has disadvantages such as it consumes more energy and it increases gas emission.
Papers by Emenda Sembiring