# 附录C 参考资料 ## CoreMod项目实例 ### CustomSkinLoader * 原版 CoreMod / 直接修改class文件 + LaunchWrapper * FML CoreMod / 1.8-1.12.2 + 1.13.2-1.14.4 https://github.com/xfl03/MCCustomSkinLoader ### Alchemy * FML CoreMod / 1.10.2-1.12.2 https://github.com/AmadeusSystems/Alchemy ### authlib-injector * 原版 CoreMod / JavaAgent https://github.com/yushijinhun/authlib-injector ### UniSkinMod * FML CoreMod / 1.7.10-1.9.4 https://github.com/RecursiveG/UniSkinMod ### OfflineSkins * FML CoreMod / 1.7.10-1.12.2 + 1.13.2 * Fabric CoreMod / 1.14snapshot https://github.com/zlainsama/OfflineSkins ### Hyperium * Mixin / 原版 1.8.9 https://github.com/HyperiumClient/Hyperium ### ReplayMod * Mixin / Forge 1.7.10-1.12.2 * Fabric CoreMod / 1.14.4 https://github.com/ReplayMod/ReplayMod ### CubicChunks * Mixin / ### ChatTriggers * Mixin / Forge 1.8.9 + 1.12.2 https://github.com/ChatTriggers/ct.js ## The Java Virtual Machine Specification - Oracle https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/index.html ## Java bytecode instruction listings - WikiPedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_bytecode_instruction_listings ## Oracle Nashorn: A Next-Generation JavaScript Engine for the JVM - Oracle https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/jf14-nashorn-2126515.html ## Package java.lang.instrument - JavaDoc https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/instrument/package-summary.html ## fmltutor - ustc-zzzz https://fmltutor.ustc-zzzz.net/ ## Harbinger - 3TUSK https://harbinger.covertdragon.team/ ## 俩车的 Coremod 介绍 - liach http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-849970-1-1.html ## MCP&Forge教程 - 白玉楼之梦 http://blog.hakugyokurou.net/?page_id=126 ## Coremod导论—从切比雪夫多项式说起 - 森林蝙蝠 http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-822754-1-1.html ## Mixin 介绍 - 耗子 https://mouse0w0.github.io/categories/Mixin/