Background A correct identification of species is fundamental in order to derive all the biologic... more Background A correct identification of species is fundamental in order to derive all the biological, ecological, and behavioral information useful to reconstruct previous events when insects are used in forensic and funerary archaeological contexts. Little attention was paid in the past to the description of the immature stages of flies, especially of species belonging to family found only occasionally on human cadavers and animal carrion. Sphaeroceridae species belong to this category. Results In this work, adult and puparia of Phthitia empirica (Hutton, 1901) are illustrated and described. In addition, some observations about the molecular identification of this species are presented and discussed. Conclusions This work will allow the identification of puparia of this species providing additional tools in forensic entomological investigation. More in general, the effort of producing morphological descriptions and molecular information of species of potential forensic interest clea...
Circadian clocks have evolved to synchronize physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the 24-h geo... more Circadian clocks have evolved to synchronize physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the 24-h geophysical cycles of the Earth. Understanding the circadian clock mechanism could play an important role in forensic entomology because it temporally gates behaviour such as locomotor activities, feeding, mating, egg laying and adult emergence which could provide useful information for crime reconstruction. The scuttle fly Megaselia scalaris colonises both exposed and buried bodies, whether indoors or outdoors. Locomotor activity, oviposition and adult emergence of this species have been investigated using technologies employed in many previous Drosophila circadian studies. The results reported here clearly highlight the underlying role of the circadian clock in regulating the behaviour of males and females of M. scalaris, and show the role of light as a "zeitgeber" for clock resetting. In contrast to Calliphoridae, M. scalaris can reach the oviposition site and lay eggs in darkn...
Insects play a fundamental role in the removal and recycling of the organic matter from human cad... more Insects play a fundamental role in the removal and recycling of the organic matter from human cadavers and animal carcasses. Several factors can affect both the cadaver decomposition and colonisation by insects and other animals. Accessibility to the body is one of these factors. The archaeological, anthropological and entomological investigations conducted inside the Crypt of the Franciscan Monastery in Azzio (Varese, northern Italy) allowed the reconstitution of the funerary practices used by a Franciscan community between the 17 th and 18 th centuries and provides a good example of necrophagous entomo-fauna selection. Human remains were found in the putridarium chamber, a semicircular room with sixteen narrow and semicircular niches, where bodies were located untill the complete decomposition of the soft tissues. Numerous puparia were collected from the bones, the clothes and the niche walls. The majority belonged to Hydrotaea capensis (Diptera: Muscidae) and a few puparia of scuttle flies in the family Phoridae were detected among the studied material. Fragments of beetles in the families Staphylinidae and Cryptophagidae were also sampled. The entomological findings clearly support the hypothesis that the bodies were quickly transferred into the crypt after death and that the specific hypogeal (subterranean) environment selected the entomofauna community composition. The observations here reported with similar entomological findings cited in the literature support the hypothesis of a specific selectivity on insects' community by underground environments (e.g. graves, crypts). This conclusion can be applied to outline a common pattern in archaeological contexts and in indoor forensic cases.
An interdisciplinary method involving different disciplines of archeology was carried out on the ... more An interdisciplinary method involving different disciplines of archeology was carried out on the necropolis of Mutina, in order to have a complete view of the funerary rituals. For a multidisciplinary approach in order to study the funerary rituals, epigraphic, litterary, iconographic, archaeological and archaeobotanical evidences have been taken into consideration. A total of 142 graves and 4 structures have been analysed, coming from 8 necropolis (1st \u2013 4th century AD). Over 2131 liters of soil was sieved and then archaeobotanical (seeds/fruit, charcoals) and archaeological findings were collected. These remains of meals left on the graves and of the objects involved in the ceremonies, are evidences resulting from the attendance of the funeral space. In addition to traditional methods, new technologies (CT-scan and SAXS - in collaboration with Huddersfield University) helped to study offerings presence
The Ospedale Maggiore, known as Ca’ Granda, was founded in 1456 by will of Francesco Sforza, Duke... more The Ospedale Maggiore, known as Ca’ Granda, was founded in 1456 by will of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, and was considered for almost five centuries a model for Milanese, Italian and even European healthcare. Attracting patients from all over Europe, the Ca’ Granda distinguished itself for the introduction of new treatments and innovative health reforms. In the burial ground of the hospital still lie the bodies of the deceased patients, who came from the poorest strata of the population. The study of their remains aims to give back a general identity and a story to each of these persons as well as reconstruct a fraction of the sixteenth century population of Milano as concerns lifestyle and disease and examine practises and therapy of this exceptional hospital. It is estimated that about two million commingled bones and articulated skeletons rest in the crypt, together with other types of findings (e.g., ceramic, coins, clothing). These remains are the object of a large project ...
The presence of <em>Basilia mediterranea </em>Hůrka, 1970, species with Western Medit... more The presence of <em>Basilia mediterranea </em>Hůrka, 1970, species with Western Mediterranean distribution, is reported for the first time from Italy. Two specimens, a male and a female, were collected from two bats belonging to the species <em>Pipistrellus pipistrellus </em>Schreber, 1774 captured with mist nets during a research on bats of Montecristo and Capraia islands (Tuscan Archipelago National Park, Central Italy).
The flies belonging to the Nycteribiidae family are pupiparous, blood-sucking, obligatory ectopar... more The flies belonging to the Nycteribiidae family are pupiparous, blood-sucking, obligatory ectoparasites of Chiroptera. Their biology and morphology are the result of the adaptation to an ectopar - asitic life on their host: the bats. Nine species are reported from Italy, six from the region Veneto. Fly spec - imens, collected from bats belonging to the main colony ( Myotis myotis and Miniopterus schreibersii, 200- 250 individuals in 1975-1980) living into "La Bislonga" cave (1001 V/TV), were studied and identified as Nycteribia latreillii, new for Northern Italy, N. schmidlii and Penicillidia dufourii. These data confirm the host specificity of the parasite species, as previous quoted. The significant reduction in bat richness and abun - dance occurred in the last years has done direct effect on parasite distribution and in general on biodi- versity. Parassitologia 51 : 61-64, 2009 The flies belonging to the Nycteribiidae family are pupiparous, blood-sucking, obligatory ec...
Forensic entomology is a branch of entomology used to solve mainly human criminal offences. In th... more Forensic entomology is a branch of entomology used to solve mainly human criminal offences. In the last few years the entomological approach is more and more often applied in forensic cases involving animals or problems of a veterinary nature. Several studies on insect colonisation have been performed using pig (Sus scrofa) as a model for humans. Pigs and humans differ from the majority of the other mammals because of the lack of dense fur. Little information, concerning the effect of the fur on insect colonisation, is available. The aim of this pilot work is to investigate the effects of fur, season and fur*season on the colonisation of animal carrions by insects. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are used as a model for animals with fur. Five experiments have been performed during 2011 in a field in the neighbourhood of Modena (Northern Italy) (one in winter, one in spring, one in summer and two in autumn). For each test, two rabbits (2,5-4,5 Kg) have been used, one with fur and one without. The carrion without fur had been considered as control. Calliphora vicina, Lucilia sericata and Lucilia illustris have been the fly species collected. Hymenoptera parasitoids and larder beetles (Dermestes undulatus) have been also collected. No difference in the composition of the fly fauna colonizing the carrions has been detected in any of the performed experiments. In contrast, a delay in colonization of the animals with fur have been registered in all the experiments. This delay was bigger during the colder seasons. The fauna composition is clearly different comparing warmer and colder seasons. This data further confirms the different phenology of the genera Lucilia and Calliphora in Northern Italy
The research focused on the foodstuffs, the offers that were widespread during the Roman funerary... more The research focused on the foodstuffs, the offers that were widespread during the Roman funerary rituals (Toynbee 1971). An interdisciplinary method involving different disciplines of archeology was carried out on the necropolis of Mutina and the ager Mutinense, analysing hundreds graves, especially cremation type. These remains of meals left on the graves (animals bones, seeds and fruit) and of the objects involved in the ceremonies, are evidences resulting from the attendance of the funeral space and their identification necessarily requires a strategy for their systematic collection, during the excavation phase and a focused analysis, in order to reconstruct the activities carried out around the death, which characterize three important moments: funeral, implementation of the tomb and visit to the dead (Ortalli 2011). ... The multidisciplinary approach was essential to have a complete view of the funerary rituals. Recurring behaviors have been noticed maybe for custom, social rule or emulation, such as the redundancy of fava bean, figs and dates above all, or of balsamari and table wares; although some differences in territorial settings or in the same necropolis have been found. The choice of both food offerings and objects are linked to a funerary symbology. The criteria that determined the collection of wood are very difficult to establish; it could be assumed that it is likely that both functional and cultural factors influenced the choices of wood for cremation rites
L\u2019entomologia forense, medico legale, \ue8 la disciplina che si occupa dello studio degli in... more L\u2019entomologia forense, medico legale, \ue8 la disciplina che si occupa dello studio degli insetti associati ai cadaveri, con lo scopo primario di determinare il tempo intercorso dal decesso o meglio del tempo di colonizzazione definito anche come mPMI, nonch\ue9 di ricavare ogni altra informazione utile a fini giudiziari, quali: evidenze di spostamento del cadavere o presenza nello stesso di droghe o veleni. Per intervalli di tempo relativamente brevi (settimane/mesi) la stima del mPMI si basa sulla determinazione dello stadio di sviluppo delle mosche che per prime colonizzano il cadavere. Precisato lo stato di sviluppo, la stima del mPMI potr\ue0 essere formulata una volta note le condizioni ambientali in essere durante il periodo precedente al ritrovamento del cadavere. Essendo il tasso di sviluppo dei ditteri specie-specifico la corretta identificazione delle specie diventa \u201cconditio sine qua non\u201d per una corretta stima del mPMI. Negli ultimi anni, la ricerca di strumenti utili a superare i limiti dell\u2019identificazione morfologica, soprattutto nel caso di uova e stadi larvali, ha trovato nelle tecniche biomolecolari una risorsa efficace e senz\u2019altro molto promettente tuttavia con alcune limitazioni relative alla incompletezza delle banche dati. I ditteri che per primi colonizzano un cadavere appartengono prevalentemente alle famiglie Calliphoridae e Muscidae. I generi maggiormente interessanti, nel contesto forense, apparteneti alla prima famiglia sono Calliphora, Chrysomya, Cynomya, Lucilia, Phormia e Protophormia. Negli ultimi anni \ue8 stata segnalata in Europa la diffusione verso Nord delle specie del genere Chrysomya, tipiche di ambienti circumediterranei, tropicali e sub-tropicali. C. albiceps, gi\ue0 stabilita in Europa dall\u2019inizio degli anni \u201990, ha raggiunto la Polonia nel 2008, mentre C. megacephala \ue8 stata riscontrata per la prima volta in Spagna nel 2001 e in Portogallo nel 2007. La diffusione geografica di queste specie verso il Nord Europa sembrerebbe correlata con la presenza di estati calde, favorite dalla corrente del Golfo. Vista la loro rapida diffusione in Europa, il loro utilizzo in ambito forense come indicatori per la stima del mPMI \ue8 un aspetto concreto, che richiede una corretta identificazione di queste nuove specie. Il presente lavoro si \ue8 posto come obiettivo l\u2019analisi dei dati molecolari disponibili per quattro specie di questo genere e la valutazione della strategia pi\uf9 economica ed efficace per una corretta identificazione molecolare delle suddette. Per le specie del genere sono attualmente disponibili nelle banche dati di DNA 943 sequenze utilizzabili per l\u2019identificazione e appartenenti a 20 geni (COI, COII, Cytb, 28S rRNA, 18S rRNA, 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, tRNA-Ile, tRNA-Met, tRNA-Gln, ITS2, ITS1, EF-1\u3b1, CAD, ND1, ND5, ND4, ND4L e per). Le sequenze di 8 geni sono disponibili per tutte le specie e 12 per le specie segnalate in Europa e con areale in via di espansione verso l\u2019Italia. Il gene COI \ue8 quello maggiormente rappresentato con un totale di 414 sequenze variamente distribuite tra le specie in un range compreso tra le 10 e le 250 sequenze rispettivamente per C. chloropyga e C. megacephala. Di particolare interesse risultano anche i geni 28S rRNA e ITS2 con rispettivamente 55 e 71 sequenze disponibili in GeneBank. Geni comunemente utilizzati per l\u2019identificazione specifica quali COII, Cytb, 16S rRNA con rispettivamente 116, 82 e 79 sequenze non sono disponibili per C. chloropyga. L\u2019analisi del best match (TaxonDNA) rivela che il 92.7% delle sequenze del gene COI attualmente disponibili permette una identificazione delle singole specie \u201ccorretta\u201d, lo 0,24% una identificazione \u201cambigua\u201d mentre lo 7.05% \u201cnon corretta\u201d. I valori per il gene COII non si discostano dal precedente. L\u2019analisi dei dati mette in rilievo la necessit\ue0 di creare dei database e protocolli standardizzati utilizzabili in sede forense per la corretta identificazione delle specie soprattutto di quelle di recente introduzione, spesso confuse per imperizia o come nel caso illustrato per ragioni legate alla disponibilit\ue0 di sequenze nelle banche dati. Tale necessit\ue0 \ue8 particolarmente sentita nel territorio italiano, che per posizione geografica costituisce una via di accesso in Europa per specie con distribuzione pi\uf9 meridionale o comunque mediterranea
The aim of the study was to investigate the micromorphology of Mentha pulegium leaves and flowers... more The aim of the study was to investigate the micromorphology of Mentha pulegium leaves and flowers harvested in three different Sicilian (Italy) areas with peculiar pedo-climatic conditions, and to characterize the phytochemical profile, the phytotoxic activity, and the eco-compatibility of their essential oils (EOs) for potential use as safe bioherbicides. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) highlighted that M. pulegium indumentum consists of non-glandular and glandular trichomes of different types. Peltate trichomes of plants from the different sites showed few significant differences in dimension and abundance, but they were characterized by a surprisingly high number of secretory cells both in leaves and flowers. Phytochemical analyses showed that oxygenated monoterpenes were the most abundant class in all the EOs investigated (92.2–97.7%), but two different chemotypes, pulegone/isomenthone and piperitone/isomenthone, were found. The complex of morphologi...
Since their discovery in ancient China, fireworks rapidly spread throughout the world, where they... more Since their discovery in ancient China, fireworks rapidly spread throughout the world, where they have always been used to celebrate either popular or private events. Their use is nonetheless related to several risks, especially within production factories, since several injuries or even death can occur following an accidental ignition. In cases of major disasters related to fireworks explosions, stating the accidental or intentional nature of the event might prove challenging, thus raising the need of a multidisciplinary approach. In this regard, we here discuss the case of an accidental explosion that occurred in a fireworks production factory, accountable for five deaths and two hospitalisations.
In this study, the ability of H. illucens larvae (black soldier fly (BSF)) to metabolise differen... more In this study, the ability of H. illucens larvae (black soldier fly (BSF)) to metabolise different semisolid biowastes (e.g. kitchen waste, animal manure) has been applied to the treatment of landfill leachate. A testing programme has been developed by mixing leachate with three different solid supports: wheat bran, a biodegradable nutrient substrate, brewers’ spent grain, a biodegradable nutrient residue from the brewery industry and sawdust, a low biodegradable residue from the wood industry. Larvae growth rate was monitored in terms of weight variation, mortality and time to reach the prepupal stage. Prepupal biomass composition was analysed in terms of crude protein, lipids and fatty acids. Substrates were monitored at the beginning and the end of tests for total solids (TS), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonia and (whenever significant) the 7-day Respirometric Index (RI7). The best performance was observed with wheat bran and brewers’ spent grain,...
Background A correct identification of species is fundamental in order to derive all the biologic... more Background A correct identification of species is fundamental in order to derive all the biological, ecological, and behavioral information useful to reconstruct previous events when insects are used in forensic and funerary archaeological contexts. Little attention was paid in the past to the description of the immature stages of flies, especially of species belonging to family found only occasionally on human cadavers and animal carrion. Sphaeroceridae species belong to this category. Results In this work, adult and puparia of Phthitia empirica (Hutton, 1901) are illustrated and described. In addition, some observations about the molecular identification of this species are presented and discussed. Conclusions This work will allow the identification of puparia of this species providing additional tools in forensic entomological investigation. More in general, the effort of producing morphological descriptions and molecular information of species of potential forensic interest clea...
Circadian clocks have evolved to synchronize physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the 24-h geo... more Circadian clocks have evolved to synchronize physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the 24-h geophysical cycles of the Earth. Understanding the circadian clock mechanism could play an important role in forensic entomology because it temporally gates behaviour such as locomotor activities, feeding, mating, egg laying and adult emergence which could provide useful information for crime reconstruction. The scuttle fly Megaselia scalaris colonises both exposed and buried bodies, whether indoors or outdoors. Locomotor activity, oviposition and adult emergence of this species have been investigated using technologies employed in many previous Drosophila circadian studies. The results reported here clearly highlight the underlying role of the circadian clock in regulating the behaviour of males and females of M. scalaris, and show the role of light as a "zeitgeber" for clock resetting. In contrast to Calliphoridae, M. scalaris can reach the oviposition site and lay eggs in darkn...
Insects play a fundamental role in the removal and recycling of the organic matter from human cad... more Insects play a fundamental role in the removal and recycling of the organic matter from human cadavers and animal carcasses. Several factors can affect both the cadaver decomposition and colonisation by insects and other animals. Accessibility to the body is one of these factors. The archaeological, anthropological and entomological investigations conducted inside the Crypt of the Franciscan Monastery in Azzio (Varese, northern Italy) allowed the reconstitution of the funerary practices used by a Franciscan community between the 17 th and 18 th centuries and provides a good example of necrophagous entomo-fauna selection. Human remains were found in the putridarium chamber, a semicircular room with sixteen narrow and semicircular niches, where bodies were located untill the complete decomposition of the soft tissues. Numerous puparia were collected from the bones, the clothes and the niche walls. The majority belonged to Hydrotaea capensis (Diptera: Muscidae) and a few puparia of scuttle flies in the family Phoridae were detected among the studied material. Fragments of beetles in the families Staphylinidae and Cryptophagidae were also sampled. The entomological findings clearly support the hypothesis that the bodies were quickly transferred into the crypt after death and that the specific hypogeal (subterranean) environment selected the entomofauna community composition. The observations here reported with similar entomological findings cited in the literature support the hypothesis of a specific selectivity on insects' community by underground environments (e.g. graves, crypts). This conclusion can be applied to outline a common pattern in archaeological contexts and in indoor forensic cases.
An interdisciplinary method involving different disciplines of archeology was carried out on the ... more An interdisciplinary method involving different disciplines of archeology was carried out on the necropolis of Mutina, in order to have a complete view of the funerary rituals. For a multidisciplinary approach in order to study the funerary rituals, epigraphic, litterary, iconographic, archaeological and archaeobotanical evidences have been taken into consideration. A total of 142 graves and 4 structures have been analysed, coming from 8 necropolis (1st \u2013 4th century AD). Over 2131 liters of soil was sieved and then archaeobotanical (seeds/fruit, charcoals) and archaeological findings were collected. These remains of meals left on the graves and of the objects involved in the ceremonies, are evidences resulting from the attendance of the funeral space. In addition to traditional methods, new technologies (CT-scan and SAXS - in collaboration with Huddersfield University) helped to study offerings presence
The Ospedale Maggiore, known as Ca’ Granda, was founded in 1456 by will of Francesco Sforza, Duke... more The Ospedale Maggiore, known as Ca’ Granda, was founded in 1456 by will of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, and was considered for almost five centuries a model for Milanese, Italian and even European healthcare. Attracting patients from all over Europe, the Ca’ Granda distinguished itself for the introduction of new treatments and innovative health reforms. In the burial ground of the hospital still lie the bodies of the deceased patients, who came from the poorest strata of the population. The study of their remains aims to give back a general identity and a story to each of these persons as well as reconstruct a fraction of the sixteenth century population of Milano as concerns lifestyle and disease and examine practises and therapy of this exceptional hospital. It is estimated that about two million commingled bones and articulated skeletons rest in the crypt, together with other types of findings (e.g., ceramic, coins, clothing). These remains are the object of a large project ...
The presence of <em>Basilia mediterranea </em>Hůrka, 1970, species with Western Medit... more The presence of <em>Basilia mediterranea </em>Hůrka, 1970, species with Western Mediterranean distribution, is reported for the first time from Italy. Two specimens, a male and a female, were collected from two bats belonging to the species <em>Pipistrellus pipistrellus </em>Schreber, 1774 captured with mist nets during a research on bats of Montecristo and Capraia islands (Tuscan Archipelago National Park, Central Italy).
The flies belonging to the Nycteribiidae family are pupiparous, blood-sucking, obligatory ectopar... more The flies belonging to the Nycteribiidae family are pupiparous, blood-sucking, obligatory ectoparasites of Chiroptera. Their biology and morphology are the result of the adaptation to an ectopar - asitic life on their host: the bats. Nine species are reported from Italy, six from the region Veneto. Fly spec - imens, collected from bats belonging to the main colony ( Myotis myotis and Miniopterus schreibersii, 200- 250 individuals in 1975-1980) living into "La Bislonga" cave (1001 V/TV), were studied and identified as Nycteribia latreillii, new for Northern Italy, N. schmidlii and Penicillidia dufourii. These data confirm the host specificity of the parasite species, as previous quoted. The significant reduction in bat richness and abun - dance occurred in the last years has done direct effect on parasite distribution and in general on biodi- versity. Parassitologia 51 : 61-64, 2009 The flies belonging to the Nycteribiidae family are pupiparous, blood-sucking, obligatory ec...
Forensic entomology is a branch of entomology used to solve mainly human criminal offences. In th... more Forensic entomology is a branch of entomology used to solve mainly human criminal offences. In the last few years the entomological approach is more and more often applied in forensic cases involving animals or problems of a veterinary nature. Several studies on insect colonisation have been performed using pig (Sus scrofa) as a model for humans. Pigs and humans differ from the majority of the other mammals because of the lack of dense fur. Little information, concerning the effect of the fur on insect colonisation, is available. The aim of this pilot work is to investigate the effects of fur, season and fur*season on the colonisation of animal carrions by insects. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are used as a model for animals with fur. Five experiments have been performed during 2011 in a field in the neighbourhood of Modena (Northern Italy) (one in winter, one in spring, one in summer and two in autumn). For each test, two rabbits (2,5-4,5 Kg) have been used, one with fur and one without. The carrion without fur had been considered as control. Calliphora vicina, Lucilia sericata and Lucilia illustris have been the fly species collected. Hymenoptera parasitoids and larder beetles (Dermestes undulatus) have been also collected. No difference in the composition of the fly fauna colonizing the carrions has been detected in any of the performed experiments. In contrast, a delay in colonization of the animals with fur have been registered in all the experiments. This delay was bigger during the colder seasons. The fauna composition is clearly different comparing warmer and colder seasons. This data further confirms the different phenology of the genera Lucilia and Calliphora in Northern Italy
The research focused on the foodstuffs, the offers that were widespread during the Roman funerary... more The research focused on the foodstuffs, the offers that were widespread during the Roman funerary rituals (Toynbee 1971). An interdisciplinary method involving different disciplines of archeology was carried out on the necropolis of Mutina and the ager Mutinense, analysing hundreds graves, especially cremation type. These remains of meals left on the graves (animals bones, seeds and fruit) and of the objects involved in the ceremonies, are evidences resulting from the attendance of the funeral space and their identification necessarily requires a strategy for their systematic collection, during the excavation phase and a focused analysis, in order to reconstruct the activities carried out around the death, which characterize three important moments: funeral, implementation of the tomb and visit to the dead (Ortalli 2011). ... The multidisciplinary approach was essential to have a complete view of the funerary rituals. Recurring behaviors have been noticed maybe for custom, social rule or emulation, such as the redundancy of fava bean, figs and dates above all, or of balsamari and table wares; although some differences in territorial settings or in the same necropolis have been found. The choice of both food offerings and objects are linked to a funerary symbology. The criteria that determined the collection of wood are very difficult to establish; it could be assumed that it is likely that both functional and cultural factors influenced the choices of wood for cremation rites
L\u2019entomologia forense, medico legale, \ue8 la disciplina che si occupa dello studio degli in... more L\u2019entomologia forense, medico legale, \ue8 la disciplina che si occupa dello studio degli insetti associati ai cadaveri, con lo scopo primario di determinare il tempo intercorso dal decesso o meglio del tempo di colonizzazione definito anche come mPMI, nonch\ue9 di ricavare ogni altra informazione utile a fini giudiziari, quali: evidenze di spostamento del cadavere o presenza nello stesso di droghe o veleni. Per intervalli di tempo relativamente brevi (settimane/mesi) la stima del mPMI si basa sulla determinazione dello stadio di sviluppo delle mosche che per prime colonizzano il cadavere. Precisato lo stato di sviluppo, la stima del mPMI potr\ue0 essere formulata una volta note le condizioni ambientali in essere durante il periodo precedente al ritrovamento del cadavere. Essendo il tasso di sviluppo dei ditteri specie-specifico la corretta identificazione delle specie diventa \u201cconditio sine qua non\u201d per una corretta stima del mPMI. Negli ultimi anni, la ricerca di strumenti utili a superare i limiti dell\u2019identificazione morfologica, soprattutto nel caso di uova e stadi larvali, ha trovato nelle tecniche biomolecolari una risorsa efficace e senz\u2019altro molto promettente tuttavia con alcune limitazioni relative alla incompletezza delle banche dati. I ditteri che per primi colonizzano un cadavere appartengono prevalentemente alle famiglie Calliphoridae e Muscidae. I generi maggiormente interessanti, nel contesto forense, apparteneti alla prima famiglia sono Calliphora, Chrysomya, Cynomya, Lucilia, Phormia e Protophormia. Negli ultimi anni \ue8 stata segnalata in Europa la diffusione verso Nord delle specie del genere Chrysomya, tipiche di ambienti circumediterranei, tropicali e sub-tropicali. C. albiceps, gi\ue0 stabilita in Europa dall\u2019inizio degli anni \u201990, ha raggiunto la Polonia nel 2008, mentre C. megacephala \ue8 stata riscontrata per la prima volta in Spagna nel 2001 e in Portogallo nel 2007. La diffusione geografica di queste specie verso il Nord Europa sembrerebbe correlata con la presenza di estati calde, favorite dalla corrente del Golfo. Vista la loro rapida diffusione in Europa, il loro utilizzo in ambito forense come indicatori per la stima del mPMI \ue8 un aspetto concreto, che richiede una corretta identificazione di queste nuove specie. Il presente lavoro si \ue8 posto come obiettivo l\u2019analisi dei dati molecolari disponibili per quattro specie di questo genere e la valutazione della strategia pi\uf9 economica ed efficace per una corretta identificazione molecolare delle suddette. Per le specie del genere sono attualmente disponibili nelle banche dati di DNA 943 sequenze utilizzabili per l\u2019identificazione e appartenenti a 20 geni (COI, COII, Cytb, 28S rRNA, 18S rRNA, 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, tRNA-Ile, tRNA-Met, tRNA-Gln, ITS2, ITS1, EF-1\u3b1, CAD, ND1, ND5, ND4, ND4L e per). Le sequenze di 8 geni sono disponibili per tutte le specie e 12 per le specie segnalate in Europa e con areale in via di espansione verso l\u2019Italia. Il gene COI \ue8 quello maggiormente rappresentato con un totale di 414 sequenze variamente distribuite tra le specie in un range compreso tra le 10 e le 250 sequenze rispettivamente per C. chloropyga e C. megacephala. Di particolare interesse risultano anche i geni 28S rRNA e ITS2 con rispettivamente 55 e 71 sequenze disponibili in GeneBank. Geni comunemente utilizzati per l\u2019identificazione specifica quali COII, Cytb, 16S rRNA con rispettivamente 116, 82 e 79 sequenze non sono disponibili per C. chloropyga. L\u2019analisi del best match (TaxonDNA) rivela che il 92.7% delle sequenze del gene COI attualmente disponibili permette una identificazione delle singole specie \u201ccorretta\u201d, lo 0,24% una identificazione \u201cambigua\u201d mentre lo 7.05% \u201cnon corretta\u201d. I valori per il gene COII non si discostano dal precedente. L\u2019analisi dei dati mette in rilievo la necessit\ue0 di creare dei database e protocolli standardizzati utilizzabili in sede forense per la corretta identificazione delle specie soprattutto di quelle di recente introduzione, spesso confuse per imperizia o come nel caso illustrato per ragioni legate alla disponibilit\ue0 di sequenze nelle banche dati. Tale necessit\ue0 \ue8 particolarmente sentita nel territorio italiano, che per posizione geografica costituisce una via di accesso in Europa per specie con distribuzione pi\uf9 meridionale o comunque mediterranea
The aim of the study was to investigate the micromorphology of Mentha pulegium leaves and flowers... more The aim of the study was to investigate the micromorphology of Mentha pulegium leaves and flowers harvested in three different Sicilian (Italy) areas with peculiar pedo-climatic conditions, and to characterize the phytochemical profile, the phytotoxic activity, and the eco-compatibility of their essential oils (EOs) for potential use as safe bioherbicides. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) highlighted that M. pulegium indumentum consists of non-glandular and glandular trichomes of different types. Peltate trichomes of plants from the different sites showed few significant differences in dimension and abundance, but they were characterized by a surprisingly high number of secretory cells both in leaves and flowers. Phytochemical analyses showed that oxygenated monoterpenes were the most abundant class in all the EOs investigated (92.2–97.7%), but two different chemotypes, pulegone/isomenthone and piperitone/isomenthone, were found. The complex of morphologi...
Since their discovery in ancient China, fireworks rapidly spread throughout the world, where they... more Since their discovery in ancient China, fireworks rapidly spread throughout the world, where they have always been used to celebrate either popular or private events. Their use is nonetheless related to several risks, especially within production factories, since several injuries or even death can occur following an accidental ignition. In cases of major disasters related to fireworks explosions, stating the accidental or intentional nature of the event might prove challenging, thus raising the need of a multidisciplinary approach. In this regard, we here discuss the case of an accidental explosion that occurred in a fireworks production factory, accountable for five deaths and two hospitalisations.
In this study, the ability of H. illucens larvae (black soldier fly (BSF)) to metabolise differen... more In this study, the ability of H. illucens larvae (black soldier fly (BSF)) to metabolise different semisolid biowastes (e.g. kitchen waste, animal manure) has been applied to the treatment of landfill leachate. A testing programme has been developed by mixing leachate with three different solid supports: wheat bran, a biodegradable nutrient substrate, brewers’ spent grain, a biodegradable nutrient residue from the brewery industry and sawdust, a low biodegradable residue from the wood industry. Larvae growth rate was monitored in terms of weight variation, mortality and time to reach the prepupal stage. Prepupal biomass composition was analysed in terms of crude protein, lipids and fatty acids. Substrates were monitored at the beginning and the end of tests for total solids (TS), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonia and (whenever significant) the 7-day Respirometric Index (RI7). The best performance was observed with wheat bran and brewers’ spent grain,...
Papers by Stefano Vanin