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488 lines (354 loc) · 23.2 KB

File metadata and controls

488 lines (354 loc) · 23.2 KB

Jasy 1.0.3

  • Fix version comparison in Jasy doctor. See #119

Jasy 1.0.2

  • Path in session object into libraries so that these can execute information about other projects etc.
  • Limit HTTP mirroring feature with additional flag for only mirror responses with status code of 200.
  • Enforce "requests" version 0.14.1 in requirements.txt as 0.14.2 is buggy in Python 3. Waiting for 0.14.3 (See also:

Jasy 1.0.1

  • Fixed unicode issues
  • Fixed HTTP status code issues (404 did not work)

Jasy 1.0


  • New Skeleton based on HTML5Boilerplate
  • Added support for Python 3.3. Bug fixes for local variable optimizer to correctly sort dictionaries.
  • Reworked Markdown/Highlighting support into new jasy.core.Text module and updated dependencies accordingly.
  • Refined asset export logic to better handle a few rare edge cases.
  • Added unit tests for ImageInfo and Text module.
  • Added more unit tests for Session (permutations, locales, library support, etc.)


  • Fixed missing jasy.test.js package in installation package.
  • Fixed Image Info API to correctly return file type, too.
  • Updated requirements list to newest versions.
  • Added Sphinx to "jasy doctor"
  • Fixed one remaining issue with correctly supporting proxying PUT/POST requests.
  • Improved encoding support in proxy server.
  • Fixed issue in block optimizer with value-less returns in if-else-if constructs.

Jasy 0.8.1


  • Adding support for cloning sub modules (git only)
  • Adding support for executing setup commands (defined in jasyproject.yaml/json - section "setup"). Allows you to run grunt, ant, etc. before letting Jasy scan the project content.
  • Added support for explicit Git urls ("git+" + url) for later support of adding support for bazaar, hg, svn, etc.
  • New unit tests for jasy.core.Cache, jasy.core.Config, jasy.vcs.Repository.isUrl(), jasy.core.Options, jasy.core.Project,
  • Correctly support proxying of HTTP body in POST and PUT requests when using remote proxy features of integrated web server.
  • Reworked tests to test more and better and enabled for all branches on our Github account.
  • Support for (alternative) string formatted commands in jasy.core.Util.executeCommand(). Uses shlex to parse string into array.
  • Support for executing commands in different working directories in jasy.core.Util.executeCommand(). Changed signature to make failmsg optional: jasy.core.Util.executeCommand(args, failmsg?, path?).
  • Added for GitHub contributor feature (pull requests / issue reporting)
  • Added task completion timing to measure run time of each task.


  • Improved jasy.vcs.Git.getBranch() to use native git methods for branch detection. This now works out of sub folders as well.
  • Pack assets before compressed code in storeCompressed in jasy.core.OutputManager
  • Respect static field configurations for kernel as well e.g. setField("es5", True) is also applied to kernel classes and dependencies.
  • Imporved jasy.core.File.sha() call to additionally support file paths - not just file objects.
  • Added support for getStaticPermutation() in jasy.core.Session to result an permutation object which only contains fields without detection configuration (aka static fields). This is used for building the kernel now.
  • Fixed path to project name logic to fix handling of "jquery-ui" vs. "jquery" where both resulted in "jquery" as project name.
  • Fixed jasy.core.Session.permutate() to correctly reset both, current permutation and translation after the loop ended.
  • Improved error handling when manually defined items does not exist. Now prints out the exact item which is wrong and not the whole list.
  • Fixed separate unit tests to better run standalone
  • Added debugging code to permutation patcher. The detailed modifications are now visible in the log file or using the verbose mode.
  • Removed useless defaults parameter in jasy.core.Options
  • Moved JavaScript related unit tests into jasy.test.js.
  • Added more related and skeleton links to
  • Using Zynga's fork of PIL for better safety in requirements.txt
  • Adding sphinx to optional dependencies.

Jasy 0.8

  • Removed unused jasy.core.Json module. Just use json from standard library instead.
  • Improved compression features of OutputManager.
  • Added and improved a lot of doc comments.
  • Fixed a few issues for locale/translation support.
  • Reduced number of public methods on Session to not show only internally used methods to the outside.
  • Improved output/export logic for translations and assets.
  • Added feature to back-hyphenate parameters on the command line help screen (e.g. parameter originVersion => command line argument --origin-version)

Jasy 0.8-beta6

  • Added support for generating API documentation using new script "bin/jasy-doc"
  • Cleaned up references to pkg_resources.
  • Added a lot of doc comments to the code.
  • Added support for top-level skeletons
  • Drastically improved stability of comment parser to better protect code blocks from further interpretation by documentation tags/params etc.
  • Added some new unit tests for comment parser to verify stability improvements.
  • Added Inspection module and new built-in task showapi to render a list to the console of all available API.
  • Fixed references to new Item classes when defining manual layout for projects.

Jasy 0.8-beta5

Bug fix release to fix issues with creating projects from remote skeletons.

Jasy 0.8-beta4

This is a major rework of tons of things in Jasy to make it compatible with typical doc generators, reduce global state and global names inside and protect the jasy environment by code executed in

Unfortunatly there are quite a lot of changes inside as well:

  • The session is not paused/resumed automatically anymore when the web server is started. This needs to be done in the manually if required.
  • Changed project scanning to prefer projects nearer to sort order e.g. "core" wins over "apibrowser/core" even if placed before/behind.
  • Changed initialization so that methods are automatically imported one project dependencies are solved (works like importing fields from the projects)
  • Added support for #require with wildcards aka core.*.
  • For more details consult the migration guide in our wiki.

Jasy 0.8-beta3

New Features

  • (Re-)Added support for Localization based on industry standard CLDR data
  • Updated included CLDR data from 2.0 to 2.1
  • Support for gettext-based translations with full support of context hints and multi plural forms.
  • Support for in-place replacement of translations to reduce overhead of translations in application code (no mapping, no method calls and placeholder inlining)
  • Added support for "jasy doctor" to check environment of Jasy installation
  • Added executeCommand method to easily call external tools from
  • Allow tasks for having dashes in parameter names e.g. --origin-version and translate them dynamically into camelCase variant for task parameters.
  • The Jasy Webserver has got support for custom mime types (plus it automatically supports all modern mime types supported by HTML5Boilerplate)
  • The Webserver now supports mirroring non-GET requests.


  • Moved AssetManager back to the global session instance. That's a move back to how this was implemented in Jasy 0.6.x. Please update your to use session.getAssetManager() instead of the global assetManager.
  • Postponed project scanning and Asset initialization to allow for dyanically added projects (like "locale" projects) and improved start time for non-producing tasks (e.g. distclean, clean, server)
  • Reduced size of generated kernel by ~30% through split of Core library classes into Jasy specific and application specific classes ( => + jasy.Asset, ...).
  • Added jasy.datadir which points to Jasy internal data directory
  • Moved all item types indexed by projects into new Python package jasy.item. The types Class, Asset, Doc, Item and Translation are now placed in the same sub folder/package.
  • Using new jasy.core.Config API for reading and writing image sprite and animation data. This means that we support YAML for both formats now as well. Changed default export format of SpritePacker to YAML. Configurable via new method setDataFormat.
  • Added preliminary support for other translations formats like .xlf, .txt, and .properties files of the ICU standard: http:
  • Jasy now remembers the checkout revision of the origin project during jasy create and stores that information into the jasyscript.yaml of the created project.
  • Implemented translation patching as an typical "optimizer" module and moved it into "jasy.js.optimizer" package.
  • Splitted JS Comments getHtml() method store to differ between caching highlighted and non-highlighted version.
  • Support for empty classes in API Browser (will be completely dropped)
  • Improved API doc generation when highlighting is disabled (also disables generation of HTML pages from code)
  • Added new inMemory cache handling to prevent memory caching of objects which are typically modified in-place later on.
  • Added new method write() to jasy.core.File for unified file writing.
  • Improved compression of "+" assignments further. We now also combine strings across typical AST boundaries.
  • Improved compression of numbers as keys in dictionaries. These are now always compressed without quotes saving some bytes.

Jasy 0.8-beta2

Mainly fixes bugs around scaffolding and interactive configuration support. Also a lot of updates to the wiki and Jasy's documentation.

Other changes:

  • Added support for destination folder for created applications.
  • Changed naming of built-in internatal variables.
  • Added support for a flat export of Config objects.
  • Cleanup of old binary package support.

Jasy 0.8-beta1

New Features

Scaffolding support

  • Creating new projects from scratch. Each project is able to offer one or more skeletons.
    • These "origin" projects can be available locally or can be auto-cloned from a remote repository (GIT only at the moment)
  • Skeletons might have placeholders which are dynamically replaced with custom values e.g. name of the project.
    • The placeholder format is defined as $${name} to reduce conflicts with existing templating solutions
    • File patcher can handle non UTF-8 files and supports detection of binary files
  • Skeletons are able to define configuration questions to the user (ask(), set())
    • Stores configuration values as YAML (jasyscript.yaml) or JSON (jasyscript.json).
    • Questions can be answered interactively via prompt or passed in as command line arguments (--key value).
    • Questions can be combined with custom logic when using a custom post-creation script (
    • The custom script also has user friendly methods for renaming files, creating directories etc. (via file object)
    • Questions support type checks (basics like String, Number, etc.)
    • Questions are able to define default values.
    • All fields can use namespace notation (namespace.key as a field name) to create a structured configuration file.

Integrated web server

  • Based on CherryPy
  • Supports configurable custom top-level routing (i.e. route requests from: /src/target to: /destination/folder/target)
  • Delivers static files from the file system
  • Automatically adds CORS header to every response so that the Jasy based server could be accessed from other domains/hosts.
  • Supports remapping local paths to different paths on the server
  • Proxying remote URLs (avoiding cross-domain oddities)
    • Caching remote GET requests and deliver them locally.
    • Additional offline mode omits proxying of requests which are not available in the local cache.

Shared tooling libraries

  • Allows projects to offer tooling features to other projects (via
  • Using "@share" decorator to only share specific methods to the outside
  • All shared methods from each project are namespaced under an object with the name of the project.


  • Added auto-installing non-native dependencies (Pygments, polib, requests, CherryPy, PyYAML)
    • Kept dependencies containing native code optional (Misaka, PIL)
  • Added support for YAML throughthrough Jasy for config files and others (jasyproject.yaml)
  • Added nice about task showing version, copyright and homepage
  • Added support for showing optional task arguments in Jasy's help screen
  • Added support for "built-in" tasks to be able to execute jasy without actually having a Jasy project ready to use.
  • Added integration for testing scaffolding support (and more later on).
  • [WIP] Started implementation of file system watcher to allow auto rebuilding based on file system changes

Improvements & Fixes

  • Tasks documentation is now being implemented using doc strings on the function blocks instead of a custom string inside the @task() decorator.
  • Improved jasy script to allow built-in tasks (execution outside of any Jasy project)
  • Better error handling in and other scripts indirectly executed by Jasy by setting a correct file name during compilefor debugging.
  • Jasy options and parameters on help screen are sorted now.
  • Fixed issues with missing pkg_resources when installing Python on Mac via standard ( distribution
  • Moved jasy script and prefix handling into Task module.
  • Removed dependency and usage references to msgpack (never actually used anywhere in the code)
  • Correctly close all jasycache files even if not managed by the session when Jasy is closed/crashed.
  • Switched over from distutils to distribute for
  • Install .bat files on Windows only.


  • Added optional support for hashing keys of Cache object transparently to reduce key sizes
  • Added new jasy.core.Config class for transparently supporting JSON/YAML formats with correct Unicode handling
  • Added new module jasy.core.File for simplifying typical unix like file system operations (cp, mv, mkdir, ...)
  • Reworked jasy.core.Project to use new jasy.core.Config class instead of custom config file loading.
  • Added jasy.core.Types for a collection of new types to work with. First added type is a CaseInsensitiveDict which is useful for dealing with HTTP headers.
  • Added new utility methods to jasy.core.Util:
    • debounce (useful for debouncing method calls)
    • getFirstSubFolder (returns the first sub folder in the given path)
    • massFilePatcher (is able to patch placeholders in all files of the given directory with actual content)

Jasy 0.7.5

  • Added option to disable syntax highlighting in API data via ApiWriter().write("data", highlight=True/False)

Jasy 0.7.4

  • Fixed issues with correctly loading cache file on some systems
  • Revamped project initialization phase to be more efficient and logical while displaying a nice dependency tree during init.
  • Improved version detection and handling inside Session/Project
  • Internal Repository API is now less Git specific
  • Made error reporting for API errors optional on console using new "printErrors" parameter in Writer.write()
  • Improved error message output when invalid parameters are used

Jasy 0.7.3

  • Improved support for deep object documentation (e.g. defining a parameter x which is a map with the keys foo and bar)
  • Improved comment processing: Made the text to HTML conversion lazy so that it is not done during parsing the class, but at generating API docs. Improves initial performance.
  • Improved parsing/outdenting of code comments (comments which contain actual code) to not raise warnings
  • Fixed detecting size of JPEGs directly saved via Photoshop
  • Fixed output to log file
  • Fixed getProjectByName to actually use the correct active session project and not simply the first found.
  • Fixed project references in "requires" which uses shell shorthands like ~ for the home directory
  • Fixed dependencies so that this release should really be the first which does not require any packages being installed (fixes comment parsing where we still have used Misaka in Jasy 0.7.2)

Jasy 0.7.2

  • Fix some issues with unused optimizer (SWFObject compilation)
  • Added machine ID to verify cache is opened on same machine as created
  • Some logging output improvements
  • Further improved/fixed GIT support for edge cases
  • Added debug logging of detailed shell output (Git only at the moment)

Jasy 0.7.1

  • Performance optimizations
  • Improved logging output

Jasy 0.7


  • Completely revamped asset handling. See migration guide for hints on how calls in need to be modified.
    • Allow modular assets - moved out of kernel.js
    • Improved internal structure of assets for better compression and faster lookup
    • Support for multi profile assets (assets from different locations, roots and with different URL layouts)
    • Support for image sprites and image animations based on configuration files
    • Added information about asset types so that one can access this information on the client via APIs.
  • Added support for generating image sprites from source assets
  • Revamped Jasy dependencies to make all dependencies optional (through disabling features). Makes initial installation of Jasy much easier. Added requirements.txt for easy installation of optional packages.
  • Added support for omitting repository updates via "--fast"/"-f" option.
  • Added help screen when no tasks were given and with "-h" option.


  • Improved categorization of project's content into classes, assets, translations, etc.
  • Improved GIT cloning/updating stability.
  • Improved output during processing/parsing classes for better user feedback during long runs.
  • Renamed formatting=>jsFormatting, optimization=>jsOptimization in preparation of new supported types.
  • Added getSortedClasses() to Resolver to omit initializing Sorter() in at all, making scripts simpler again.
  • Improved some edge cases for better error handling. Throwing user friendly JasyError instead of plain Exception.
  • Added new utility method getChecksum() to easily detect SHA1 checksum of files.
  • Removed typically unused storeCombined() method.

Jasy 0.6.1

  • Added getProjectByName(), getGitBranch(), sha1File(), removeFile()
  • Added possibility to post-register assets using addFile()
  • Added support for executing Jasy from inside the project structure e.g. from "source/class".
  • Improved stability in project handling and git cloning

Jasy 0.6

  • Major simplification of jasyscript via revamp of environment handling
  • Support for auto cloning of repositories via git (needs system installation)
  • Support for project requirements (recursively)
  • Revamped console logging (colored and structured)
  • Cleanup of project processing/indexing (improved stability/flexibility)
  • Support for manually defined project structures to support non-jasy 3rd party projects easily
  • Support for calling remote tasks
  • Support for executing jasy from a other folder than the project's root

Jasy 0.6-beta2

  • Support for project overrides (local project overrides project with same name of any dependency) (useful for hot fixes).

Jasy 0.6-beta1

  • Support for checking links, param and return types inside API docs.
  • Support API docs for dotted parameters (object parameters with specific required sub keys).
  • Support API doc generation for plain JavaScript statics/members (using namespace={} or namespace.prototype={})
  • Supporting recursive project dependencies aka project A uses B uses C and A does not know anything about C.
  • Improve support for 3rd party JavaScript libraries not matching the Jasy requirements (no jasyproject.conf or matching file layout). This will be implemented moving the configuration and a manual file layout structure into the project requiring this 3rd party library.
  • Support for executing and manipulating tasks from other projects e.g. generating build version of project A from project B into a destination folder of project B.
  • Added support for automatic and overrideable task prefixes.
  • Performance of typical initial build tasks was dramatically improved by adding slots and improved deep cloning support to Node.

Jasy 0.5

  • No stable release. Use 0.5-beta12 or 0.6.

Jasy 0.5-beta12

  • Added support for validating links inside doc strings
  • Added support for validating types in params and return values
  • Changed doc output format for param and return types to hold info about linkability, auto-detection, array-like, builtin, pseudo, etc.

Jasy 0.5-beta11

  • Added packer script for Mac OS.
  • Fixed a few API doc issues.

Jasy 0.5-beta10

  • Worked on better API support

Jasy 0.5-beta9

  • Improved error handling and output
  • Changed format of members/events/properties/statics to sorted arrays
  • Apply sorting to uses, implements, etc.

Jasy 0.5-beta8

  • Improved markdown handling
  • Stabilization when errors happen during API generation
  • Added assets and other meta information to API data

Jasy 0.5-beta7

  • Added size calculation of generated files to API data
  • Renamed "constructor" key in API data to "construct"
  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.5-beta6

  • Added cache versioning
  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.5-beta5

  • Added support for generating a basic search index with all statics/members/properties/events
  • Added support for compressing json output
  • Added support for ignoring private/internal statics/members
  • Added more connections between classes: includedBy and usedBy sections.

Jasy 0.5-beta4

  • Added support for merging extensions into destination object (e.g. polyfills, sugar for native objects like String, etc.)
  • Added support for generating jsonp output files with custom callback
  • Added support for package docs

Jasy 0.5-beta3

  • Minor fixes

Jasy 0.5-beta2

  • Minor fixes for paren optimization

Jasy 0.5-beta1

  • Initial release with support for generating API data as JSON files
  • Support for generating session based API data with class/interface linking
  • Changed checksum computing to SHA1 to bring it in sync with changes in Core library
  • Improved installation process with dependency handling etc.

Jasy 0.4.6

  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.4.5

  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.4.4

  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.4.3

  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.4.2

  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.4.1

  • Minor bug fixes

Jasy 0.4

  • Restructed to support real installation of Jasy into system folders using easy_install or PIP.
  • Changed unit test implementation to Python native library

Jasy 0.3

  • Initial Release