I did this:
Took a working exe using the Gtk2 stack made by pp with PAR::Packer version 1.012 (version from META.yml)
Unzip it using windows zip
Zip it with
7z a test.zip .\*
With pp from PAR::Packer version 1.037
pp -o test.exe test.zip
Now test.exe fails with
Can't locate loadable object for module Glib in @INC (@INC contains: U:/docs/perl/mod/hg_Gtk2-Ex-DbLinker/lib/ C:\Users\rappazf\AppData\Local\Temp\par-72617070617a66\cache-a90057c08354135034ab7a421add90431f0f75e2\inc\lib C:\Users\rappazf\AppData\Local\Temp\par-72617070617a66\cache-a90057c08354135034ab7a421add90431f0f75e2\inc CODE(0x3234a84) CODE(0x3234c7c)) at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/PAR/Heavy.pm line 99.
Idea someone ?