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I may be slow to respond.
I may be slow to respond.
  • ByteDance
  • Beijing, China
  • 03:15 (UTC +08:00)

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Mark remarkablemark

☁️ New York

Kevin Deng 三咲智子 sxzz
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

null NaN, China

Hans weartist
Not have work. Previously at @bytedance and DJI

Everlasting student Beijing

Ingvar Stepanyan RReverser
WebAssembly consultant, obsessed D2D programmer (parsers, compilers, tools & specs).

UA => UK

WenHong.Tan telesoho
Word smart better than work hard.

telesoho Tokyo

Henning Dieterichs hediet
Let's build the software of the future! Working on VS Code @microsoft.


mot motdotla
making @dotenvx Santa Monica, CA

@twbs maintainer, open-source software believer


Mathias Bynens mathiasbynens
Web standards fanatic. JavaScript, HTML, CSS, HTTP, performance, security, Bash, Unicode, macOS.


Senar luvletterldl
full stack developer, KISS.
Sebastián Gurin cancerberoSgx
Researcher, API maker, languages passionate, Browser, Node.js, CLI, JS/TS, React/Redux, devtools, and lots of misc techs, with dark past in Java

home Montevideo, Uruguay

Jean-Yves Perrier teoli2003
Technical Writer/Project Manager documenting the web. Former C++ developer. Erdös Number: 5

@openwebdocs Sion, Switzerland

A1lo yin1999
Feel free.

Hangzhou, China

Shu Ding shuding
Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. — aaronsw

@Vercel Berlin

Akshay Narisetti akshaynarisetti
I Build All Things Tech


Denis Bardadym btd

AWS Deutschland, München

Sean Feng sefeng211
I write code


V Vanessa219
破茧成蝶 Kunming, China

D 88250
但行好事莫问前程 Kunming, China

Vladimir Iakovlev nvbn
Software Developer

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Alex Holachek aholachek
Front end developer

@DataDog NYC

Passon fangmd
Jun Han formulahendry
《Visual Studio Code 权威指南》 作者,公众号“HJ说”

@Microsoft Shanghai, China

Connor Peet connor4312
vs code is neat

VS Code & @Microsoft Tacoma, WA

Michael Jackson mjackson
Founder @remix-run, creator @unpkg. Thriller.

@Shopify Carlsbad, California

Steven Lei stevenlei
Full Stack Developer, Lecturer.
Pablo LION PabloLION
poo-crastinator Math, UI/UX, Crypto.

Barcelona, Spain

Y. SOMDA yoeo
Big data, cryptography, machine learning & life enthusiast.


卡颂 BetaSu
Ivan Nikulin inikulin

@Cloudflare London, UK

若邪 wjkang


Ilya Grigorik igrigorik
Building merchant+web platform capabilities to supercharge commerce at @Shopify.

Shopify Portland, OR

Juriy Zaytsev kangax
I used to write JavaScript. I still do but I used to too.

Facebook → WeWork → LinkedIn New York

Rico Sta. Cruz rstacruz

Melbourne, AU

netcon conwnet

Tencent China

Eric Wendelin eriwen
I want to make building software easier. Creator of @stacktracejs. Software engineer @Netflix

@netflix Phoenix, AZ

Jason Varga jasonvarga
Lead developer at @statamic

@statamic / @pixelfear Florida

Chris Coyier chriscoyier
I’m the co-founder of CodePen, a social development environment for web designers and developers. CodePen is a front-end focused IDE in the browser.

@codepen Bend, Oregon

Nicholas C. Zakas nzakas
Creator of ESLint, independent software developer, consultant, coach, and author.

Human Who Codes LLC Boston, MA