(lang dune 2.7) (name fun-sql) (version v0.4.0) (generate_opam_files true) (license GPL-3.0-or-later) (authors "Yawar Amin ") (maintainers "Yawar Amin ") (source (github yawaramin/fun-sql)) (package (name fun-sql) (synopsis "Shared code for SQL libraries") (description "Shared code for SQL packages, use fun-sqlite or fun-postgresql directly depending on which database you are using.") (documentation https://yawaramin.github.io/fun-sql/fun-sql/Fun_sql/) (tags (org:yawaramin fun-sql)) (depends (ocaml (>= 4.14.0)))) (package (name fun-sqlite) (synopsis "SQLite query support") (description "Use this package for running SQLite queries.") (documentation https://yawaramin.github.io/fun-sql/fun-sqlite/Fun_sqlite/) (tags (org:yawaramin fun-sql)) (depends (fun-sql (= :version)) (sqlite3 (and (>= 5.1.0) (< 6.0.0))))) (package (name fun-postgresql) (synopsis "PostgreSQL query support") (description "Use this package for running PostgreSQL queries.") (documentation https://yawaramin.github.io/fun-sql/fun-postgresql/Fun_postgresql/) (tags (org:yawaramin fun-sql)) (depends (fun-sql (= :version)) (postgresql (and (>= 5.0.0) (< 6.0.0))))) (package (name ppx_deriving_funsql) (synopsis "PPX deriver for query row decoding into OCaml types") (description "This is a convenience PPX that takes care of the boilerplate of writing the conversion from query result rows to OCaml types.") (documentation https://yawaramin.github.io/fun-sql/) (tags (org:yawaramin fun-sql)) (depends (ppxlib (and (>= 0.32.1) (< 1.0.0)))))