MaterialAudiobookPlayer ======================= [![CI Status](]( This is my digital playground where I am learning. I'm integrating and validating new technologies and ideas here, playing around with new UI / UX components and developing with the best coding standard I come up with. At the same time I want to provide an audiobook player which is really easy in use and a joy to work with. There are still some components outdated. If you like to [contribute](#contrib) or [translate](#trans), that is very appreciated. But there might be impacting structural changes over time. [![Download from Google Play]( "Download from Google Play")]( [![Material Audiobook Player on]( "Download from")]( # Contribution ## Development If you wan to help check the label [PR-Welcome]( Its always a good idea to talk about what are going to do before you actually start it, so frustration can be avoided. Some rules for coding: * Use the code style the project uses * For each feature, make a seperate branch, so it can be reviewed separately * Use commits with a good description, so one can see, what you did ## Translations The project page is on [transifex]( There all the localizations are maintained. If you want to contribute, check if there are untranslated or wrong translated words. Or you can start translating a new language if you speak it ;-) # License Copyright (C) 2014 [Paul Woitaschek]( The license is [GnuGPLv3]( With contributing you agree to license your code under the same conditions.