สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/4195/19952/RaaW2.js
// ==UserScript==
// @name RaaW2
// @version 2.5.6
// @namespace RaaW2
// @description Reddit as a Weapon script. Parts and idea by /u/noeatnosleep, enhanced by /u/enim, /u/creesch, and /u/djimbob. RaaW adds links for page-wide voting and reporting. It adds a 'report to /r/spam' link, an 'analyze user submission domains' link, and a 'report to /r/botwatchman' link to userpages. RaaW disables the np. domain. RaaW Adds a 'show source' button for comments. DISCLIAMER: Use this at your own risk. If the report button is misued, you could be shadowbanned.
// @include https://www.reddit.com/user/*
// @include https://www.reddit.com/r/*
// @include https://*reddit.com/*
// @include https://www.reddit.com/user/*
// @include https://www.reddit.com/r/*
// @include https://*reddit.com/*
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
var currentPage = document.URL;
var parsedPage = currentPage.split('/');
var modHash = null;
var currentUser = null;
var subreddit = null;
var commentIDs = [];
var topicIDs = [];
var subredditList = [];
var reportID = [];
var commentPage;
commentPage = document.getElementsByClassName('comment');
function getHash(callback) {
var query = new XMLHttpRequest();
query.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (query.readyState == 4) {
var info = JSON.parse(query.responseText);
modHash = info.data.modhash;
query.open('GET', 'https://www.reddit.com/api/me.json', true);
function generateToolbar () {
var newToolbar = document.createElement("div");
newToolbar.id = "newToolbar";
var subredditbar = document.getElementById('sr-header-area');
newToolbar.style.cssText="color:black;background-color:'#f0f0f0';border-bottom:1px black solid;font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:90%;height:12px;padding:3px 0px 3px 6px;text-transform:uppercase;width:100%;z-index:+999999;position:fixed;top:0;";
newToolbar.style.paddingLeft = '6px';
newToolbar.style.paddingTop = '3px';
newToolbar.style.paddingBottom = '3px';
newToolbar.innerHTML +=
if (parsedPage[3] == 'user'){
newToolbar.innerHTML += "<a id=reportComment style='color:black;' href='#'> | REPORT ALL</a> <a id='botwatchmanSend' style='color:black;' href='#'> | /R/BOTWATCHMAN </a> <a id='analyzeSend' style='color:black;' href='#'> | ANALYZE </a> <a id='reportUserToSpam' style='color:black;' href='#'> | /R/SPAM </a> <a id='reportUserToAdmin' style='color:black;' href='#'> | ADMIN </a>";
else {
newToolbar.innerHTML += "<a id='downvoteComment' style='color:black;' href='#'> DOWNVOTE ALL</a> <a id='upvoteComment' style='color:black;' href='#'> | UPVOTE ALL</a> "; <a id='composeNew' style='color:black;' href='#'> | COMPOSE </a>";
function doStuff() {
$('#reportComment').on('click',function(e) {
for(var i = 0; i < reportID.length; i++) {reportItem(i, 3);}
alert('All items on this page were reported.');
function buildReportArray() {
if (commentPage.length == 0) {
var threads;
threads = $('#siteTable').find('.thing');
for (i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
else if (commentPage.length != 0) {
var threads;
threads = $('.commentarea').find('.thing');
for (i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
function reportItem(index, num) {
if(num == 3) {var fullname = topicIDs[index];}
else{var fullname = commentIDs[index];}
$.post('https://www.reddit.com/api/report', {'id': fullname, 'uh': modHash});
function theDownvoter() {
if (parsedPage[3] == 'user'){
var items = $('#siteTable').find('.arrow.down');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(items, function(el, i){
},100 + ( i * 400 ));
return false;
else {
if (commentPage.length == 0) {
var items = $('#siteTable').find('.arrow.down');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(items, function(el, i){
},100 + ( i * 400 ));
return false;
else {
var items = $('.commentarea').find('.arrow.down');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(items, function(el, i){
},100 + ( i * 400 ));
return false;
function theUpvoter() {
if (parsedPage[3] == 'user'){
var items = $('#siteTable').find('.arrow.up');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(items, function(el, i){
},100 + ( i * 400 ));
return false;
else {
if (commentPage.length == 0) {
var items = $('#siteTable').find('.arrow.up');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(items, function(el, i){
},100 + ( i * 400 ));
return false;
else {
var items = $('.commentarea').find('.arrow.up');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(items, function(el, i){
},100 + ( i * 400 ));
return false;
function reportToSpam(){
var username = $(document).find('.pagename.selected').text();
window.open('https://www.reddit.com/r/spam/submit?title=overview for '+ username + '&resubmit=true&url=https://www.reddit.com/user/' + username + "?");
function analyzeSend(){
var username = $(document).find('.pagename.selected').text();
window.open('https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=analyzereddit&subject=analyze&message='+ username);
function botwatchmanSend(){
var username = $(document).find('.pagename.selected').text();
window.open('https://www.reddit.com/r/botwatchman/submit?title=overview for '+ username + '&url=https://www.reddit.com/user/' + username);
function composeNew(){
if (document.documentElement.lang === 'np') {
document.documentElement.lang = 'en-us';
function reportToAdmin(){
var username = $(document).find('.pagename.selected').text();
window.open('https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/reddit.com&message='+ username);
//disable .np
delete_function = function(thread_root) {
var elmnts = document.getElementsByClassName('id-'+thread_root)[0].querySelectorAll('form input[value="removed"]~span.option.error a.yes,a[onclick^="return big_mod_action($(this), -1)"]');
for(var i=0; i < elmnts.length; i++) {
(function(_elmnt) {
return function() {
var event = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
event.initUIEvent('click', true, true, window, 1);
)(elmnts[i]), 1500*i); // 1.5s timeout prevents overloading reddit.
//source reveal (creesch)
$('.comments-page .comment .flat-list.buttons').each(function () { // this targets each flat-list belonging to comments on a comment page.
$(this).append('<li><a class="view-source" href="javascript:void(0)">view source</a></li>'); // it then adds the view source button in the belonging function
$('body').on('click', '.view-source', function () { // On clicking of the view source button we do what we want to do. Note that we start with body since that is a constant dom element. If you try to target added dom elements directly it will not work.
var $this = $(this), // We posisbly want to reuse $(this), it is cleaner to define jquery objects you want to reuse.
$parentThing = $this.closest('.thing'),
thingId = $parentThing.attr('data-fullname'); // we need an id to throw at the api, luckily it is is present in the html.
if($parentThing.find('#box-' + thingId).length) { // Lets see if we already did do this before.
$parentThing.find('#box-' + thingId).toggle(); // we did, toggle
} else { // we did not, grab the info.
$.getJSON('/api/info.json?id=' + thingId, function () { // lets do an ajax call to grab the info we need.
console.log("success"); // you can remove this, basically lets you know a json call is done.
.done(function (data) { // by doing the stuff we need to do in .done we make sure we have the data needed since ajax is async.
var commentBody = data.data.children[0].data.body; // json is basically an object.
var commentSourceBox = '<textarea style="display:block" rows="10" cols="50">'+ commentBody + '</textarea>'; // build the source box.
$parentThing.find('.flat-list').first().before(commentSourceBox); // and add it to the .thing, note that I use .first() if I didn't do that it would add the source box for all child comments as well.
//nuke (djimbob)
delete_function = function(thread_root) {
var elmnts = document.getElementsByClassName('id-'+thread_root)[0].querySelectorAll('form input[value="removed"]~span.option.error a.yes,a[onclick^="return big_mod_action($(this), -1)"]');
for(var i=0; i < elmnts.length; i++) {
(function(_elmnt) {
return function() {
var event = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
event.initUIEvent('click', true, true, window, 1);
)(elmnts[i]), 1500*i); // 1.5s timeout prevents overloading reddit.
if(document.querySelector('body.moderator')){ // only execute if you are a moderator
var nuke_button = new Array();
var divels = document.querySelectorAll('div.noncollapsed');
var comment_ids = new Array();
var use_image = false;
// create img DOM element to clone
if(use_image) {
try {
var img_element = document.createElement('img');
img_element.setAttribute('alt', 'Nuke!');
img_element.setAttribute('src', chrome.extension.getURL('nuke.png'));
} catch(e) {
use_image = false;
for (var i = 0; i < divels.length; i++) {
var author_link = divels[i].querySelector('p.tagline>a.author,p.tagline>span.author,p.tagline>em');
// p.tagline>a.author is normal comment;
// some author deleted comments seem to have either
// p.tagline>span.author or p.tagline>em
comment_ids[i] = divels[i].getAttribute('data-fullname');
// console.log(i + ':' + comment_ids);
if(author_link) {
// create link DOM element with img inside link
nuke_button[i] = document.createElement('a')
nuke_button[i].setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0)');
nuke_button[i].setAttribute('title', 'Nuke!');
nuke_button[i].setAttribute('id', 'nuke_'+i);
if(use_image) {
} else {
nuke_button[i].innerHTML= "[Nuke]";
// append after the author's name
author_link.parentNode.insertBefore(nuke_button[i], author_link.nextSibling);
// Add listener for click; using IIFE to function with _i as value of i when created; not when click
(function(_i) {
return function() {
var continue_thread = divels[_i].querySelectorAll('span.morecomments>a');
var comment_str = " comments?";
if(continue_thread.length > 0) {
comment_str = "+ comments (more after expanding collapsed threads; there will be a pause before the first deletion to retrieve more comments)?";
var delete_button = divels[_i].querySelectorAll('form input[value="removed"]~span.option.error a.yes,a[onclick^="return big_mod_action($(this), -1)"]');
// form input[value="removed"]~span.option.error a.yes -- finds the yes for normal deleting comments.
// a.pretty-button.neutral finds the 'remove' button for flagged comments
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to nuke the following " + delete_button.length + comment_str)) {
for (var indx=0; indx < continue_thread.length; indx++) {
var elmnt = continue_thread[indx];
function() {
var event = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
event.initUIEvent('click', true, true, window, 1);
}, 2000*indx); // wait two seconds before each ajax call before clicking each "load more comments"
if(indx > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {delete_function(comment_ids[_i])},
2000*(indx + 2)); // wait 4s after last ajax "load more comments"
} else {
delete_function(comment_ids[_i]); // call immediately if not "load more comments"
)(i)); // end of IIFE (immediately invoked function expression)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", replaceLinks, false );
if( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
function replaceLinks() {
Array.forEach( document.links, function(a) {
a.href = a.href.replace( "https://i.imgur.com", "https://imgur.com");
a.href = a.href.replace( "https://imgur.com", "https://imgur.com");
generateToolbar(), getHash(),buildReportArray(), doStuff();