package generate import ( "encoding/json" "net/url" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "" ) func TestThatCapitalisationOccursCorrectly(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { input string expected string }{ { input: "ssd", expected: "Ssd", }, { input: "f", expected: "F", }, { input: "fishPaste", expected: "FishPaste", }, { input: "", expected: "", }, { input: "F", expected: "F", }, } for idx, test := range tests { actual := capitaliseFirstLetter(test.input) if actual != test.expected { t.Errorf("Test %d failed: For input \"%s\", expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", idx, test.input, test.expected, actual) } } } func TestThatStructsAreNamedWell(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { input string schema jsonschema.Schema expected string }{ { input: "/definitions/address", expected: "Address", }, { input: "/Example", expected: "Example", }, { input: "/Example", expected: "Example", schema: jsonschema.Schema{ NameCount: 1, }, }, { input: "/Example", expected: "Example2", schema: jsonschema.Schema{ NameCount: 2, }, }, { input: "", expected: "TheRootName", schema: jsonschema.Schema{ Title: "TheRootName", }, }, } for idx, test := range tests { actual := getTypeName(&url.URL{Fragment: test.input}, &test.schema, 1) if actual != test.expected { t.Errorf("Test %d failed: For input \"%s\", expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", idx, test.input, test.expected, actual) } } } func TestFieldGeneration(t *testing.T) { properties := map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "property1": {TypeValue: "string"}, "property2": {Reference: "#/definitions/address"}, "property3": {TypeValue: "object", AdditionalProperties: []*jsonschema.Schema{{TypeValue: "integer"}}}, "property4": {TypeValue: "object", AdditionalProperties: []*jsonschema.Schema{{TypeValue: "integer"}, {TypeValue: "integer"}}}, "property5": {TypeValue: "object", AdditionalProperties: []*jsonschema.Schema{{TypeValue: "object", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{"subproperty1": {TypeValue: "integer"}}}}}, "property6": {TypeValue: "object", AdditionalProperties: []*jsonschema.Schema{{TypeValue: "object", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{"subproperty1": {TypeValue: "integer"}}}}}, } lookupTypes := map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "#/definitions/address": {}, "#/properties/property5": properties["property5"].AdditionalProperties[0], } requiredFields := []string{"property2"} result, err := getFields(&url.URL{}, properties, lookupTypes, requiredFields) if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to get the fields: ", err) } if len(result) != 6 { t.Errorf("Expected 6 results, but got %d results", len(result)) } testField(result["Property1"], "property1", "Property1", "string", false, t) testField(result["Property2"], "property2", "Property2", "*Address", true, t) testField(result["Property3"], "property3", "Property3", "map[string]int", false, t) testField(result["Property4"], "property4", "Property4", "map[string]interface{}", false, t) testField(result["Property5"], "property5", "Property5", "map[string]*Property5", false, t) testField(result["Property6"], "property6", "Property6", "map[string]*undefined", false, t) } func TestFieldGenerationWithArrayReferences(t *testing.T) { properties := map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "property1": {TypeValue: "string"}, "property2": { TypeValue: "array", Items: &jsonschema.Schema{ Reference: "#/definitions/address", }, }, "property3": { TypeValue: "array", Items: &jsonschema.Schema{ TypeValue: "object", AdditionalProperties: []*jsonschema.Schema{{TypeValue: "integer"}}, }, }, } lookupTypes := map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "#/definitions/address": {}, } requiredFields := []string{"property2"} result, err := getFields(&url.URL{}, properties, lookupTypes, requiredFields) if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to get the fields: ", err) } if len(result) != 3 { t.Errorf("Expected 3 results, but got %d results", len(result)) } testField(result["Property1"], "property1", "Property1", "string", false, t) testField(result["Property2"], "property2", "Property2", "[]*Address", true, t) testField(result["Property3"], "property3", "Property3", "[]map[string]int", false, t) } func testField(actual Field, expectedJSONName string, expectedName string, expectedType string, expectedToBeRequired bool, t *testing.T) { if actual.JSONName != expectedJSONName { t.Errorf("JSONName - expected %s, got %s", expectedJSONName, actual.JSONName) } if actual.Name != expectedName { t.Errorf("Name - expected %s, got %s", expectedName, actual.Name) } if actual.Type != expectedType { t.Errorf("Type - expected %s, got %s", expectedType, actual.Type) } if actual.Required != expectedToBeRequired { t.Errorf("Required - expected %v, got %v", expectedToBeRequired, actual.Required) } } func TestNestedStructGeneration(t *testing.T) { root := &jsonschema.Schema{} root.Title = "Example" root.Properties = map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "property1": { TypeValue: "object", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "subproperty1": {TypeValue: "string"}, }, }, } g := New(root) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to create structs: ", err) } if len(results) != 2 { t.Errorf("2 results should have been created, a root type and a type for the object 'property1' but %d structs were made", len(results)) } if _, contains := results["Example"]; !contains { t.Errorf("The Example type should have been made, but only types %s were made.", strings.Join(getStructNamesFromMap(results), ", ")) } if _, contains := results["Property1"]; !contains { t.Errorf("The Property1 type should have been made, but only types %s were made.", strings.Join(getStructNamesFromMap(results), ", ")) } if results["Example"].Fields["Property1"].Type != "*Property1" { t.Errorf("Expected that the nested type property1 is generated as a struct, so the property type should be *Property1, but was %s.", results["Example"].Fields["Property1"].Type) } } func TestEmptyNestedStructGeneration(t *testing.T) { root := &jsonschema.Schema{} root.Title = "Example" root.Properties = map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "property1": { TypeValue: "object", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "nestedproperty1": {TypeValue: "string"}, }, }, } g := New(root) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to create structs: ", err) } if len(results) != 2 { t.Errorf("2 results should have been created, a root type and a type for the object 'property1' but %d structs were made", len(results)) } if _, contains := results["Example"]; !contains { t.Errorf("The Example type should have been made, but only types %s were made.", strings.Join(getStructNamesFromMap(results), ", ")) } if _, contains := results["Property1"]; !contains { t.Errorf("The Property1 type should have been made, but only types %s were made.", strings.Join(getStructNamesFromMap(results), ", ")) } if results["Example"].Fields["Property1"].Type != "*Property1" { t.Errorf("Expected that the nested type property1 is generated as a struct, so the property type should be *Property1, but was %s.", results["Example"].Fields["Property1"].Type) } } func TestStructNameExtractor(t *testing.T) { m := make(map[string]Struct) m["name1"] = Struct{} m["name2"] = Struct{} names := getStructNamesFromMap(m) if len(names) != 2 { t.Error("Didn't extract all names from the map.") } if !contains(names, "name1") { t.Error("name1 was not extracted") } if !contains(names, "name2") { t.Error("name2 was not extracted") } } func getStructNamesFromMap(m map[string]Struct) []string { sn := make([]string, len(m)) i := 0 for k := range m { sn[i] = k i++ } return sn } func TestStructGeneration(t *testing.T) { root := &jsonschema.Schema{} root.Title = "RootElement" root.Definitions = make(map[string]*jsonschema.Schema) root.Definitions["address"] = &jsonschema.Schema{ Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "address1": {TypeValue: "string"}, "zip": {TypeValue: "number"}, }, } root.Properties = map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "property1": {TypeValue: "string"}, "property2": {Reference: "#/definitions/address"}, } g := New(root) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to create structs: ", err) } if len(results) != 2 { t.Error("2 results should have been created, a root type and an address") } } func TestArrayGeneration(t *testing.T) { root := &jsonschema.Schema{ Title: "Array of Artists Example", TypeValue: "array", Items: &jsonschema.Schema{ Title: "Artist", TypeValue: "object", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "name": {TypeValue: "string"}, "birthyear": {TypeValue: "number"}, }, }, } g := New(root) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Fatal("Failed to create structs: ", err) } if len(results) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected one struct should have been generated, but %d have been generated.", len(results)) } artistStruct, ok := results["Artist"] if !ok { t.Errorf("Expected Name to be Artist, that wasn't found, but the struct contains \"%+v\"", results) } if len(artistStruct.Fields) != 2 { t.Errorf("Expected the fields to be birtyear and name, but %d fields were found.", len(artistStruct.Fields)) } if _, ok := artistStruct.Fields["Name"]; !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to find a Name field, but one was not found.") } if _, ok := artistStruct.Fields["Birthyear"]; !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to find a Birthyear field, but one was not found.") } } func TestNestedArrayGeneration(t *testing.T) { root := &jsonschema.Schema{ Title: "Favourite Bars", TypeValue: "object", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "barName": {TypeValue: "string"}, "cities": { TypeValue: "array", Items: &jsonschema.Schema{ Title: "City", TypeValue: "object", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "name": {TypeValue: "string"}, "country": {TypeValue: "string"}, }, }, }, "tags": { TypeValue: "array", Items: &jsonschema.Schema{TypeValue: "string"}, }, }, } g := New(root) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to create structs: ", err) } if len(results) != 2 { t.Errorf("Expected two structs to be generated - 'Favourite Bars' and 'City', but %d have been generated.", len(results)) } fbStruct, ok := results["FavouriteBars"] if !ok { t.Errorf("FavouriteBars struct was not found. The results were %+v", results) } if _, ok := fbStruct.Fields["BarName"]; !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to find the BarName field, but didn't. The struct is %+v", fbStruct) } f, ok := fbStruct.Fields["Cities"] if !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to find the Cities field on the FavouriteBars, but didn't. The struct is %+v", fbStruct) } if f.Type != "[]*City" { t.Errorf("Expected to find that the Cities array was of type *City, but it was of %s", f.Type) } f, ok = fbStruct.Fields["Tags"] if !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to find the Tags field on the FavouriteBars, but didn't. The struct is %+v", fbStruct) } if f.Type != "[]string" { t.Errorf("Expected to find that the Tags array was of type string, but it was of %s", f.Type) } cityStruct, ok := results["City"] if !ok { t.Error("City struct was not found.") } if _, ok := cityStruct.Fields["Name"]; !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to find the Name field on the City struct, but didn't. The struct is %+v", cityStruct) } if _, ok := cityStruct.Fields["Country"]; !ok { t.Errorf("Expected to find the Country field on the City struct, but didn't. The struct is %+v", cityStruct) } } func TestMultipleSchemaStructGeneration(t *testing.T) { root1 := &jsonschema.Schema{ Title: "Root1Element", ID06: "", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "property1": {Reference: "root2#/definitions/address"}, }, } root2 := &jsonschema.Schema{ Title: "Root2Element", ID06: "", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "property1": {Reference: "#/definitions/address"}, }, Definitions: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "address": { Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "address1": {TypeValue: "string"}, "zip": {TypeValue: "number"}, }, }, }, } g := New(root1, root2) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Error("Failed to create structs: ", err) } if len(results) != 3 { t.Errorf("3 results should have been created, 2 root types and an address, but got %v", getStructNamesFromMap(results)) } } func TestThatJavascriptKeyNamesCanBeConvertedToValidGoNames(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { description string input string expected string }{ { description: "Camel case is converted to pascal case.", input: "camelCase", expected: "CamelCase", }, { description: "Spaces are stripped.", input: "Contains space", expected: "ContainsSpace", }, { description: "Hyphens are stripped.", input: "key-name", expected: "KeyName", }, { description: "Underscores are stripped.", input: "key_name", expected: "KeyName", }, { description: "Periods are stripped.", input: "a.b.c", expected: "ABC", }, { description: "Colons are stripped.", input: "a:b", expected: "AB", }, { description: "GT and LT are stripped.", input: "a", expected: "AB", }, { description: "Not allowed to start with a number.", input: "123ABC", expected: "_123ABC", }, } for _, test := range tests { actual := getGolangName(test.input) if test.expected != actual { t.Errorf("For test '%s', for input '%s' expected '%s' but got '%s'.", test.description, test.input, test.expected, actual) } } } func TestThatArraysWithoutDefinedItemTypesAreGeneratedAsEmptyInterfaces(t *testing.T) { root := &jsonschema.Schema{} root.Title = "Array without defined item" root.Properties = map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "name": {TypeValue: "string"}, "repositories": { TypeValue: "array", }, } g := New(root) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error generating structs: %v", err) } if _, contains := results["ArrayWithoutDefinedItem"]; !contains { t.Errorf("The ArrayWithoutDefinedItem type should have been made, but only types %s were made.", strings.Join(getStructNamesFromMap(results), ", ")) } if o, ok := results["ArrayWithoutDefinedItem"]; ok { if f, ok := o.Fields["Repositories"]; ok { if f.Type != "[]interface{}" { t.Errorf("Since the schema doesn't include a type for the array items, the property type should be []interface{}, but was %s.", f.Type) } } else { t.Errorf("Expected the ArrayWithoutDefinedItem type to have a Repostitories field, but none was found.") } } } func TestThatTypesWithMultipleDefinitionsAreGeneratedAsEmptyInterfaces(t *testing.T) { root := &jsonschema.Schema{} root.Title = "Multiple possible types" root.Properties = map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "name": {TypeValue: []interface{}{"string", "integer"}}, } g := New(root) results, _, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error generating structs: %v", err) } if _, contains := results["MultiplePossibleTypes"]; !contains { t.Errorf("The MultiplePossibleTypes type should have been made, but only types %s were made.", strings.Join(getStructNamesFromMap(results), ", ")) } if o, ok := results["MultiplePossibleTypes"]; ok { if f, ok := o.Fields["Name"]; ok { if f.Type != "interface{}" { t.Errorf("Since the schema has multiple types for the item, the property type should be []interface{}, but was %s.", f.Type) } } else { t.Errorf("Expected the MultiplePossibleTypes type to have a Name field, but none was found.") } } } func TestThatUnmarshallingIsPossible(t *testing.T) { // { // "$schema": "", // "name": "Example", // "type": "object", // "properties": { // "name": { // "type": ["object", "array", "integer"], // "description": "name" // } // } // } tests := []struct { name string input string expected Root }{ { name: "map", input: `{ "name": { "key": "value" } }`, expected: Root{ Name: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "value", }, }, }, { name: "array", input: `{ "name": [ "a", "b" ] }`, expected: Root{ Name: []interface{}{"a", "b"}, }, }, { name: "integer", input: `{ "name": 1 }`, expected: Root{ Name: 1.0, // can't determine whether it's a float or integer without additional info }, }, } for _, test := range tests { var actual Root err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(test.input), &actual) if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s: error unmarshalling: %v",, err) } expectedType := reflect.TypeOf(test.expected.Name) actualType := reflect.TypeOf(actual.Name) if expectedType != actualType { t.Errorf("expected Name to be of type %v, but got %v", expectedType, actualType) } } } func TestThatRootTypeKeyIsCorrectlyAssessed(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string input string expected bool }{ { name: "URL without fragment", input: "", expected: true, }, { name: "URL with fragment", input: "", expected: false, }, { name: "simple ID without fragment", input: "/Test", expected: true, }, { name: "simple ID with fragment", input: "/Test#/definitions/foo", expected: false, }, { name: "no ID", input: "#", expected: true, }, { name: "empty", input: "", expected: true, }, } for _, test := range tests { key, err := url.Parse(test.input) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } actual := isRootSchemaKey(key) if actual != test.expected { t.Errorf("Test %q failed: for input %q, expected %t, got %t",, test.input, test.expected, actual) } } } func TestTypeAliases(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { gotype string input *jsonschema.Schema structs, aliases int }{ { gotype: "string", input: &jsonschema.Schema{TypeValue: "string"}, structs: 0, aliases: 1, }, { gotype: "int", input: &jsonschema.Schema{TypeValue: "integer"}, structs: 0, aliases: 1, }, { gotype: "bool", input: &jsonschema.Schema{TypeValue: "boolean"}, structs: 0, aliases: 1, }, { gotype: "[]*Foo", input: &jsonschema.Schema{TypeValue: "array", Items: &jsonschema.Schema{ TypeValue: "object", Title: "foo", Properties: map[string]*jsonschema.Schema{ "nestedproperty": {TypeValue: "string"}, }, }}, structs: 1, aliases: 1, }, { gotype: "[]interface{}", input: &jsonschema.Schema{TypeValue: "array"}, structs: 0, aliases: 1, }, { gotype: "map[string]string", input: &jsonschema.Schema{ TypeValue: "object", AdditionalProperties: []*jsonschema.Schema{{TypeValue: "string"}}, }, structs: 0, aliases: 1, }, { gotype: "map[string]interface{}", input: &jsonschema.Schema{ TypeValue: "object", AdditionalProperties: []*jsonschema.Schema{{TypeValue: []interface{}{"string", "integer"}}}, }, structs: 0, aliases: 1, }, } for _, test := range tests { g := New(test.input) structs, aliases, err := g.CreateTypes() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(structs) != test.structs { t.Errorf("Expected %d structs, got %d", test.structs, len(structs)) } if len(aliases) != test.aliases { t.Errorf("Expected %d type aliases, got %d", test.aliases, len(aliases)) } if test.gotype != aliases["Root"].Type { t.Errorf("Expected Root type %q, got %q", test.gotype, aliases["Root"].Type) } } } // Root is an example of a generated type. type Root struct { Name interface{} `json:"name,omitempty"` }