# pyqt-dicom-viewer DICOM file viewer powered by PyQt Just a simple version of DICOM file viewer. Not as good as mydicom viewer or anything like that :) I got sample DICOM files for this small project in this site ## What is DICOM file DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) file is a standard format for storing and transmitting medical images. DICOM files are used extensively in various medical imaging equipment and software. Such as CT, MRI. That monochrome frames in the computer of the doctor's office you know :) ## Requirements * PyQt5 >= 5.14 * pydicom ## How to Install 1. git clone ~ 2. pip install -r requirements.txt 3. python main.py ## Preview ![image](https://github.com/yjg30737/pyqt-dicom-viewer/assets/55078043/bde7393f-bd91-4dd4-8a3a-af7252e12c69) ## TODO * toggle the visibility of metadata * applying image segmentation (try even if it is inaccurate) ## See Also pyqt-wsi-viewer