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- Sam Schulhofer-Wohl (2011): Heterogeneity and Tests of Risk Sharing
How well do people share risk? Standard risk-sharing regressions assume that any variation in households' risk preferences is uncorrelated with variation in the cyclicality of income. I combine administrative and survey data to show that this assumption is questionable: Risk-tolerant workers hold jobs in which earnings carry more aggregate risk. The correlation makes risk-sharing regressions in the previous literature too pessimistic.
RePEc:ucp:jpolec:doi:10.1086/662720 Save to MyIDEAS - Sam Schulhofer-Wohl (2011): Heterogeneity and tests of risk sharing
How well do people share risk? Standard risk-sharing regressions assume that any variation in households? risk preferences is uncorrelated with variation in the cyclicality of income. I combine administrative and survey data to show that this assumption is questionable: Risk-tolerant workers hold jobs where earnings carry more aggregate risk. The correlation makes risk-sharing regressions in the previous literature too pessimistic.
RePEc:fip:fedmsr:462 Save to MyIDEAS