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- Zhu, Yu-Qian & Chen, Houn-Gee (2015): Social media and human need satisfaction: Implications for social media marketing
U.S. companies spent $5.1 billion on social media advertising in 2013, but a recent Gallup survey revealed that these advertisements had no influence on the majority of U.S. consumers’ buying decisions. For social media marketing to be effective, we argue that social media marketing efforts need to be congruent and aligned with the different needs of social media users. To this end, this article presents a typology of current social media services using the following categories: relationship, self-media, collaboration, and creative outlet. We further elaborate on how each type of social media caters to basic human needs, and provide implications for social media marketing based on the need-congruence lens.
RePEc:eee:bushor:v:58:y:2015:i:3:p:335-345 Save to MyIDEAS - E. Iliopoulou & A. Vlachvei & Nicholas Tsounis & Aspasia Vlachvei (2021): Consumers’ Motives for Visiting Social Media Brand Pages and Social Media Advertisements
The aim of this study is to identify the main factors related to social media pages, social media content, and social media advertisements that attract consumers and motivate them to purchase brands. ... Factor analysis on the motives for visiting social media pages revealed five factors: information, social interaction, entertainment, remuneration, and contributing activities, while attractive content of social media pages has to do with Informational content, call to action, challenging content, and entertaining content. In terms of social media advertising, factor analysis revealed four factors: interactivity, relevance, performance expectancy, and information.
RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-030-63970-9_34 Save to MyIDEAS - Cécile Zachlod & Marc K. Peter & Francisco J. Martínez-López & David López López (2021): The Social Media Monitoring Process and its Role in Social Media Strategy Development
Social media marketing is an integral part of digital marketing. ... A review of the identified German literature unveiled eighteen social media strategy frameworks, of which only three included the component of social media monitoring. This is in contrast to the English literature, where social media monitoring is evidenced in a large literature review. The research analyses and describes the eighteen identified frameworks in the German literature, validates them against a generic social media strategy framework consisting of seven components/steps; and describes the underrepresented component of social media monitoring by suggesting a four-step process.
RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-030-76520-0_16 Save to MyIDEAS - Andreas Guber & Christopher Zerres (2024): Social Media und Marktforschung
Bereits kurz nach dem Start der ersten Plattformen hat sich die Marktforschung Social Media in zweifacher Hinsicht zu Nutze gemacht: Vorhandene Inhalte wurden einerseits zum Gegenstand und andererseits zum Instrument der Forschung. Einen Einblick in Theorie und Praxis von Social Media als Gegenstand und Instrument der Marktforschung soll der nachfolgende Beitrag geben.
RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-658-45784-6_15 Save to MyIDEAS - Guy Aridor & Rafael Jiménez-Durán & Ro'ee Levy & Lena Song (2024): The Economics of Social Media
We provide a guide to the burgeoning literature on the economics of social media. We first define social media platforms and highlight their unique features. ... Under production, we discuss how incentives affect content produced on and off social media and how harmful content is moderated. ... Under consumption, we discuss how social media affects individuals who consume its content and society at large, and explore consumer substitution patterns across platforms. ... We conclude with a brief discussion of the future of social media.
RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10934 Save to MyIDEAS - Stefanie Babka (2023): What Is Social Media?
This chapter describes social media in a simple and understandable way and avoids complicated technical terminology as far as possible. It shows which mechanisms make up the phenomenon of social media, who uses social media and what challenges the new attitude of society brings with it.
RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-658-42351-3_1 Save to MyIDEAS - Stefanie Babka (2021): Was ist Social Media?
Zusammenfassung Dieses Kapitel beschreibt Social Media auf einfache und verständliche Weise und verzichtet weitestgehend auf komplizierte Fachterminologie. Es wird aufgezeigt, welche Mechanismen das Phänomen Social Media ausmachen, wer Social Media nutzt und welche Herausforderungen die neue Haltung der Gesellschaft mit sich bringt.
RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-658-34247-0_1 Save to MyIDEAS - Isabelle Bär & Christopher Zerres & Christopher Zerres (2024): Social-Media-Monitoring
Zusammenfassung Social-Media-Monitoring (SMM) ist heute unerlässlich für Unternehmen, um Einblicke in Kundenmeinungen und Markttrends zu erhalten. Durch die Analyse von Posts, Kommentaren und anderen Nutzerinteraktionen auf Social Media können wertvolle Informationen über die Wahrnehmung von Marken, Produkten und Dienstleistungen gewonnen werden.
RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-658-45784-6_40 Save to MyIDEAS - Rumler, Andrea & Ullrich, Susanne (2016): Social-Media-Monitoring und -Kontrolle
Social Media werden heute von drei Viertel aller deutschen Unternehmen in der Unternehmens- und Marketingkommunikation eingesetzt. Effektivität und Effizienz des Social-Media-Einsatzes müssen deshalb regelmäßig überprüft werden. Zielsetzung beim Controlling der Social-Media-Aktivitäten eines Unternehmens ist es, Hilfestellung bei der Steuerung des Social-Media-Marketings zu leisten. Im folgenden Beitrag werden Ansätze zum Social-Media-Monitoring, zu Social-Media Analytics sowie Überlegungen zur Messung des Return-on-Investment vorgestellt.
RePEc:zbw:afmpwm:261117 Save to MyIDEAS - Goel, Lakshmi & Blackwood, Gerry & Person, Karina (2014): Social media in small and medium enterprises
While the adoption of various social media tools by businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is well documented, there is less research on best practices or strategies for the effective use of these tools. Another gap in research is the documentation of resources needed to manage various social media channels effectively. This paper addresses these gaps by: (a) synthesising literature on how SMEs are currently using social media tools; (b) developing a framework that predicts what tools should be used, based on business objectives; and (c) providing recommendations to SMEs regarding the required resources and metrics for measuring the success of social media channels. This work provides managers in SMEs with a simple and powerful framework to plan their social media strategy.
RePEc:aza:jdsmm0:y:2014:v:2:i:2:p:176-184 Save to MyIDEAS