import NextAuth from 'next-auth' import GitHub from 'next-auth/providers/github' import CredentialsProvider from 'next-auth/providers/credentials' // We default to using GitHub for authentication for local development and production. // On Preview deployments, we use a dummy credentials provider. This allows folks to easily // test the app without having to create a custom GitHub OAuth app or change the callback URL // just to test the application on previews. // We have a custom /sign-in page for non-preview environments. In preview environments, the user // will be redirected to /api/auth/signin instead. export const { handlers: { GET, POST }, auth, CSRF_experimental // @ts-ignore } = NextAuth({ // @ts-ignore providers: [ process.env.VERCEL_ENV === 'preview' ? CredentialsProvider({ name: 'Credentials', credentials: { username: { label: 'Username', type: 'text', placeholder: 'jsmith' }, password: { label: 'Password', type: 'password' } }, async authorize(credentials) { return { id: 1, name: 'J Smith', email: '', picture: '' } as any } }) : GitHub ], callbacks: { // @ts-ignore jwt: async ({ token, profile }) => { if (profile?.id) { = token.image = profile.picture } return token }, // @ts-ignore authorized({ auth }) { return !!auth?.user }, trustHost: true }, ...(process.env.VERCEL_ENV === 'preview' ? {} : { pages: { signIn: '/sign-in' } }) })