### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.17.1 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ 7f7e5188-7c86-11ec-34ca-3347d6c19595 using LinearAlgebra, PlutoUI # ╔═╡ c6386d30-fc92-4d12-922c-3fe14d59ad68 TableOfContents(title="Symmetric Eigenvalue Derivatives", indent=true, depth=4, aside=true) # ╔═╡ fd24a55b-d4d4-4bfe-a485-552c69c2c7f7 md""" ## Warmup:Differentiating on the unit sphere in n dimensions Geometrically, we all know that velocity vectors (equivalently tangents) on the sphere are orthogonal to radii. Our differentials say this algebraically: """ # ╔═╡ 71ca8eac-0864-4beb-9f1a-b12ef4e6cf7b begin x = randn(5) dx= .000001 * randn(5) q = normalize(x) # make x a unit vector x/norm(x) dq = normalize(x+dx)-q # make (x+dx) a unit vector and subtract from q q'dq end # ╔═╡ 63df3a83-cd11-4d48-a24a-28d97deea00f md""" Since ``x^Tx=1``, we have that $(br) ``2x^Tdx=d(1)=0``, which says that at the point ``x`` on the sphere (a radius, if you will), ``dx``, the linearization of the constraint of moving along the sphere satisfies ``dx \perp x`` (dot product is 0). This is our first example where we have seen the infinitesimal perturbation ``dx`` being constrained. """ # ╔═╡ 38f7d4de-1072-4127-bbce-4e80da9273a8 md""" ## Special case: a circle Let us consider simply the circle in the plane. ``x = (\cos \theta, \sin \theta)`` $(br) ``x^T dx = (\cos \theta, \sin \theta) \cdot (-\sin \theta, \cos \theta) d\theta= 0`` We can think of ``x`` as "extrinsic" coordinates, in that it is a vector in ``R^2.`` On the other hand ``\theta`` is an "intrinsic" coordinate, every point on the circle is specified by one ``\theta``. """ # ╔═╡ 44471684-8f86-43b3-8d79-660a48912dc0 # ╔═╡ 5c83619a-3983-4c0a-ac2a-3f88fa6366c5 md""" Suppose ``A`` is symmetric. We then know that if we allow general ``dx`` then $(br) ``d(\frac{1}{2}x^TAx)= (Ax)^Tdx `` and we would conclude ``Ax`` is the gradient. $(br) Now we wish to restrict to the sphere. $(br) ### On the sphere You may remember that ``I-xx^T`` is a *Projection Matrix* ( meaning that its equal to its square and it is symmetric). Geometrically the matrix removes components in the ``x`` direction. $(br) In particular if ``x^Tdx=0``, ``(I-xx^T)dx=dx``. It follows that if ``x^Tdx=0`` then ``x^TA(dx) = x^TA(I-xx^T)dx = ((I-xx^T)Ax)^T dx`` so that $(I-xx^T)Ax$ is the gradient of ``\frac{1}{2}x^TAx`` on the sphere. ### What did we just do? To get the gradient we needed two things: * A linearization of the function that is correct on tangents and * A direction that is tangent (satisifes the linearized constraint) ### Gradient of a general scalar function on the sphere: ``df= g(x)^T dx = ((I-xx^T)g(x))^Tdx`` Project the unconstrainted gradient to the sphere to get the constrained gradient. It is the direction of maximal increase on the sphere. """ # ╔═╡ ac64ea62-e6f5-4b0b-8a21-4a0d84c9ed7b md""" # Differentiating nxn orthogonal matrices (the orthogonal group) """ # ╔═╡ 6f687dd6-78fb-4e5f-9bf8-e41f4a7665f4 begin A = randn(5,5) dA = .00001 * randn(5,5) Q = qr(A).Q dQ = qr(A+dA).Q - Q (Q'dQ)/.00001 end # ╔═╡ c9ccb3f3-70c6-4f99-92f4-a8529705b237 md""" Do you see the structure? Q^TdQ is anti-symmetric (sometimes called skew-symmetric). (If ``M=-M^T``, we say that ``M`` is anti-symmetric. Note all anti-symmetric have 0 diagonally) Proof: The constraint of being orthogonal is ``Q^TQ=I`` so differentiating, ``Q^TdQ + dQ^TQ=0`` which is the same as saying `` (Q^TdQ) + (Q^TdQ)^T = 0``, but this is the equation for being antisymmetric. """ # ╔═╡ dd659a37-3235-4f56-921a-b348e233ce73 md""" ## What is the dimension of the "surface" of orthogonal matrices in the ``n^2`` dimensional , n by n matrix space? For example when n=2 we have rotations (and reflections). Rotations have the form $(br) ``Q = \begin{pmatrix} \cos \theta & \sin \theta \\ -\sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{pmatrix} `` When n=2 we have one parameter. When n=3, airplane pilots know about "roll, pitch, and yaw" and these are three parameters. For general ``n`` the answer is ``n(n-1)/2.`` A few ways to see that: * n^2 free parameters, orthogonality ``Q^TQ=I`` imposes n(n+1)/2 constraints leaving ``n(n-1)/2`` free parameters. * When we do QR, the R "eats" up n(n+1)/2 parameters leaving n(n-1)/2 for Q. * Think about the symmetric eigenvalue problem: S = QΛQᵀ. S has n(n+1)/2 and Λ has n, leaving n(n-1)/2 for Q. * Think about the singular value decomposition. A = UΣVᵀ A has n^2, and Σ has n, leaving n(n-1) to be split evenly for the orthogonal matrices U and V. """ # ╔═╡ acaccf1f-cc17-47d8-ad6d-49108f067e17 md""" ## Differentiating the Symmetric Eigendecomposition """ # ╔═╡ 1023e972-bd69-45ae-974a-1a093a57ece4 md""" `` S = Q \Lambda Q^T`` is the eigendecomposition of a symmetric ``S`` with ``\Lambda`` diagonal containing eigenvalues, and ``Q`` othogonal with columns as eigenvectors. $(br) ``dS = dQ \Lambda Q^T + Q d\Lambda Q^T + Q Λ dQ^T`` which may be written ``Q^T dS Q = Q^T dQ \Lambda - \Lambda Q^T dQ + d\Lambda`` $(br) Exercise: Check that the left and right side of the above are both symmetric. """ # ╔═╡ 7f566eab-a296-4666-8b5b-e94cf2debf68 let A = randn(5,5) dA = .00001 * randn(5,5) S = A+A' # symmetrize A dS = dA + dA' # symmetrize dA Λ,Q = eigen(Symmetric(S)) Λ₁,Q₁ = eigen(Symmetric(S+dS)) dQ = Q₁-Q dΛ = Λ₁-Λ [Q'*dS*Q ; diagm(dΛ) + Q'dQ*diagm(Λ)-diagm(Λ)*Q'dQ] end # ╔═╡ 049e54a1-ee97-4fda-a9c6-2865ffe938a2 md""" Maybe easier if one looks at the diagonal entries on their own: $(br) ``(Q^T dS Q)_{ii} = q_i^T dS q_i,`` where ``q_i`` is the ith eigenvector. $(br) Hence ``q_i^T dS q_i = d\lambda_i.`` Sometimes we think of a curve of matrices ``S(t)`` depending on a parameter such as time. If we ask for ``\frac{d\lambda_i}{dt}`` we have that it equals ``q_i^T \frac{dS(t)}{dt} q_i``. How do we get the gradient ``\nabla \lambda_i`` of one eigenvalue ``\lambda_i``? trace(``(q_i q_i^T)^T dS``) ``= d\lambda_i``, thus we instantly see that ``\nabla \lambda_i = q_i q_i^T`` """ # ╔═╡ 769d7ff6-bae1-423e-890b-69e0a0a9a79b md""" What about the eigenvectors? Those come from the off-diagonal elements: $(br) ``(Q^T dS Q)_{ij} = (Q^T \frac{dQ}{dt})_{ij}(\lambda_j-\lambda_i),`` if ``(i\ne j)``, so we can form the elements of `` Q^T \frac{dQ}{dt}`` (remember the diagonal is 0), and left multiply by ``Q`` to obtain ``\frac{dQ}{dt}.`` """ # ╔═╡ c9c7011a-8eca-4169-b890-97d6bb4a8244 md""" It is interesting to get the second derivative of eigenvalues when moving along a line in symmetric matrix space. For simplicity we'll start at a diagonal matrix ``\Lambda``. Let ``S(t)= \Lambda + t E``. Differentiating ``\frac{d\Lambda}{dt} = diag( Q^T \frac{dS}{dt} Q)`` we get ``\frac{d^2\Lambda}{dt^2} = diag( Q^T \frac{d^2S}{dt^2} Q) + 2 diag(Q^T \frac{dS}{dt} \frac{dQ}{dt}).`` """ # ╔═╡ c3ae2756-5a33-4ec1-8323-262d65f018c6 md""" Evaluating at ``Q=I`` and recognizing that the first term is $0$ since we are on a line, we have $(br) ``\frac{d^2\Lambda}{dt^2} = 2 diag( E \frac{dQ}{dt} )`` or ``\frac{d^2\lambda_i}{dt^2} = 2 \sum_{k \ne i} E_{ik}^2/(\lambda_i-\lambda_k).`` """ # ╔═╡ 81be4b3e-b7b8-4814-8239-11f949561868 md""" We can write this as a Taylor series. ``\lambda_i(\epsilon) = \lambda_i + \epsilon E_{ii} + \epsilon^2 \sum_{k \ne i} E_{ik}^2/(\lambda_i-\lambda_k) + \ldots `` """ # ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 PLUTO_PROJECT_TOML_CONTENTS = """ [deps] LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e" PlutoUI = "7f904dfe-b85e-4ff6-b463-dae2292396a8" [compat] PlutoUI = "~0.7.30" """ # ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 PLUTO_MANIFEST_TOML_CONTENTS = """ # This 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