\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "Optional Site ID Selection
\n"; echo "Most OpenEMR installations support only one site. If that is " . "true for you then ignore the rest of this text and just click Continue.
\n"; echo "Otherwise please enter a unique Site ID here.
\n"; echo "A Site ID is a short identifier with no spaces or special " . "characters other than periods or dashes. It is case-sensitive and we " . "suggest sticking to lower case letters for ease of use.
\n"; echo "If each site will have its own host/domain name, then use that " . "name as the Site ID (e.g. www.example.com).
\n"; echo "The site ID is used to identify which site you will log in to. " . "If it is a hostname then it is taken from the hostname in the URL. " . "Otherwise you must append \"?site=siteid\" to the URL used for " . "logging in.
\n"; echo "It is OK for one of the sites to have \"default\" as its ID. This " . "is the ID that will be used if it cannot otherwise be determined.
\n"; echo "