Linter for Absinthe
Convert Absinthe Schemas to SDL
Create Graphql StreamData generator from an Absinthe schema
Support for Automatic Persisted Queries in Absinthe
Artem is a library to help testing Absinthe documents
Artem Introspection Schema is a library to build Absinthe schema's from introspection query results
Provide dynamic ssl-certificates for your Phoenix or Plug app using Letsencrypt
Library to facilitate control flow, providing a Plug like interface.
Set of Ecto.Changeset functions to validate passwords against NIST guidelines. (
Flexible Config Provider for e.g. AWS Parameter Store/Secrets Manager
Library to help generating test data using StreamData
Kino.Render protocol implementation for Vix.Vips.Image structs.
Js lexer for the Makeup syntax highlighter.
Simple api client for
Publish static files to static file hoster (Netlify or S3)
Parse data structures
Quarto is a keyset-based (cursor-based) pagination library for Ecto.
Handle incoming mail webhooks for common mail providers
GraphQL parser implemented as a nif in Rust using Rustler. Converts GraphQL documents to an Absinthe.Language representation.
Scrip is a library to verify Apple App Store receipts
Sql parser wrapping sqlparser-rs
Stripe Api SDK generated from OpenApi definitions.
Implementation of the subscriptions-transport-ws graphql subscription protocol for Absinthe.
Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities.
Elixir SDK for TalkJS