Qt is an object-oriented framework for developing graphical user
interface applications. It includes around 100 classes, both
GUI-specific and general utility classes, as well as support for
component programming (see https://www.troll.no/qt/metaobjects.html
for a run-down).
It is free for non-commercial and private/internal use on linux (see
the licence for details, https://www.troll.no/qt/license.html). Note:
Qt is not free for other free operating systems or for deserving
people like students, it is free for the linux free software
Hello world:
#include <qmsgbox.h>
#include <qapp.h>
int main( int argc, char **argv )
QApplication a( argc, argv );
return QMessageBox::message( "Attention", "Hello, world!" );
Qt is very fast and compact because it is based direcly on Xlib and
uses neither Motif or X Intrinsics. Qt's widgets (user interface
objects) emulate Motif look and feel and in our opinion improve
slightly on it. See https://www.troll.no/qt/hierarchy.html for a
complete class hierarchy and https://www.troll.no/qt/widgets-cpp.html
for a 300-line example which uses quite a few widgets.
Send comp.os.linux.announce submissions to: [email protected]
PLEASE remember a short description of the software.