Vaibhav Srivastav


AI & ML interests

TTS + LM performance prediction



Posts 7

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What a great day for Open Science! @AIatMeta released models, datasets, and code for many of its research artefacts! 🔥

1. Meta Segment Anything Model 2.1: An updated checkpoint with improved results on visually similar objects, small objects and occlusion handling. A new developer suite will be added to make it easier for developers to build with SAM 2.

Model checkpoints: reach-vb/sam-21-6702d40defe7611a8bafa881

2. Layer Skip: Inference code and fine-tuned checkpoints demonstrating a new method for enhancing LLM performance.

Model checkpoints: facebook/layerskip-666b25c50c8ae90e1965727a

3. SALSA: New code enables researchers to benchmark AI-based attacks to validate security for post-quantum cryptography.


4. Meta Lingua: A lightweight and self-contained codebase designed to train language models at scale.


5. Meta Open Materials: New open source models and the largest dataset to accelerate AI-driven discovery of new inorganic materials.

Model checkpoints: fairchem/OMAT24

6. MEXMA: A new research paper and code for our novel pre-trained cross-lingual sentence encoder covering 80 languages.

Model checkpoint: facebook/MEXMA

7. Self-Taught Evaluator: a new method for generating synthetic preference data to train reward models without relying on human annotations.

Model checkpoint: facebook/Self-taught-evaluator-llama3.1-70B

8. Meta Spirit LM: An open-source language model for seamless speech and text integration.

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Multimodal Ichigo Llama 3.1 - Real Time Voice AI 🔥

> WhisperSpeech X Llama 3.1 8B
> Trained on 50K hours of speech (7 languages)
> Continually trained on 45hrs 10x A1000s
> MLS -> WhisperVQ tokens -> Llama 3.1
> Instruction tuned on 1.89M samples
> 70% speech, 20% transcription, 10% text
> Apache 2.0 licensed ⚡

> WhisperSpeech/ VQ for Semantic Tokens
> Llama 3.1 8B Instruct for Text backbone
> Early fusion (Chameleon)

I'm super bullish on HomeBrew/ Jan and early fusion, audio and text, multimodal models!

(P.S. Play with the demo on Hugging Face: jan-hq/Ichigo-llama3.1-s-instruct)