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104 lines (72 loc) · 4.64 KB

TypeScript for tslab

Changes from TypeScript

Base version: v5.0.4

  • Exports findPrecedingToken and findNextToken from services/utilities.ts.
  • Exports Completions.getCompletionsAtPosition from services/completions.ts with exportable arguments (getCompletionsAtPositionForTslab).
  • Exports getDefaultTypeRoots from compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts
  • Exports locals from SourceFile.
  • Exports getDefaultTypeRoots from compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts.
  • Defines ts.getQuickInfoAtPosition.
  • Defines ts.getPreEmitDiagnosticsOfFiles.
  • Remove "bin" from package.json.
  • Remove "should be acknowledged when they change" from unittests/publicApi.ts to skip the compatibility validation.
  • Add disableTopLevelAwait to the compiler options to support TLA properly in tslab.
  • Add getNullTransformationContext to export nullTransformationContext.

Merge with a newer version of TypeScript

  • Fetch a new release: git fetch upstream
  • Back to "Updates for tslab" commit: git reset --hard HEAD@{2}
  • Rebase the commit to the new tag: git rebase -i --onto v3.7.3 v3.7.2 master



npm ci && npm run gulp lint && npm run gulp runtests && npm run gulp LKG && npm run gulp clean


Set the new version in package.json

yarn semver "3.6.4-tslab" -i prerelease --preid tslab

Then, build the compiler and run:

npm publish --access=public

Note that --access=public is necessary because Scoped packages are private by default.

Notes for TypeScript codebase

  • Files included in typescript.js are defined in src/typescript.ts with import * as ts from "./_namespaces/ts";. For example, when we want to add a new file in src/services, add a reference to the new file in src/services/_namespaces/ts.ts.


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For the latest stable version:

npm install -g typescript

For our nightly builds:

npm install -g typescript@next


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