import numpy as np import import pandas as pd import os import time, csv class DataManager(object): """ class to read and store simulation results before use, please create a direction under current file path './data' and must have a file 'init_location.xlsx' which contain the position of each entities """ def __init__(self, store_list = ['beamforming_matrix', 'reflecting_coefficient', 'UAV_state', 'user_capacity'],file_path = './data', store_path = './data/storage', project_name = None): # 1 init location data self.store_list = store_list self.init_data_file = file_path + '/init_location.xlsx' if project_name is None: self.time_stemp = time.strftime('/%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S',time.localtime(time.time())) self.store_path = store_path + self.time_stemp else: for i in range(1, 100, 1): if i == 1: dir_name = store_path + '/' + project_name else: dir_name = store_path + '/' + project_name + f'_{i}' if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): self.store_path = dir_name break os.makedirs(self.store_path) # self.writer = pd.ExcelWriter(self.store_path + '/simulation_result.xlsx', engine='openpyxl') # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated self.simulation_result_dic = {} self.init_format() def save_file(self, episode_cnt = 10): # record step counts per episode with open(self.store_path + "/step_num_per_episode.csv", "a", newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow([len(list(self.simulation_result_dic.values())[0])]) # when ended, auto save to .mat file + '/simulation_result_ep_' + str(episode_cnt) + '.mat', {'result_' + str(episode_cnt):self.simulation_result_dic}) self.simulation_result_dic = {} self.init_format() def save_meta_data(self, meta_dic): """ save system and agent information """ + '/meta_data.mat', {'meta_data': meta_dic}) def init_format(self): """ used only one time in """ for store_item in self.store_list: self.simulation_result_dic.update({store_item:[]}) def read_init_location(self, entity_type = 'user', index = 0): if entity_type == 'user' or 'attacker' or 'RIS' or 'RIS_norm_vec' or 'UAV': return np.array([\ pd.read_excel(self.init_data_file, sheet_name=entity_type)['x'][index],\ pd.read_excel(self.init_data_file, sheet_name=entity_type)['y'][index],\ pd.read_excel(self.init_data_file, sheet_name=entity_type)['z'][index]]) else: return None def store_data(self, row_data, value_name): """ docstring """ self.simulation_result_dic[value_name].append(row_data)