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screenFetch (patched for Windows)

fix KittyKatt#632 and KittyKatt#606


I created patches for the fix for Cygwin, MSYS2 and Git Bash.

You can test the patched version in your environment with the following command.

curl -sL | bash


Those unexpected behaviours mostly come from line-terminating format compatibility issues between Windows and *NIX utilities. They are fixable with a small patch.

Platform Actual behaviour Expected behaviour
OS and WM Theme are broken.
WM Theme is broken.
Git Bash
Packages†1 and WM Theme are broken.

†1: It's not a line-terminating format issue.


Cygwin is mostly UNIX compatible. MSYS2 is just a UNIX-like development environment for Windows development. Git for Bash is like MSYS2, but this environment is developed only for git.

The difference in development motivation between Cygwin, MSYS2 and Git for Bash makes the problem more complicated.

The OS column

The OS column implementation is here.

Why is Cygwin's OS column is broken?

This code calls WMIC repeatedly. WMIC outputs CRCRLF (0d 0d 0a) style line-terminate †2.

†2: Sorry, I don't know why this output already misconvert to CRCRLF (0d 0d 0a) from CRLF (0d 0a).

$ wmic os get version

$ wmic os get version | xxd -g 1
00000000: 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 20 20 20 20 0d 0d 0a 31  Version     ...1
00000010: 30 2e 30 2e 32 32 36 32 31 20 20 0d 0d 0a 0d 0d  0.0.22621  .....
00000020: 0a                                               .
$ wmic os get version | grep '^10\.' | xxd -g 1
00000000: 31 30 2e 30 2e 32 32 36 32 31 20 20 0d 0d 0a     10.0.22621  ...
$ wmic os get version | grep '^10\.' | tr -d ' ' | xxd -g 1
00000000: 31 30 2e 30 2e 32 32 36 32 31 0d 0d 0a           10.0.22621...
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-10.0-22621 DESKTOP-5H6F7L3 3.4.0-341.x86_64 2022-02-13 03:22 UTC x86_64 Cygwin

Unfortunately, CR are still in the output. It's not good. Your terminal starts carriage return (CR) and shows remaining ")" + $sysArch.

The patch for this problem just added the CR filter | tr -d "\r".

                        elif [[ "$distro" == "Cygwin" || "$distro" == "Msys" ]]; then
                                distro="$(wmic os get caption | sed 's/\r//g; s/[ \t]*$//g; 2!d')"
                                if [[ "$(wmic os get version | grep -o '^10\.')" == "10." ]]; then
-                                       distro="$distro (v$(wmic os get version | grep '^10\.' | tr -d ' '))"
+                                       distro="$distro (v$(wmic os get version | tr -d "\r" | grep '^10\.' | tr -d ' '))"
                                sysArch=$(wmic os get OSArchitecture | sed 's/\r//g; s/[ \t]*$//g; 2!d')
                                mydistro=$(echo -e "$labelcolor OS:$textcolor $distro $sysArch")

Wait, Why the MSYSs OS column shows expected?

Because, MSYS grep converts implicity any CRLF (0d0a) and CRs+LF (many 0d + 0a) to LF (0a).

In MSYS (CR is filtered by grep):

$ echo -en "\r\n" | xxd -g1
00000000: 0d 0a                                     ..
$ echo -en "\r\n" | grep "" | xxd
00000000: 0a                                       .
$ echo -en "\r\r\n" | grep "" | xxd
00000000: 0a                                       .
$ echo -en "\r\r\r\n" | grep "" | xxd
00000000: 0a                                       .

In Cygwin and more standard Linux distributions (CR is not filtered by grep):

$ echo -en "\r\n" | xxd -g1
00000000: 0d 0a                                            ..
$ echo -en "\r\n" | grep "" | xxd -g1
00000000: 0d 0a                                            ..
$ echo -en "\r\r\n" | grep "" | xxd -g1
00000000: 0d 0d 0a                                         ...
$ echo -en "\r\r\r\n" | grep "" | xxd -g1
00000000: 0d 0d 0d 0a                                      ....

I think the behaviour makes comfortable the development with the Windows toolchains. Is the patch compatible? Yes, that is the just filter of CR (0d), and in this case, that takes no effect.

The WM Theme column

The WM Theme column implementation is here.

Shows file extensions .theme unexpectedly only in Cygwin.

This issue is very similar to the OS column issue. MSYS sed converts CRLF to LF too. This problem can fix with insertion | tr -d "\r" to two lines.

 elif [[ "${distro}" == "Cygwin" || "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then 
 	if [ "${WM}" == "Blackbox" ]; then 
 		if [ "${distro}" == "Msys" ]; then 
 			Blackbox_loc=$(reg query 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon' //v 'Shell') 
 			Blackbox_loc=$(reg query 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon' /v 'Shell') 
- 		Blackbox_loc="$(echo "${Blackbox_loc}" | sed 's/.*REG_SZ//' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/.\{4\}$//')" 
+  		Blackbox_loc="$(echo "${Blackbox_loc}" | tr -d "\r" | sed 's/.*REG_SZ//' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/.\{4\}$//')" 
 		Win_theme=$(grep 'session.styleFile' "${Blackbox_loc}.rc" | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/session\.styleFile:https://g' | sed 's/.*\\//g') 
 		if [[ "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then 
 			themeFile="$(reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' //v 'CurrentTheme')" 
 			themeFile="$(reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' /v 'CurrentTheme')" 
- 		Win_theme=$(echo "$themeFile" | awk -F"\\" '{print $NF}' | sed 's|\.theme$||') 
+  		Win_theme=$(echo "$themeFile" | tr -d "\r" | awk -F"\\" '{print $NF}' | sed 's|\.theme$||') 

Shows multi lines unexpectedly

Its simple bug can fix with | grep CurrentTheme.

 		if [[ "${distro}" == "Msys" ]]; then 
 			themeFile="$(reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' //v 'CurrentTheme')" 
 			themeFile="$(reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' /v 'CurrentTheme')" 
-  		Win_theme=$(echo "$themeFile" | tr -d "\r" | awk -F"\\" '{print $NF}' | sed 's|\.theme$||') 
+  		Win_theme=$(echo "$themeFile" | tr -d "\r" | grep CurrentTheme | awk -F"\\" '{print $NF}' | sed 's|\.theme$||') 
$ reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' /v 'CurrentTheme'
    CurrentTheme    REG_SZ    C:\Windows\resources\Themes\dark.theme
$ reg query 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes' /v 'CurrentTheme' | grep CurrentTheme
    CurrentTheme    REG_SZ    C:\Windows\resources\Themes\dark.theme

Packages column

The Packages column implementation is here.

pacman command not found in Git for Windows

KittyKatt/screenfetch detects Git for Windows as MSYS.

The packages routine will go to Msys if-branch, but Git for Windows does not have any package manager. (Because this environment only for git.)

-                       pkgs=$(pacman -Qq | wc -l)
-                       if [ -d "/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ]; then
-                               chocopkgs=$(ls -1 /c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l)
-                               pkgs=$((pkgs + chocopkgs))
+                       # Git for Windows (Msys-based) does not have any package manager
+                       if command -v pacman &> /dev/null; then
+                               # for Msys
+                               pkgs=$(pacman -Qq | wc -l)
+                               if [ -d "/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ]; then
+                                       chocopkgs=$(ls -1 /c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l)
+                                       pkgs=$((pkgs + chocopkgs))
+                               fi
+                       else
+                               # for Git for Windows
+                               if [ -d "/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ]; then
+                                       chocopkgs=$(ls -1 /c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l)
+                                       pkgs="$pkgs + $chocopkgs" # shows "Unknown + 1234"
+                               fi


I'll send two pull-request one for CRLF and simple bugfix and one for Git for windows pacman related bugfix.

I hope these problems are resolved early.


screenFetch - The Bash Screenshot Information Tool

What is screenFetch?

screenFetch is a "Bash Screenshot Information Tool". This handy Bash script can be used to generate one of those nifty terminal theme information + ASCII distribution logos you see in everyone's screenshots nowadays. It will auto-detect your distribution and display an ASCII version of that distribution's logo and some valuable information to the right. There are options to specify no ASCII art, colors, taking a screenshot upon displaying info, and even customizing the screenshot command! This script is very easy to add to and can easily be extended.

How do I get screenFetch?

Please see Installation.

Running screenfetch

To run screenFetch, open a terminal of some sort and type in the command screenfetch or wherever you saved the script to. This will generate an ASCII logo with the information printed to the side of the logo. There are some options that may be specified on the command line, and those are shown below or by executing screenfetch -h:

  -v                 Verbose output.
  -o 'OPTIONS'       Allows for setting script variables on the
                     command line. Must be in the following format...
  -d '+var;-var;var' Allows for setting what information is displayed
                     on the command line. You can add displays with +var,var. You
                     can delete displays with -var,var. Setting without + or - will
                     set display to that explicit combination. Add and delete statements
                     may be used in conjunction by placing a ; between them as so:
  -n                 Do not display ASCII distribution logo.
  -N                 Strip all color from output.
  -w                 Wrap long lines.
  -t                 Truncate output based on terminal width (Experimental!).
  -p                 Output in portrait mode, with logo above info.
  -s [-u IMGHOST]    Using this flag tells the script that you want it
                     to take a screenshot. Use the -m flag if you would like
                     to move it to a new location afterwards.
  -c string          You may change the outputted colors with -c. The format is
                     as follows: [0-9][0-9],[0-9][0-9]. The first argument controls the
                     ASCII logo colors and the label colors. The second argument
                     controls the colors of the information found. One argument may be
                     used without the other.
  -a 'PATH'          You can specify a custom ASCII art by passing the path
                     to a Bash script, defining `startline` and `fulloutput`
                     variables, and optionally `labelcolor` and `textcolor`.
                     See the `asciiText` function in the source code for more
                     information on the variables format.
  -S 'COMMAND'       Here you can specify a custom screenshot command for
                     the script to execute. Surrounding quotes are required.
  -D 'DISTRO'        Here you can specify your distribution for the script
                     to use. Surrounding quotes are required.
  -A 'DISTRO'        Here you can specify the distribution art that you want
                     displayed. This is for when you want your distro
                     detected but want to display a different logo.
  -E                 Suppress output of errors.
  -C                 Add custom (extra) lines.
                     For example:
                           screenfetch -C 'IP WAN=,IP BRIDGED='
                     ... will add two extra lines:
                           IP WAN:
                           IP BRIDGED:
  -V, --version      Display current script version.
  -h, --help         Display this help.

Contact Me

If you would like to suggest something new, inform me of an issue in the script, become part of the project, or talk to me about anything else, you can either email me at [email protected] or you can connect to Rizon and reach me at irc: