Supplemental Material for Empowering open science with reflexive and spatialised indicators by Ju... more Supplemental Material for Empowering open science with reflexive and spatialised indicators by Juste Raimbault Pierre-Olivier Chasset Clémentine Cottineau Christine Kosmopoulos
Bibliometrics have become commonplace and widely used by authors and journals to monitor, to eval... more Bibliometrics have become commonplace and widely used by authors and journals to monitor, to evaluate and to identify their readership in an ever-increasingly publishing scientific world. With this contribution, we aim to investigate the semantic proximities and evolution of the papers published in the online journal Cybergeo since its creation in 1996. We propose a dedicated interactive application that compares three strategies for building semantic networks, using keywords (self-declared themes), citations (areas of research using the papers published in Cybergeo) and full-texts (themes derived from the words used in writing). We interpret these networks and semantic proximities with respect to their temporal evolution as well as to their spatial expressions, by considering the countries studied in the papers under inquiry (Cybergeo being a journal of geography, most articles refer to a well-defined spatial envelope). Finally, we compare the three methods and conclude that their ...
OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it fr... more OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in : Eprints ID : 18786 Abstract. Urban growth has been widely studied and many models (in particular Cellular Automata and Agent-Based Models) have been developed. Most of these models rely on two representations of the geographic space: raster and vector. Both representations have their own strengths and drawbacks. The raster models are simpler to implement and require less data, which explains their success and why most of urban growth models are based on this representation. However, they are not adapted to microscopic dynamics such as, for example, the construction of buildings. To reach such goal, a vector-based representation of space is mandatory. However, very few vector models exist, and none of them is easily adaptable to different case studies. In this pape...
Estimating spatial accessibility to facilities on the regional scale: an extended commuting-based... more Estimating spatial accessibility to facilities on the regional scale: an extended commuting-based interaction potential model
According to two recent studies, Thomas Schelling' model of segregation is only weakly affected b... more According to two recent studies, Thomas Schelling' model of segregation is only weakly affected by the underlying spatial structure, whatever its complexity. Such a conclusion is important from an urban planning perspective as it suggests that only a very restricted range of possible actions, if any, would be able to contribute limiting social segregation, unless individual preferences are significantly modified. Our own simulations show that, using appropriate graph-based spatial structures, one can reveal significant spatial effects and thus provide alternative planning insights. Cliques in networks indeed play a significant role, reinforcing segregation effects in Schelling's model. Introducing a small amount of noise in the model permits us to reveal more precisely this effect, without modifying the global behavior of the initial model. Furthermore, we show how a logistic model describes in a concise but precise way this global behavior at an aggregated level.
[email protected] 2 Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), INSE... more [email protected] 2 Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), INSERM U557/INRA U1125/CNAM/Université Paris 13/CRNH Ile-de-France 3 Service de Nutrition, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière (AP-HP), Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 4 Unité Régulations Métaboliques, Nutrition et Diabètes, INSERM U870/CRNH-Rhône-Alpes/Université Lyon 1 5 Unité Epidémiologie, Systèmes d’Information et Modélisation, UMR-S 707, INSERM/Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Summary This paper presents an example of spatial analysis applied to child pedestrian road accid... more Summary This paper presents an example of spatial analysis applied to child pedestrian road accidents in the city of Lille, France. Each accident is known as a localised event, with its geographic co-ordinates. Qualitative and quantitative information is also associated to each event. The subject is to test the relationship between the spatial distribution of child pedestrian accidents and the localisation of point source, such as schools. The use of exploratory spatial analysis methods based on local measures (Kernel density estimation, clusters) allows to map the distribution of accidents and to select sites which deserve further investigations. Finally, scatterplot smoothers and logistic modelling are used to evaluate the influence of the proximity of schools on the localisation of child pedestrian road accidents.
Ce travail d’HDR retrace le parcours scientifique de l’auteur et repositionne dans le contexte de... more Ce travail d’HDR retrace le parcours scientifique de l’auteur et repositionne dans le contexte de sa trajectoire professionnelle son investissement actuel dans l’interdisciplinarite et les sciences de la complexite. Geographe de formation, l’auteur s’est interesse tres tot aux rapports structures/processus dans l’evolution des systemes spatiaux et ses investigations l’ont amene a travailler sur les mobilites spatiales et certains de leurs risques ou externalites negatives associes (accidents, pollution, bruit, epidemies, congestion) dans une perspective associant etroitement la modelisation et la simulation, au service d’une demarche deliberement exploratoire. Ce positionnement a amene tres tot l’auteur a s’investir dans l’interdisciplinarite et dans la direction de collectifs interdisciplinaires, a l’image du GDR-E S4, de l’Institut des Systemes Complexes de Paris-Ile de France ou de l’UMR Geographie-cites (CNRS-Paris1-Paris7).
As atividades humanas tem influenciado as alteracoes do uso/ ocupacao do solo ao longo dos tempos... more As atividades humanas tem influenciado as alteracoes do uso/ ocupacao do solo ao longo dos tempos. As alteracoes reagem as pressoes demograficas, as tendencias economicas e ao desenvolvimento dos transportes. O crescimento urbano com implicacoes nos padroes de alteracao de uso/ ocupacao do solo pode ser medido atraves de uma diversidade de metricas da paisagem. O nosso estudo e inspirado pela primeira lei da Geografia de Tobler, em que o autor afirma: tudo esta relacionado com tudo, mas as coisas mais proximas estao mais relacionadas do que as coisas distantes. Neste artigo apresentamos o metodo LAND (LandusechAnge and Neighbouring Distance), construido no programa NetLogo, que permite identificar e medir a influencia da distância vizinha no crescimento urbano a partir do limite das areas urbanas existentes. Este metodo permite ser usado como suporte as politicas territoriais na monitorizacao da expansao urbana.
This document presents some simulation results obtained on an epidemic model, SIMPEST, designed t... more This document presents some simulation results obtained on an epidemic model, SIMPEST, designed to simulate the dynamics of local bubonic plague epidemics. The individual-based approach allows to consider discrete individuals, their spatial behaviour, and the contingency of interactions among them. This approach allows to perform investigations about how various factors, such as sociological or geographical ones, may influence the development of a local epidemic. We performed some sensitivity analysis on two initial conditions: population density and habitat distribution. The influence of these input variables on the epidemic dynamics is investigated using some key output variables. Our simulation results can then be compared with some well-established elements of the theory of epidemics, more specifically the existence of an epidemic threshold on the population size and the influence of the contact network structure on the epidemic force.
De l’echelle la plus locale a la plus globale, l’espace geographique est organise et structure pa... more De l’echelle la plus locale a la plus globale, l’espace geographique est organise et structure par les societes. Pourtant, ce resultat n’est pas toujours atteint au moyen de processus centralises et certaines regularites et structures peuvent emerger par le biais de processus relevant davantage d’une certaine forme d’auto- organisation. A partir de plusieurs exemples, certains d’ordre theorique et d’autres plus appliques, j’essaierai de montrer de quelle maniere des comportements individuels non coordonnes mais interdependants peuvent produire de l’ordre. Je tâcherai egalement de montrer la possible influence de la structure spatiale sous-jacente sur les processus a l’œuvre et aborderai la question du controle et de la regulation de tels systemes sociaux decentralises.
An agent-based model of a single bus line is de- signed to assess quality of service in terms of ... more An agent-based model of a single bus line is de- signed to assess quality of service in terms of regularity and occupancy. Agents represent buses moving on a linear network of stops, where passengers (summarized by counts) get on and off. Three performance-loss factors are considered: distances between stops, drivers' behavior, and influx of users along the line. We show that service regularity is less impacted by sec- tion lengths and bus speeds than by demand. Two solutions are tried: increasing the number of buses through a higher de- parture frequency, and improving the exchange of passengers with all-door boarding instead of the usual one-door scheme. These solutions are self-driven since no central supervision is required. We defined a measure of regularity based on the distribution of "headways" (time intervals) betwen buses. Ac- cording to our model, higher frequencies do not improve reg- ularity, whereas all-door boarding does for large numbers of incoming pas...
We describe a hybrid agent-based model and simulation of urban morphogenesis. It consists of a ce... more We describe a hybrid agent-based model and simulation of urban morphogenesis. It consists of a cellular automata grid coupled to a dynamic network topology. The inherently heterogeneous properties of urban structure and function are taken into account in the dynamics of the system. We propose various layout and performance measures to categorize and explore the generated configurations. An economic evaluation metric was also designed using the sensitivity of segregation models to spatial configuration. Our model is applied to a real-world case, offering a means to optimize the distribution of activities in a zoning context.
This paper deals with an urban foresight exercise combining a board game and modeling. This exper... more This paper deals with an urban foresight exercise combining a board game and modeling. This experiment, entitled "post-car Île-de-France", (UMR Géographie-cités & Forum Vies Mobiles), aimed to propose a serious game to explore the hypothesis of a strong reduction in car mobility. The production of a device - an agent-based model and a board game - made it possible to explore configurations of car-free territories and their evolution over thirty years. This serious game was tested in 2018 and 2019 in workshops with various audiences (students, general public and researchers). We propose in this article to explore three main aspects, a methodological aspect (the co-production of a model and a game), an explanation of the game sessions (playing the post-car hypothesis) and a reflection on the contribution of the serious game to the renewal of tools and reflections on the city of tomorrow (the game, a foresight tool?).
Supplemental Material for Empowering open science with reflexive and spatialised indicators by Ju... more Supplemental Material for Empowering open science with reflexive and spatialised indicators by Juste Raimbault Pierre-Olivier Chasset Clémentine Cottineau Christine Kosmopoulos
Bibliometrics have become commonplace and widely used by authors and journals to monitor, to eval... more Bibliometrics have become commonplace and widely used by authors and journals to monitor, to evaluate and to identify their readership in an ever-increasingly publishing scientific world. With this contribution, we aim to investigate the semantic proximities and evolution of the papers published in the online journal Cybergeo since its creation in 1996. We propose a dedicated interactive application that compares three strategies for building semantic networks, using keywords (self-declared themes), citations (areas of research using the papers published in Cybergeo) and full-texts (themes derived from the words used in writing). We interpret these networks and semantic proximities with respect to their temporal evolution as well as to their spatial expressions, by considering the countries studied in the papers under inquiry (Cybergeo being a journal of geography, most articles refer to a well-defined spatial envelope). Finally, we compare the three methods and conclude that their ...
OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it fr... more OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in : Eprints ID : 18786 Abstract. Urban growth has been widely studied and many models (in particular Cellular Automata and Agent-Based Models) have been developed. Most of these models rely on two representations of the geographic space: raster and vector. Both representations have their own strengths and drawbacks. The raster models are simpler to implement and require less data, which explains their success and why most of urban growth models are based on this representation. However, they are not adapted to microscopic dynamics such as, for example, the construction of buildings. To reach such goal, a vector-based representation of space is mandatory. However, very few vector models exist, and none of them is easily adaptable to different case studies. In this pape...
Estimating spatial accessibility to facilities on the regional scale: an extended commuting-based... more Estimating spatial accessibility to facilities on the regional scale: an extended commuting-based interaction potential model
According to two recent studies, Thomas Schelling' model of segregation is only weakly affected b... more According to two recent studies, Thomas Schelling' model of segregation is only weakly affected by the underlying spatial structure, whatever its complexity. Such a conclusion is important from an urban planning perspective as it suggests that only a very restricted range of possible actions, if any, would be able to contribute limiting social segregation, unless individual preferences are significantly modified. Our own simulations show that, using appropriate graph-based spatial structures, one can reveal significant spatial effects and thus provide alternative planning insights. Cliques in networks indeed play a significant role, reinforcing segregation effects in Schelling's model. Introducing a small amount of noise in the model permits us to reveal more precisely this effect, without modifying the global behavior of the initial model. Furthermore, we show how a logistic model describes in a concise but precise way this global behavior at an aggregated level.
[email protected] 2 Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), INSE... more [email protected] 2 Unité de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (UREN), INSERM U557/INRA U1125/CNAM/Université Paris 13/CRNH Ile-de-France 3 Service de Nutrition, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière (AP-HP), Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 4 Unité Régulations Métaboliques, Nutrition et Diabètes, INSERM U870/CRNH-Rhône-Alpes/Université Lyon 1 5 Unité Epidémiologie, Systèmes d’Information et Modélisation, UMR-S 707, INSERM/Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Summary This paper presents an example of spatial analysis applied to child pedestrian road accid... more Summary This paper presents an example of spatial analysis applied to child pedestrian road accidents in the city of Lille, France. Each accident is known as a localised event, with its geographic co-ordinates. Qualitative and quantitative information is also associated to each event. The subject is to test the relationship between the spatial distribution of child pedestrian accidents and the localisation of point source, such as schools. The use of exploratory spatial analysis methods based on local measures (Kernel density estimation, clusters) allows to map the distribution of accidents and to select sites which deserve further investigations. Finally, scatterplot smoothers and logistic modelling are used to evaluate the influence of the proximity of schools on the localisation of child pedestrian road accidents.
Ce travail d’HDR retrace le parcours scientifique de l’auteur et repositionne dans le contexte de... more Ce travail d’HDR retrace le parcours scientifique de l’auteur et repositionne dans le contexte de sa trajectoire professionnelle son investissement actuel dans l’interdisciplinarite et les sciences de la complexite. Geographe de formation, l’auteur s’est interesse tres tot aux rapports structures/processus dans l’evolution des systemes spatiaux et ses investigations l’ont amene a travailler sur les mobilites spatiales et certains de leurs risques ou externalites negatives associes (accidents, pollution, bruit, epidemies, congestion) dans une perspective associant etroitement la modelisation et la simulation, au service d’une demarche deliberement exploratoire. Ce positionnement a amene tres tot l’auteur a s’investir dans l’interdisciplinarite et dans la direction de collectifs interdisciplinaires, a l’image du GDR-E S4, de l’Institut des Systemes Complexes de Paris-Ile de France ou de l’UMR Geographie-cites (CNRS-Paris1-Paris7).
As atividades humanas tem influenciado as alteracoes do uso/ ocupacao do solo ao longo dos tempos... more As atividades humanas tem influenciado as alteracoes do uso/ ocupacao do solo ao longo dos tempos. As alteracoes reagem as pressoes demograficas, as tendencias economicas e ao desenvolvimento dos transportes. O crescimento urbano com implicacoes nos padroes de alteracao de uso/ ocupacao do solo pode ser medido atraves de uma diversidade de metricas da paisagem. O nosso estudo e inspirado pela primeira lei da Geografia de Tobler, em que o autor afirma: tudo esta relacionado com tudo, mas as coisas mais proximas estao mais relacionadas do que as coisas distantes. Neste artigo apresentamos o metodo LAND (LandusechAnge and Neighbouring Distance), construido no programa NetLogo, que permite identificar e medir a influencia da distância vizinha no crescimento urbano a partir do limite das areas urbanas existentes. Este metodo permite ser usado como suporte as politicas territoriais na monitorizacao da expansao urbana.
This document presents some simulation results obtained on an epidemic model, SIMPEST, designed t... more This document presents some simulation results obtained on an epidemic model, SIMPEST, designed to simulate the dynamics of local bubonic plague epidemics. The individual-based approach allows to consider discrete individuals, their spatial behaviour, and the contingency of interactions among them. This approach allows to perform investigations about how various factors, such as sociological or geographical ones, may influence the development of a local epidemic. We performed some sensitivity analysis on two initial conditions: population density and habitat distribution. The influence of these input variables on the epidemic dynamics is investigated using some key output variables. Our simulation results can then be compared with some well-established elements of the theory of epidemics, more specifically the existence of an epidemic threshold on the population size and the influence of the contact network structure on the epidemic force.
De l’echelle la plus locale a la plus globale, l’espace geographique est organise et structure pa... more De l’echelle la plus locale a la plus globale, l’espace geographique est organise et structure par les societes. Pourtant, ce resultat n’est pas toujours atteint au moyen de processus centralises et certaines regularites et structures peuvent emerger par le biais de processus relevant davantage d’une certaine forme d’auto- organisation. A partir de plusieurs exemples, certains d’ordre theorique et d’autres plus appliques, j’essaierai de montrer de quelle maniere des comportements individuels non coordonnes mais interdependants peuvent produire de l’ordre. Je tâcherai egalement de montrer la possible influence de la structure spatiale sous-jacente sur les processus a l’œuvre et aborderai la question du controle et de la regulation de tels systemes sociaux decentralises.
An agent-based model of a single bus line is de- signed to assess quality of service in terms of ... more An agent-based model of a single bus line is de- signed to assess quality of service in terms of regularity and occupancy. Agents represent buses moving on a linear network of stops, where passengers (summarized by counts) get on and off. Three performance-loss factors are considered: distances between stops, drivers' behavior, and influx of users along the line. We show that service regularity is less impacted by sec- tion lengths and bus speeds than by demand. Two solutions are tried: increasing the number of buses through a higher de- parture frequency, and improving the exchange of passengers with all-door boarding instead of the usual one-door scheme. These solutions are self-driven since no central supervision is required. We defined a measure of regularity based on the distribution of "headways" (time intervals) betwen buses. Ac- cording to our model, higher frequencies do not improve reg- ularity, whereas all-door boarding does for large numbers of incoming pas...
We describe a hybrid agent-based model and simulation of urban morphogenesis. It consists of a ce... more We describe a hybrid agent-based model and simulation of urban morphogenesis. It consists of a cellular automata grid coupled to a dynamic network topology. The inherently heterogeneous properties of urban structure and function are taken into account in the dynamics of the system. We propose various layout and performance measures to categorize and explore the generated configurations. An economic evaluation metric was also designed using the sensitivity of segregation models to spatial configuration. Our model is applied to a real-world case, offering a means to optimize the distribution of activities in a zoning context.
This paper deals with an urban foresight exercise combining a board game and modeling. This exper... more This paper deals with an urban foresight exercise combining a board game and modeling. This experiment, entitled "post-car Île-de-France", (UMR Géographie-cités & Forum Vies Mobiles), aimed to propose a serious game to explore the hypothesis of a strong reduction in car mobility. The production of a device - an agent-based model and a board game - made it possible to explore configurations of car-free territories and their evolution over thirty years. This serious game was tested in 2018 and 2019 in workshops with various audiences (students, general public and researchers). We propose in this article to explore three main aspects, a methodological aspect (the co-production of a model and a game), an explanation of the game sessions (playing the post-car hypothesis) and a reflection on the contribution of the serious game to the renewal of tools and reflections on the city of tomorrow (the game, a foresight tool?).
Papers by Arnaud Banos