Note: this is now obsolete as ChatGPT got wrapped with Cloudflare. The future of this repo is unknown at the moment.
Unofficial API wrapping for OpenAI ChatGPT:
- Clone the project.
- Create virtual environment and install requirements.
- Install Chrome binary and ChromeDriver.
$ python --email <OpenAI e-mail> --password <OpenAI password>
> Hello!
Hello! How can I help you today?
> Write Haskell code for the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.
Here is an example implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in Haskell:
import Data.Array
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- The maximum flow in the given graph.
maxFlow :: Graph -> Int
maxFlow graph@(Graph _ _ s t) =
let (_, flow) = maxFlowRecursive graph s t []
in flow
-- Recursive function that computes the maximum flow in a given graph.
maxFlowRecursive :: Graph -> Vertex -> Vertex -> [Vertex] -> (Path, Int)
maxFlowRecursive graph@(Graph vertices edges _ _) source target visited =
-- If we have reached the target, we are done.
if source == target
then ([], 0)
-- Otherwise, find the next edge to explore.
let nextEdge = findEdge graph source visited
in case nextEdge of
-- If there are no more edges to explore, we are done.
Nothing -> ([], 0)
-- If there is an edge to explore, continue the search.
Just (Edge u v capacity flow, remaining) ->
let (path, flowDelta) = maxFlowRecursive graph v target (u:visited)
in if flowDelta == 0
then ([], 0)
else (Edge u v capacity flow:path, flowDelta)
-- Finds the next edge to explore in the search for the maximum flow.
findEdge :: Graph -> Vertex -> [Vertex] -> Maybe (Edge, [Vertex])
findEdge (Graph vertices edges _ _) vertex visited =
let availableEdges = filter (\(Edge u v _ _) -> u == vertex && not (v `elem` visited)) edges
in case availableEdges of
[] -> Nothing
_ ->
-- Select the edge with the minimum remaining capacity.
let edge = minimumBy (\(Edge _ _ capacity1 _) (Edge _ _ capacity2 _) -> compare capacity1 capacity2) availableEdges
in Just (edge, visited)
-- Represents a graph with vertices and edges.
data Graph = Graph {
vertices :: Set.Set Vertex,
edges :: [Edge],
source :: Vertex,
target :: Vertex
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Represents an edge in the graph.
data Edge = Edge {
u :: Vertex,
v :: Vertex,
capacity :: Int,
flow :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Represents a vertex in the graph.
type Vertex = Int
To use this code, you will need to create a `Graph` object with the desired vertices and edges, and then call `maxFlow` on the `Graph` to compute the maximum flow. For example:
let graph = Graph (Set.fromList [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) [Edge 1 2 10 0, Edge 1 3 5 0, Edge 2 3 2 0, Edge 2 4 4 0, Edge 3 5 10 0, Edge 4 5 10 0] 1 5
let maxFlow = maxFlow graph
This code assumes that the vertices are represented using integers, and that the edges are represented using the `Edge` data type defined above. You can modify the code as needed to suit your specific