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Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library

This repository holds shared library for Jenkins Pipeline

Import Library

The Jenkins library requires sophisticated operation on Jenkins objects, which requires to be setup as Global Pipeline Libraries to avoid extra In-process Script Approval.

Configure Jenkins Pipeline Job

  • In The Manage Jenkins - Configure System section, find Global Pipeline Libraries and click ADD.
    • Give the library a name, for example, jenkins-library. Set Default version to master.
    • For Retrieval method, choose Modern SCM.
      • For Source Code Management section, choose GitHub.
      • Configure github connection to this repository

Import Library in Jenkinsfile

If you didn't check Load implicitly when configuring the job, you need to use @Library to import it.

In your Jenkinsfile, you can add def lib = library("jenkins-library").org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library on top of the file to import library.

Then you can use any classes/methods defined in the library. For example:

github =
github.commit('my test')

Run Tests

To start test, run gradle command gradle test.

Generate Documentation

Run gradle command gradle groovydoc to generate documentation.

Relase Process Design

All below scenarios are based on master version v2.3.4 as example, timestamp string example is 20190101000000.

Things We Want to Do

  • Allow every branches to publish artifacts for debugging purpose.
  • Release is only performed when we want to, so it's always started manually.

Special Notes

  • The release stage doesn't have option to choose MINOR/MAJOR/SPECIFIC version bump. Those works should be handled in GitHub with Pull Requests.
  • The relase stage doesn't have manual approval option. We assume everything pushed into master branch is for release purpose and have been reviewed by Pull Request reviewers.

Release Options

  • For each pipeline, we have 2 build parameters are only available to branches which can do a release:
    • Perform Release: boolean, default is false.
    • Pre-Release String: string, default is empty. This parameter will only be used if Perform Release is true. This parameter is required if the release is not happened on master or v?.x/master branch.
  • By default, only master, v?.x/master, staging and v?.x/staging branches can do a release. This can be changed by pipeline.addReleaseBranches(...branches) or pipeline.setReleaseBranches(...branches).
  • For NPM packages, each branch can have a npm publish tag name when performaing release build. By default, master's tag is latest, staging's tag is dev. For branches do not have publish tag defined, or branches is not in release build, npm publish will use default snapshot tag name, and the version will have normalized branch name included. For example, staging branch non-release build will generate a version v2.3.4-staging-snapshot.20190101000000 release on snapshot npm tag. staging branch release build will generate a version v2.3.4-dev.20190101000000 release on dev tag. And a branch feature/lts build will generate a version v2.3.4-feature-lts-snapshot.20190101000000 release on snapshot tag.
  • For pax/zip packages, each branch can also have a release tag name. By default, master's tag is 'snapshot'. If it's not defined, artifactory publish will use branch name as tag name. For example, master non-release build will publish artifact to libs-snapshot-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4-snapshot/ and release build will publish to libs-release-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4/. staging non-release build will publish artifact to libs-snapshot-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4-staging/ and release build will publish to libs-release-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4-rc1/, the rc1 is the pre-release string which is required.

Pipeline Build Scenarios

  • Scenario #1
    • Build on master with default parameter values (Perform Release = false, Pre-Release String = empty)
      • for npm package, it will be published to npm-local-release as v2.3.4-snapshot-master.20190101000000 with npm tag snapshot.
      • for pax/zip(gradle) package, it will be published to libs-snapshot-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4-snapshot/ as <component>-2.3.4-snapshot.20190101000000.(pax|zip).
    • No github tag will be created.
    • No version bump will be performed on GitHub.
  • Scenario #2
    • Build on master with (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = beta.1)
      • for npm package, it will be published to npm-local-release as v2.3.4-beta.1 with npm tag snapshot.
      • for pax/zip(gradle) package, it will be published to libs-release-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4/ as <component>-2.3.4-beta.1.(pax|zip).
    • Github tag v2.3.4-beta.1 will be created.
    • No version bump will be performed on GitHub after release.
  • Scenario #3
    • Build on master with (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = empty)
      • for npm package, it will be published to npm-local-release as v2.3.4 with npm default tag latest.
      • for pax/zip(gradle) package, it will be published to libs-release-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4/ as <component>-2.3.4.(pax|zip).
    • Github tag v2.3.4 will be created.
    • A PATCH level version bump will be performed on GitHub. This is to avoid release the same version again. So after version bump, master has version of 2.4.0, and a commit can be seen from github commit history. This commit should be merged/cherry-picked back to staging.
  • Scenario #dev-1
    • Build on staging which IS a release branch with default parameter values (Perform Release = false, Pre-Release String = empty)
      • for npm package, it will be published to npm-local-release as v2.3.4-staging-snapshot.20190101000000 with npm tag snapshot.
      • for pax/zip(gradle) package, it will be published to libs-snapshot-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4-staging/ as <component>-2.3.4-staging.20190101000000.(pax|zip).
    • No github tag will be created.
    • No version bump will be performed on GitHub.
  • Scenario #dev-2
    • Build on staging which IS a release branch with default parameter values (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = rc.1)
      • for npm package, it will be published to npm-local-release as v2.3.4-rc.1 with npm tag dev.
      • for pax/zip(gradle) package, it will be published to libs-snapshot-local/org/zowe/<component>/2.3.4-staging/ as <component>-2.3.4-staging.20190101000000.(pax|zip).
    • No github tag will be created.
    • No version bump will be performed on GitHub after release.
  • Scenario #dev-3
    • Build on staging which IS a release branch with default parameter values (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = empty)
    • Build will be rejected because pre-release string is empty.
  • Typical Scenario
    • A NPM project has latest, dev, v1-latest and v1-dev tags. v1 is a LTS version, current master is on v2.3.4.
    • There are 4 branches can do a release, the branch-tag mappings are:
      • master - latest
      • staging - dev
      • v1.x/master - v1-latest
      • v1.x/staging - v1-dev

Release Scenarios

  • Release v2.3.4-rc.1
    • Build staging with (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = rc.1).
    • Or build master with (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = rc.1), not suggested.
  • Release v2.3.4
    • Build master with (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = empty).
  • Release v2.4.0
    • Make a commit on staging to upgrade version to 2.4.0.
    • Build staging with (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = rc.1), we should have v2.4.0-rc.1.
    • Create a Pull Request to merge staging into master. After merged, master should have a version definition of 2.4.0 instead of 2.3.4.
    • build master with (Perform Release = true, Pre-Release String = empty), we should have v2.4.0.