Papers by Gerrita Van der Veen
Dit rapport betreft de openbare eindrapportage van de RVO-opdracht "Ondersteuning formulering ond... more Dit rapport betreft de openbare eindrapportage van de RVO-opdracht "Ondersteuning formulering onderzoeksagenda biobased economy voor het TKI BBE". Deze opdracht is door RVO in de vorm van vier separate, maar nauw samenhangende opdrachten uitgezet bij ECN, TNO, Wageningen UR-DLO en Technopolis. De eindredactie voor dit openbare eindrapport berustte bij ECN. De opdracht staat bij ECN geregistreerd onder projectnummer 5.3320.
Mensen die bij Het Juridisch Loket aankloppen hebben vaak meerdere problemen. Hun juridische hulp... more Mensen die bij Het Juridisch Loket aankloppen hebben vaak meerdere problemen. Hun juridische hulpvraag wordt meestal wel aangepakt, maar hun andere problemen, zoals schulden, armoede en werkloosheid, blijven bestaan en leiden vaak tot nieuwe juridische kwesties.
full text via link. Eindpublicatie SIA-RAAK project Groen natuurschoon. Dat is wat ondernemers op... more full text via link. Eindpublicatie SIA-RAAK project Groen natuurschoon. Dat is wat ondernemers op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug zien als ze uit het raam kijken. Ondernemersverenigingen vroegen zich af: hoe kunnen we onze bijzondere omgeving steunen en onszelf tegelijkertijd onderscheiden als groene, inspirerende regio waar innovatie echt gestimuleerd wordt?
International Journal of The Legal Profession, May 19, 2022
accepted abstract Quis14 conference Field findings show that value dimensions in legal services a... more accepted abstract Quis14 conference Field findings show that value dimensions in legal services are functional, social and emotional. The last category emerges not only within but also outside the interaction with the lawyer. Recommendation of others or the trackrecord of lawyers for example, which play a role before or after the service, contribute to emotional values like trust and reassurance and help clients to reduce the perceived purchase risk, which is inherent to the nature of credence services. Also due to the credential character of legal services we conclude that not only professional skills but also service aspects as client involvement play an important role in the emergence of value because professional skills are difficult to judge even by routine buyers.
Human values-life goals-guide our attitudes and actions. Brands such as Patagonia, TOMS, Warby Pa... more Human values-life goals-guide our attitudes and actions. Brands such as Patagonia, TOMS, Warby Parker, Chobani, and Nike successfully position their marketing around human values such as safety, harmony, seeking pleasure, or social welfare. Evidently, consumers attach importance to brands whose values align with their own values. However, the alignment of values (value congruence) and the resulting effects on (re)purchasing behavior are scarcely discussed in the marketing literature. The effects of "traits" and "functional congruence" on purchasing behavior receive considerably more attention. Since human values are conceptually distinct from personality traits, the following question is posed: What is the role of value congruence in the process of consumer brand selection compared with that of trait and functional congruence. An online survey (N = 1182) is conducted to study the effects of these different types of congruence on re-purchase intentions for a range of product categories. Multiple regression and mediation analyses reveal that value congruence is a significant predictor of re-purchase intentions and that it is more important than trait congruence for the categories of services and durables, but not for consumables. This study offers insights into when brand marketing should be aligned with personality traits and human values, respectively.
Full text via link. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat het enorme ledenverloop van fitnesscentra afneemt? D... more Full text via link. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat het enorme ledenverloop van fitnesscentra afneemt? De branchevereniging Fit!Vak stelde deze vraag ruimt 2 jaar geleden aan de Hogeschool Utrecht. Deze ondervroeg ruim 5000 klanten van geselecteerde fitnesscentra om aan de hand van de resultaten met oplossingen te komen om het ledenverloop terug te dringen. De resultaten van het onderzoek dat werd geleid door lector Marketing Marktonderzoek en Innovatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht Gerrita van der Veen, werden onlangs op een congres aan 160 fitnesscentra gepresenteerd, mede mogelijk gemaakt door Life Fitness. Het onderzoek van de Hogeschool Utrecht is onderdeel van het Innovatieproject Fitness in Beweging waarvan Jan Willem Lokerman projectleider is
Full text via link. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat het enorme ledenverloop van fitnesscentra afneemt? D... more Full text via link. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat het enorme ledenverloop van fitnesscentra afneemt? De branchevereniging Fit!Vak stelde deze vraag ruimt 2 jaar geleden aan de Hogeschool Utrecht. Deze ondervroeg ruim 5000 klanten van geselecteerde fitnesscentra om aan de hand van de resultaten met oplossingen te komen om het ledenverloop terug te dringen. De resultaten van het onderzoek dat werd geleid door lector Marketing Marktonderzoek en Innovatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht Gerrita van der Veen, werden onlangs op een congres aan 160 fitnesscentra gepresenteerd, mede mogelijk gemaakt door Life Fitness. Het onderzoek van de Hogeschool Utrecht is onderdeel van het Innovatieproject Fitness in Beweging waarvan Jan Willem Lokerman projectleider is
International Journal of Healthcare Management
Hogeschool Utrecht, 2018
Het tweejarige onderzoeksprogramma The Network is the Message richt zich op de effectiviteit van ... more Het tweejarige onderzoeksprogramma The Network is the Message richt zich op de effectiviteit van sociale media: wanneer zijn ze effectief, wat bepaalt die effectiviteit en hoe kunnen we dit meten? Startpunt in deze management summary fase 2B is het inzicht dat inhakers belangrijke dragers van brand content zijn, maar dat er ook nog een wereld te winnen is. Dit is nu niet direct een oproep aan alle merken om meteen met inhakers aan de slag te gaan; ‘inhaakmoeheid’ ligt op de loer. In deze management summary wordt beschreven wat goede inhakers zijn, wat een inhaker nou eigenlijk effectief maakt. We beschrijven de vier stappen die een rol spelen bij het ontwikkelen van kwalitatief goede inhakers
In the current market, the focus is more and more on building long-term relationships with client... more In the current market, the focus is more and more on building long-term relationships with clients in which value is created, communicated and delivered. This also means developing a new customer relationship focus that goes beyond the consumer orientation that has thus far dominated the practice of marketing. In a user-driven approach, the basis is no longer the product range, the world of the manufacturer or supplier, but rather the experience of the user. This has implications not only for manufacturers and service providers, but also for marketeers and market researchers. We feel that the most commonly used methods and techniques do not answer to the new demands of the market. We have therefore adapted emerging generative user research methods from the field of design as a basis for a truly user-driven market approach. As part of the Fitness in Motion project -a programme aimed at helping the health club industry develop a stronger customer orientation- we applied Contextmapping...
The creation of the resource has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the Eur... more The creation of the resource has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2014-1-DE01-KA203-00624. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting from the use of this resource.
Journal of Brand Management, 2020
Human values-life goals-guide our attitudes and actions. Brands such as Patagonia, TOMS, Warby Pa... more Human values-life goals-guide our attitudes and actions. Brands such as Patagonia, TOMS, Warby Parker, Chobani, and Nike successfully position their marketing around human values such as safety, harmony, seeking pleasure, or social welfare. Evidently, consumers attach importance to brands whose values align with their own values. However, the alignment of values (value congruence) and the resulting effects on (re)purchasing behavior are scarcely discussed in the marketing literature. The effects of "traits" and "functional congruence" on purchasing behavior receive considerably more attention. Since human values are conceptually distinct from personality traits, the following question is posed: What is the role of value congruence in the process of consumer brand selection compared with that of trait and functional congruence. An online survey (N = 1182) is conducted to study the effects of these different types of congruence on re-purchase intentions for a range of product categories. Multiple regression and mediation analyses reveal that value congruence is a significant predictor of re-purchase intentions and that it is more important than trait congruence for the categories of services and durables, but not for consumables. This study offers insights into when brand marketing should be aligned with personality traits and human values, respectively.
Research Evaluation, 2021
This study explores the evaluation of research pathways of self-management health innovations fro... more This study explores the evaluation of research pathways of self-management health innovations from discovery to implementation in the context of practice-based research. The aim is to understand how a new process model for evaluating practice-based research provides insights into the implementation success of innovations. Data were collected from nine research projects in the Netherlands. Through document analysis and semi-structured interviews, we analysed how the projects start, evolve, and contribute to the healthcare practice. Building on previous research evaluation approaches to monitor knowledge utilization, we developed a Research Pathway Model. The model’s process character enables us to include and evaluate the incremental work required throughout the lifespan of an innovation project and it helps to foreground that innovation continues during implementation in real-life settings. We found that in each research project, pathways are followed that include activities to expl...
Papers by Gerrita Van der Veen