Far.vim makes it easier to find and replace text through multiple files. It's inspired by fancy IDEs, like IntelliJ and Eclipse, that provide cozy tools for such tasks.
Plug 'brooth/far.vim'
:Far foo bar **/*.py
Find the text to replace.
Find only.
:Farr foo bar **/*.py
Interative Far
. Shows searching modes in the status bar (regex, case sensitive, word boundary, replace). Modes can be toggled by the key mapping it prompted. Allows to enter {pattern}, {replace-with} and {file-mask} one after the other.
Interative F
. The interaction is similar to Farr
Runs the replacement task. The shortcut for it is s
Undo the recurrent replacement. The shortcut for it is u
(undo). It is available when set let g:far#enable_undo=1
Change Far
:help far.vim
..and many more! Check out :help far.vim
You can add he following settings to your vim configuration:
set lazyredraw " improve scrolling performance when navigating through large results
set regexpengine=1 " use old regexp engine
set ignorecase smartcase " ignore case only when the pattern contains no capital letters
" shortcut for far.vim find
nnoremap <silent> <Find-Shortcut> :Farf<cr>
vnoremap <silent> <Find-Shortcut> :Farf<cr>
" shortcut for far.vim replace
nnoremap <silent> <Replace-Shortcut> :Farr<cr>
vnoremap <silent> <Replace-Shortcut> :Farr<cr>