# Installation Options ## Homebrew Stable Version ``` brew install colima ``` Development Version ``` brew install --HEAD colima ``` ## MacPorts Stable version ``` sudo port install colima ``` ## Nix Only stable Version ``` nix-env -i colima ``` Or using solely in a `nix-shell` ``` nix-shell -p colima ``` ## Arch Install dependencies ``` sudo pacman -S qemu-base go docker ``` Install Lima and Colima from Aur ``` yay -S lima-bin colima-bin ``` ## Binary Binaries are available with every release on the [releases page](https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/releases). ```sh # download binary curl -LO https://github.com/abiosoft/colima/releases/download/v0.5.3/colima-$(uname)-$(uname -m) # install in $PATH install colima-$(uname)-$(uname -m) /usr/local/bin/colima # or sudo install if /usr/local/bin requires root. ``` ## Building from Source Requires [Go](https://golang.org). ```sh # clone repo and cd into it git clone https://github.com/abiosoft/colima cd colima make make install # or `sudo make install` if /usr/local/bin requires root ```