#!/usr/bin/python # @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports # # ustat Activity stats from high-level languages, including exceptions, # method calls, class loads, garbage collections, and more. # For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF. # # USAGE: ustat [-l {java,node,perl,php,python,ruby}] [-C] # [-S {cload,excp,gc,method,objnew,thread}] [-r MAXROWS] [-d] # [interval [count]] # # This uses in-kernel eBPF maps to store per process summaries for efficiency. # Newly-created processes might only be traced at the next interval, if the # relevant USDT probe requires enabling through a semaphore. # # Copyright 2016 Sasha Goldshtein # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # # 26-Oct-2016 Sasha Goldshtein Created this. from __future__ import print_function import argparse from bcc import BPF, USDT import os from subprocess import call from time import sleep, strftime class Category(object): THREAD = "THREAD" METHOD = "METHOD" OBJNEW = "OBJNEW" CLOAD = "CLOAD" EXCP = "EXCP" GC = "GC" class Probe(object): def __init__(self, language, procnames, events): """ Initialize a new probe object with a specific language, set of process names to monitor for that language, and a dictionary of events and categories. The dictionary is a mapping of USDT probe names (such as 'gc__start') to event categories supported by this tool -- from the Category class. """ self.language = language self.procnames = procnames self.events = events def _find_targets(self): """Find pids where the comm is one of the specified list""" self.targets = {} all_pids = [int(pid) for pid in os.listdir('/proc') if pid.isdigit()] for pid in all_pids: try: comm = open('/proc/%d/comm' % pid).read().strip() if comm in self.procnames: cmdline = open('/proc/%d/cmdline' % pid).read() self.targets[pid] = cmdline.replace('\0', ' ') except IOError: continue # process may already have terminated def _enable_probes(self): self.usdts = [] for pid in self.targets: usdt = USDT(pid=pid) for event in self.events: try: usdt.enable_probe(event, "%s_%s" % (self.language, event)) except Exception: # This process might not have a recent version of the USDT # probes enabled, or might have been compiled without USDT # probes at all. The process could even have been shut down # and the pid been recycled. We have to gracefully handle # the possibility that we can't attach probes to it at all. pass self.usdts.append(usdt) def _generate_tables(self): text = """ BPF_HASH(%s_%s_counts, u32, u64); // pid to event count """ return str.join('', [text % (self.language, event) for event in self.events]) def _generate_functions(self): text = """ int %s_%s(void *ctx) { u64 *valp, zero = 0; u32 tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32; valp = %s_%s_counts.lookup_or_init(&tgid, &zero); ++(*valp); return 0; } """ lang = self.language return str.join('', [text % (lang, event, lang, event) for event in self.events]) def get_program(self): self._find_targets() self._enable_probes() return self._generate_tables() + self._generate_functions() def get_usdts(self): return self.usdts def get_counts(self, bpf): """Return a map of event counts per process""" event_dict = dict([(category, 0) for category in self.events.values()]) result = dict([(pid, event_dict.copy()) for pid in self.targets]) for event, category in self.events.items(): counts = bpf["%s_%s_counts" % (self.language, event)] for pid, count in counts.items(): result[pid.value][category] = count.value counts.clear() return result def cleanup(self): self.usdts = None class Tool(object): def _parse_args(self): examples = """examples: ./ustat # stats for all languages, 1 second refresh ./ustat -C # don't clear the screen ./ustat -l java # Java processes only ./ustat 5 # 5 second summaries ./ustat 5 10 # 5 second summaries, 10 times only """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Activity stats from high-level languages.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=examples) parser.add_argument("-l", "--language", choices=["java", "node", "perl", "php", "python", "ruby"], help="language to trace (default: all languages)") parser.add_argument("-C", "--noclear", action="store_true", help="don't clear the screen") parser.add_argument("-S", "--sort", choices=[cat.lower() for cat in dir(Category) if cat.isupper()], help="sort by this field (descending order)") parser.add_argument("-r", "--maxrows", default=20, type=int, help="maximum rows to print, default 20") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print the resulting BPF program (for debugging purposes)") parser.add_argument("interval", nargs="?", default=1, type=int, help="output interval, in seconds") parser.add_argument("count", nargs="?", default=99999999, type=int, help="number of outputs") parser.add_argument("--ebpf", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) self.args = parser.parse_args() def _create_probes(self): probes_by_lang = { "java": Probe("java", ["java"], { "gc__begin": Category.GC, "mem__pool__gc__begin": Category.GC, "thread__start": Category.THREAD, "class__loaded": Category.CLOAD, "object__alloc": Category.OBJNEW, "method__entry": Category.METHOD, "ExceptionOccurred__entry": Category.EXCP }), "node": Probe("node", ["node"], { "gc__start": Category.GC }), "perl": Probe("perl", ["perl"], { "sub__entry": Category.METHOD }), "php": Probe("php", ["php"], { "function__entry": Category.METHOD, "compile__file__entry": Category.CLOAD, "exception__thrown": Category.EXCP }), "python": Probe("python", ["python"], { "function__entry": Category.METHOD, "gc__start": Category.GC }), "ruby": Probe("ruby", ["ruby", "irb"], { "method__entry": Category.METHOD, "cmethod__entry": Category.METHOD, "gc__mark__begin": Category.GC, "gc__sweep__begin": Category.GC, "object__create": Category.OBJNEW, "hash__create": Category.OBJNEW, "string__create": Category.OBJNEW, "array__create": Category.OBJNEW, "require__entry": Category.CLOAD, "load__entry": Category.CLOAD, "raise": Category.EXCP }), } if self.args.language: self.probes = [probes_by_lang[self.args.language]] else: self.probes = probes_by_lang.values() def _attach_probes(self): program = str.join('\n', [p.get_program() for p in self.probes]) if self.args.debug or self.args.ebpf: print(program) if self.args.ebpf: exit() for probe in self.probes: print("Attached to %s processes:" % probe.language, str.join(', ', map(str, probe.targets))) self.bpf = BPF(text=program) usdts = [usdt for probe in self.probes for usdt in probe.get_usdts()] # Filter out duplicates when we have multiple processes with the same # uprobe. We are attaching to these probes manually instead of using # the USDT support from the bcc module, because the USDT class attaches # to each uprobe with a specific pid. When there is more than one # process from some language, we end up attaching more than once to the # same uprobe (albeit with different pids), which is not allowed. # Instead, we use a global attach (with pid=-1). uprobes = set([(path, func, addr) for usdt in usdts for (path, func, addr, _) in usdt.enumerate_active_probes()]) for (path, func, addr) in uprobes: self.bpf.attach_uprobe(name=path, fn_name=func, addr=addr, pid=-1) def _detach_probes(self): for probe in self.probes: probe.cleanup() # Cleans up USDT contexts self.bpf.cleanup() # Cleans up all attached probes self.bpf = None def _loop_iter(self): self._attach_probes() try: sleep(self.args.interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.exiting = True if not self.args.noclear: call("clear") else: print() with open("/proc/loadavg") as stats: print("%-8s loadavg: %s" % (strftime("%H:%M:%S"), stats.read())) print("%-6s %-20s %-10s %-6s %-10s %-8s %-6s %-6s" % ( "PID", "CMDLINE", "METHOD/s", "GC/s", "OBJNEW/s", "CLOAD/s", "EXC/s", "THR/s")) line = 0 counts = {} targets = {} for probe in self.probes: counts.update(probe.get_counts(self.bpf)) targets.update(probe.targets) if self.args.sort: sort_field = self.args.sort.upper() counts = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda kv: -kv[1].get(sort_field, 0)) else: counts = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0]) for pid, stats in counts: print("%-6d %-20s %-10d %-6d %-10d %-8d %-6d %-6d" % ( pid, targets[pid][:20], stats.get(Category.METHOD, 0) / self.args.interval, stats.get(Category.GC, 0) / self.args.interval, stats.get(Category.OBJNEW, 0) / self.args.interval, stats.get(Category.CLOAD, 0) / self.args.interval, stats.get(Category.EXCP, 0) / self.args.interval, stats.get(Category.THREAD, 0) / self.args.interval )) line += 1 if line >= self.args.maxrows: break self._detach_probes() def run(self): self._parse_args() self._create_probes() print('Tracing... Output every %d secs. Hit Ctrl-C to end' % self.args.interval) countdown = self.args.count self.exiting = False while True: self._loop_iter() countdown -= 1 if self.exiting or countdown == 0: print("Detaching...") exit() if __name__ == "__main__": try: Tool().run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass