import numpy as np import math import cmath from math_tool import * class mmWave_channel(object): """ generate MmWave under UMi open input: distance, angle, pair entity object output: Instantaneous CSI """ def __init__(self, transmitter, receiver, frequncy): """ transmitter: object in receiver: object in """ self.channel_name = '' self.n = 0 self.sigma = 0 self.transmitter = transmitter self.receiver = receiver self.channel_type = self.init_type() # 'UAV_RIS', 'UAV_user', 'UAV_attacker', 'RIS_user', 'RIS_attacker' # self.distance = np.linalg.norm(transmitter.coordinate - receiver.coordinate) self.frequncy = frequncy # init & updata path loss self.path_loss_normal = self.get_channel_path_loss() self.path_loss_dB = normal_to_dB(self.path_loss_normal) # init & update channel CSI matrix self.channel_matrix = self.get_estimated_channel_matrix() def init_type(self): channel_type = self.transmitter.type+'_'+self.receiver.type if channel_type == 'UAV_RIS' or channel_type == 'RIS_UAV': self.n = 2.2 self.sigma = 3 self.channel_name = 'H_UR' elif channel_type == 'UAV_user' or channel_type == 'UAV_attacker': self.n = 3.5 self.sigma = 3 if channel_type =='UAV_user': self.channel_name = 'h_U_k,' + str(self.transmitter.index) elif channel_type == 'UAV_attacker': self.channel_name = 'h_U_p,' + str(self.transmitter.index) elif channel_type == 'user_UAV' or channel_type == 'attacker_UAV': self.n = 3.5 self.sigma = 3 if channel_type =='user_UAV': self.channel_name = 'h_U_k,' + str(self.transmitter.index) elif channel_type == 'attacker_UAV': self.channel_name = 'h_U_p,' + str(self.transmitter.index) elif channel_type == 'RIS_user' or channel_type == 'RIS_attacker': self.n = 2.8 self.sigma = 3 if channel_type =='RIS_user': self.channel_name = 'h_R_k,' + str(self.transmitter.index) elif channel_type == 'RIS_attacker': self.channel_name = 'h_R_p,' + str(self.transmitter.index) elif channel_type == 'user_RIS' or channel_type == 'attacker_RIS': self.n = 2.8 self.sigma = 3 if channel_type =='user_RIS': self.channel_name = 'h_R_k,' + str(self.transmitter.index) elif channel_type == 'attacker_RIS': self.channel_name = 'h_R_p,' + str(self.transmitter.index) return channel_type def get_channel_path_loss(self): """ calculate the path loss including shadow fading (in normal form) """ distance = np.linalg.norm(self.transmitter.coordinate - self.receiver.coordinate) PL = -20 * math.log10(4*math.pi/(3e8/self.frequncy)) - 10*self.n*math.log10(distance) shadow_loss = np.random.normal() * self.sigma # return dB_to_normal(PL - shadow_loss) return dB_to_normal(PL) def get_estimated_channel_matrix(self): """ init & update channel matrix """ # init matrix N_t = self.transmitter.ant_num N_r = self.receiver.ant_num channel_matrix = np.mat(np.ones(shape=(N_r,N_t),dtype=complex), dtype=complex) # get relevant coordinate receiver under transmitter system r_under_t_car_coor = get_coor_ref(\ self.transmitter.coor_sys, \ self.receiver.coordinate - self.transmitter.coordinate) # get relevant spherical_coordinate r_t_r, r_t_theta, r_t_fai = cartesian_coordinate_to_spherical_coordinate(\ cartesian_coordinate=r_under_t_car_coor\ ) # get relevant coordinate transmitter under receiver system t_under_r_car_coor = get_coor_ref(\ # remmber to Meet channel direction restrictions [-self.receiver.coor_sys[0], self.receiver.coor_sys[1], -self.receiver.coor_sys[2]],\ self.transmitter.coordinate - self.receiver.coordinate) # get relevant spherical_coordinate t_r_r, t_r_theta, t_r_fai = cartesian_coordinate_to_spherical_coordinate(\ cartesian_coordinate=t_under_r_car_coor\ ) # calculate array response t_array_response = self.generate_array_response(self.transmitter, r_t_theta, r_t_fai) r_array_response = self.generate_array_response(self.receiver, t_r_theta, t_r_fai) array_response_product = r_array_response * t_array_response.H # get H_LOS # get LOS path loss PL = self.path_loss_normal # get LOS phase shift LOS_fai = 2 * math.pi * self.frequncy * np.linalg.norm(self.transmitter.coordinate - self.receiver.coordinate) / 3e8 channel_matrix = cmath.exp(1j*LOS_fai)* math.pow(PL, 0.5) * array_response_product return channel_matrix def generate_array_response(self, transceiver, theta, fai): """ if the ant_type is 'UPA' generate_UPA_response if the ant_type is 'ULA' generate_ULA_response if the ant_type is 'single' generate_singleant_response """ ant_type = transceiver.ant_type ant_num = transceiver.ant_num if ant_type == 'UPA': row_num = int(math.sqrt(ant_num)) Planar_response = np.mat(np.ones(shape=(ant_num, 1)), dtype=complex) for i in range(row_num): for j in range(row_num): Planar_response[j+i*row_num,0] = cmath.exp(1j *\ (math.sin(theta) * math.cos(fai)*i*math.pi + math.sin(theta)*math.sin(fai))\ ) return Planar_response elif ant_type == 'ULA': Linear_response = np.mat(np.ones(shape=(ant_num,1)), dtype=complex) for i in range(ant_num): Linear_response[i, 0] = cmath.exp(1j * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(fai)*i*math.pi) return Linear_response elif ant_type == 'single': return np.mat(np.array([1])) else: return False def update_CSI(self): """ update pathloss and channel matrix """ # init & updata path loss self.path_loss_normal = self.get_channel_path_loss() self.path_loss_dB = normal_to_dB(self.path_loss_normal) # init & update channel CSI matrix self.channel_matrix = self.get_estimated_channel_matrix()