Dr Yupeng LI 

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in Computer Science (HKU)
(852) 3411-8263
[email protected]
CVA Room 936B

Dr. Yupeng LI is interested in studying robust machine learning in network science. He is excited about interdisciplinary research that applies algorithmic techniques to edging problems. Dr. Li takes advantage of powerful techniques in learning, algorithm, and game theory to design and analyze networked systems, such as information networks and social networks. Recently, he has worked on robust online and decentralized machine learning techniques with performance guarantees, and he has extended these techniques to modern areas in networking and social computing. Dr. Li has been awarded the Rising Star in Social Computing Award by CAAI and the distinction of Distinguished Member of the IEEE INFOCOM Technical Program Committee in 2022. He serves on the technical committees of some top conferences in computer science. His works have been published in prestigious venues, such as IEEE INFOCOM, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He has awarded national, provincial, municipal and industry competitive research fundings from funding agencies such as RGC, NSFC, GDSTC, and CCF Research Fund. He is a member of ACM and IEEE.

Research interests 

Robust Machine Learning
Algorithmic Game Theory
Networked Systems
Social Computing
Ethics of AI


CAAI Rising Star in Social Computing, 2022

Distinguished Member of the IEEE INFOCOM Technical Program Committee, 2022