Astra Clelia Bertelli PRO


AI & ML interests

- Bioinformatics ML - NLP for academic notes, learning and productivity - ML Python frameworks - Blogging about this kind of contents (on CoderLegion:; on DEV Community:



Posts 7

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🤖 Would you like to chat with Groq, Anthropic, OpenAI and Cohere models? Now you can comfortably do it on Hugging Face Spaces!
💬 I'm thrilled to introduce you: as-cle-bert/chat-with-em, the Space that lets you build a customizable chat model by specifying system instructions, temperature and maximum number of output tokens
🦜🔗 Thanks to LangChain, you can easily choose and switch among Claude models, Command-R, GPT-3.5, GPT-4o, Llama-3-8B, Llama-3-70B and Mixtral 8x7b: you just need to provide an API key!

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🌍 As we all know, Planet Earth is undergoing an unprecedented climate crisis, almost totally due to human activities: we haven't got much time left before it's too late to take action, and one of the key fields where we need to urgently operate are climate-aware financial investments...
🤖 ... And that's where AI comes into the play: we can indeed try to leverage, tweak and expand its knowledge in the field to extract valuable climate-aware solutions.
🤗 I tried to make something alike: exploiting climatebert/tcfd_recommendations as knowledge base, Qdrant Cloud as vector store service and microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct as LLM (provided via API from eswardivi/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct by @eswardivi ), I built an AI assistant to help you find climate-oriented solutions for your investments, companies, or simply for your everyday life🎒.
Find it here: as-cle-bert/cLLiMateChat


Be kind to our Planet, we only got one💚

(Shout-outs to @JohnSmith9982 whose JohnSmith9982/small_and_pretty Gradio theme was used to build my application🚀)

PS: 🌱Curious of knowing what is your carbon footprint? Head over to this ML-backed HF Space I built to discover it: as-cle-bert/carbon-footprint-predictor