import { addCommands, CommandIDs } from './gitMenuCommands'; import { PathExt } from '@jupyterlab/coreutils'; import { GitWidget } from './components/GitWidget'; import { ILayoutRestorer, JupyterLab, JupyterLabPlugin } from '@jupyterlab/application'; import { IFileBrowserFactory } from '@jupyterlab/filebrowser' import {IMainMenu } from '@jupyterlab/mainmenu'; import { Menu } from '@phosphor/widgets'; import { Token } from '@phosphor/coreutils'; import { gitTabStyle } from './componentsStyle/GitWidgetStyle'; import { IDiffCallback } from './git'; export { IDiffCallback } from './git'; import '../style/variables.css'; import {GitClone} from "./gitClone"; export const EXTENSION_ID = 'jupyter.extensions.git_plugin'; export const IGitExtension = new Token(EXTENSION_ID); /** Interface for extension class */ export interface IGitExtension { registerDiffProvider(filetypes: string[], callback: IDiffCallback): void; } /** * The default running sessions extension. */ const plugin: JupyterLabPlugin = { id: 'jupyter.extensions.running-sessions-git', requires: [IMainMenu, ILayoutRestorer, IFileBrowserFactory], provides: IGitExtension, activate, autoStart: true }; /** * Export the plugin as default. */ export default plugin; /** Main extension class */ export class GitExtension implements IGitExtension { git_plugin: GitWidget; git_clone_widget: GitClone; constructor(app: JupyterLab, restorer: ILayoutRestorer, factory: IFileBrowserFactory) { = app; this.git_plugin = new GitWidget( app, { manager: app.serviceManager }, this.performDiff.bind(this) ); = 'jp-git-sessions'; this.git_plugin.title.iconClass = `jp-SideBar-tabIcon ${gitTabStyle}`; this.git_plugin.title.caption = 'Git'; // Let the application restorer track the running panel for restoration of // application state (e.g. setting the running panel as the current side bar // widget). restorer.add(this.git_plugin, 'git-sessions');, { rank: 200 }); this.git_clone_widget = new GitClone(factory); } registerDiffProvider(filetypes: string[], callback: IDiffCallback): void { filetypes.forEach(fileType => { this.diffProviders[fileType] = callback; }); } performDiff( filename: string, revisionA: string, revisionB: string ) { let extension = PathExt.extname(filename).toLocaleLowerCase(); if (this.diffProviders[extension] !== undefined) { this.diffProviders[extension](filename, revisionA, revisionB); } else {'git:terminal-cmd', { cmd: 'git diff ' + revisionA + ' ' + revisionB }); } } private app: JupyterLab; private diffProviders: { [key: string]: IDiffCallback } = {}; } /** * Activate the running plugin. */ function activate( app: JupyterLab, mainMenu: IMainMenu, restorer: ILayoutRestorer, factory: IFileBrowserFactory ): IGitExtension { const { commands } = app; let git_extension = new GitExtension(app, restorer, factory); const category = 'Git'; // Rank has been chosen somewhat arbitrarily to give priority to the running // sessions widget in the sidebar. addCommands(app, app.serviceManager); let menu = new Menu({ commands }); let tutorial = new Menu({ commands }); tutorial.title.label = ' Tutorial '; menu.title.label = category; [ CommandIDs.gitUI, CommandIDs.gitTerminal, CommandIDs.gitInit ].forEach(command => { menu.addItem({ command }); }); [CommandIDs.setupRemotes, CommandIDs.googleLink].forEach(command => { tutorial.addItem({ command }); }); menu.addItem({ type: 'submenu', submenu: tutorial }); mainMenu.addMenu(menu, { rank: 60 }); return git_extension; }