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Common Http Client

Common Http Client provides async & sync、pooled http client by JAX2.1.

Class Induction

1. ClientFactory

ClientFactory is a interface that createClient and destory client

public interface ClientFactory {

     * @return
    Client createClient();

    void destory(Client client);

2. AbstractClientFactory

AbstractClientFactory extends ClientFactory.
AsyncReducedSMTPAppender build client and maintain it.

3. JerseyClientFactory

JerseyClientFactory extends JerseyClientFactory, create Client by Jersey.

public abstract class JerseyClientFactory extends AbstractClientFactory {

    public JerseyClientFactory(int aSynHttpThreadCount) {

     * class can implements JerseyClientFactory.class and set property and property value
     * @return
    protected ClientConfig buildDefaultConfig() {
    	 ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
         config = config.connectorProvider(newProvider());
         return config;
    protected abstract ConnectorProvider newProvider();
	protected Configuration buildConfig() {
		return buildDefaultConfig();

4. DefaultJerseyClientFactory

DefaultJerseyClientFactory extends JerseyClientFactory, create Client by Jersey Default(JDK URLConnection).

5. GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(Recommendation)

GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory extends JerseyClientFactory, create Client by Grizzly.

6. JettyJerseyClientFactory

JettyJerseyClientFactory extends JerseyClientFactory, create Client by Jetty.


1. A Simple Example

//create client factory,note: factory is thread safe
private static final AbstractClientFactory factory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 5000, 2000);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	//create client with factory,note: RestfullClient is not thread safe
	RestfullClient client = new RestfullClient(factory);
	//http get request,params:1. url, 2. path, 3. heads, 4. params
	System.out.println(client.get("http:https://ip:port/example", "/path", null, null));
	//http async get request
	System.out.println(client.getAsync("http:https://ip:port/example", "/path", null, null).get());

2. JSON Serialize

//create client factory,note: factory is thread safe
private static final AbstractClientFactory factory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 5000, 2000);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	//create client with factory,note: RestfullClient is not thread safe
	RestfullClient client = new RestfullClient(factory);
	//http get request,params:1. url, 2. path, 3. heads, 4. params, 5. Json Object
	Response response = client.get("http:https://ip:port/example", "/path", null, null, Response.class);
	//http async get request
	Future<Response> responseFuture = client.getAsync("http:https://ip:port/example", "/path", null, null, Response.class);

3. Low Level Request Api

All RestfullClient Api is implement by Low Level Request Api.
User can use low level request api implements the method that not provided in RestfullClient.

//create client factory,note: factory is thread safe
private static final AbstractClientFactory factory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 5000, 2000);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	//create client with factory,note: RestfullClient is not thread safe
	RestfullClient restfullClient = new RestfullClient(factory);
	//http async get request, same with client.getAsync
	Future<Response> response = restfullClient.request((client) -> {
		Invocation.Builder buidler =, "http:https://ip:port/example", "/path", null, null);
		return buidler.async().get(Response.class);

4. Multi Threads

//create client factory,note: factory is thread safe
private static final AbstractClientFactory factory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 5000, 2000);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		Thread t = new Thread(() ->{
			try {
				//each thread client one RestfullClient
				RestfullClient restfullClient = new RestfullClient(factory);
				Future<Response> response = restfullClient.request((client) -> {
					Invocation.Builder buidler =, "http:https://ip:port/example", "/path", null, null);
					return buidler.async().get(Response.class);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new RuntimeException(e);

5. Build Multi ClientFacotry With different Business

//create client factory,note: factory is thread safe
private static final AbstractClientFactory pingFactory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 200, 100);
private static final AbstractClientFactory searchFactory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 5000, 2000);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	RestfullClient restfullClient = new RestfullClient(pingFactory);
	Future<PingResponse> pingResponse = restfullClient.request((client) -> {
		Invocation.Builder buidler =, "http:https://ip:port/example", "/ping", null, null);
		return buidler.async().get(PingResponse.class);
	Future<SearchResponse> searchResponse = restfullClient.request((client) -> {
		Invocation.Builder buidler =, "http:https://ip:port/example", "/search", null, null);
		return buidler.async().get(SearchResponse.class);

6. Dynamic ClientFactory Params modify

//create client factory,note: factory is thread safe
private static final GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory factory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 200, 100);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

7. Close ClientFactory

Close ClientFactory only when never used

//create client factory,note: factory is thread safe
private static final GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory factory = new GrizzlyJerseyClientFactory(10, 200, 100);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {