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Sonatype IQ server

Sonatype Nexus IQ Server is everything you need to know to trust your software supply chain. It powers Nexus Firewall, Nexus Lifecycle, and Nexus Auditor.


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
  • Helm 3

These charts are designed to work out of the box with minikube using both ingess and ingress-dns addons.

The current releases have been tested on minikube v1.25.1 running Kubernetes v1.23.1.

Adding the Sonatype Repository to your Helm

To Add as a Helm Repo helm repo add sonatype

Testing the Chart

To test the chart:

$ helm install --dry-run --debug --generate-name ./

To test the chart with your own values:

$ helm install --dry-run --debug --generate-name -f myvalues.yaml ./ 

Installing the Chart

To install the chart:

$ helm install nexus-iq sonatype/nexus-iq-server [ --version v90.0.0 ]

The above command deploys IQ on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. Note the optional version flag.

You can pass custom configuration values as:

$ helm install -f myvalues.yaml ./ --name nexus-iq

The default login for the IQ Server is admin/admin123

Upgrading the Chart

$ helm upgrade nexus-iq sonatype/nexus-iq-server [--version v91.0.0]


  • optional version flag shown.
  • When upgrading from IQ versions 1.117 or 1.100, set fixOwner.enabled to true for changing the file ownership.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the deployment:

$ helm list
NAME                    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
plinking-gopher	        default         1               2021-03-10 15:13:04.614125 -0800 PST    deployed        nexus-iq-server-106.0.0 1.106.0    
$ helm delete plinking-gopher

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Chart Configuration Options

Parameter Description Default The image name to use for the IQ Container sonatype/nexus-iq-server
image.tag The version/tag to use for the IQ Container See values.yaml
imagePullSecrets The names of the kubernetes secrets with credentials to login to a registry []
iq.applicationPort Port of the application connector. Must match the value in the configYaml property 8070
iq.adminPort Port of the application connector. Must match the value in the configYaml property 8071
iq.licenseSecret The base-64 encoded license file to be installed at startup ""
iq.env IQ server environment variables, including JAVA_OPTS See values.yaml
iq.secretName The name of a secret to mount inside the container See values.yaml
iq.secretMountName Where in the container to mount the data from secretName See values.yaml
iq.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds LivenessProbe initial delay 10
iq.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Seconds between polls 10
iq.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Number of attempts before failure 3
iq.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Time in seconds after liveness probe times out 2
iq.livenessProbe.successThreshold Number of attempts for the probe to be considered successful 1
iq.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds ReadinessProbe initial delay 10
iq.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Seconds between polls 10
iq.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Number of attempts before failure 3
iq.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Time in seconds after readiness probe times out 2
iq.readinessProbe.successThreshold Number of attempts for the probe to be considered successful 1
fixOwner.enabled Change file ownership during IQ upgrade from 1.117 or 1.100 versions false
configYaml A YAML block which will be used as a configuration block for IQ Server. See values.yaml
ingress.enabled Create an ingress for Nexus false
ingress.annotations Annotations to enhance ingress configuration {}
ingress.tls.enabled Enable TLS true
ingress.tls.secretName Name of the secret storing TLS cert, false to use the Ingress' default certificate nexus-tls
ingress.path Path for ingress rules. GCP users should set to /* /
deployment.preStart.command Command to run before starting the IQ Server container nil
deployment.postStart.command Command to run after starting the IQ Server container nil
deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Update termination grace period (in seconds) 120s
persistence.storageClass The provisioner class - (disables dynamic provisioning)
persistence.storageSize The amount of drive space to allocate 1Gi
persistence.accessMode Default access mode ReadWriteOnce
persistence.existingClaim Pre-created PVC name for Data Volume nil
persistence.existingLogClaim Pre-created PVC name for Log Volume nil
persistence.pdName DEPRECATED Moved to persistence.gcePersistentDisk.pdName NA
persistence.fsType DEPRECATED Moved to persistence.gcePersistentDisk.fsType NA
persistence.pvName The name for the persistentVolume being created to hold IQ Data nil
persistence.logPVName The name for the persistentVolume being created to hold IQ Logs nil
persistence.gcePersistentDisk A block for using existing gcePersistentDisks nil
persistence.gcePersistentDisk.pdName GCE PersistentDisk to use for IQ Data nil
persistence.gcePersistentDisk.fsType File system type for the IQ Data disk nil
persistence.gcePersistentDisk.logPDName GCE PersistentDisk to use for IQ Logs nil
persistence.gcePersistentDisk.logFSType File system type for the IQ Logs disk nil
persistence.awsElasticBlockStore A block for using existing AWS EBS Volumes nil
persistence.awsElasticBlockStore.volumeID AWS EBS Volume to use for IQ Data nil
persistence.awsElasticBlockStore.fsType File system type for the IQ Data disk nil
persistence.awsElasticBlockStore.logVolumeID AWS EBS Volume to use for IQ Logs nil
persistence.awsElasticBlockStore.logFSType File system type for the IQ Logs disk nil
persistence.csi A YAML block for defining CSI Storage Driver configuration for the Data PV. The entire block is taken as you write it. Should support any csi driver that your cluster has installed. nil
persistence.logCSI A YAML block for defining CSI Storage Driver configuration for the Log PV. The entire block is taken as you write it. Should support any csi driver that your cluster has installed. nil
persistence.affinity.nodeSelectorTerms A YAML block for defining the affinity node selection. This block is taken as you write it. nil
resources Resource requests and limits for the IQ pod in the cluster. See values.yaml for suggested minimum recommended values.
podSecurityContext securityContext for the whole pod. Default matches the stock container.

Configuring IQ Server

You can define the config.yml for IQ Server in your myvalues.yml file on startup. It is the configYaml property. For more details, see the Configuring IQ Server help page. Additionally the server can be started with JAVA_OPTS exported to the environment. This will be added to the server process invocation and can be used for purposes such as changing the server memory settings. See the defaults set in the values.yaml file.

Installing the License

The license file can be installed via the UI when IQ server is running, or it can be done as a part of the deploy. If you leave the licenseFile field empty/commented, IQ Server will start and prompt you to manually install the license when you first enter the GUI.

Specifying custom Java keystore/truststore

There is an example of how to implement this in the values.yaml file using secrets to store both the Java keystores and their associated passwords. In order to utilize the provided example directly secrets can be created from a directory containing the keystore and truststore files like so:

kubectl create secret generic secret-jks 

Using the Image from the Red Hat Registry

To use the IQ image available from Red Hat's registry, you'll need to:

  • Load the credentials for the registry as a secret in your cluster
    kubectl create secret docker-registry redhat-pull-secret \ \
      --docker-username=<user_name> \
      --docker-password=<password> \
    See Red Hat's Registry Authentication documentation for further details.
  • Provide the name of the secret in imagePullSecrets in this chart's values.yaml
      - name: redhat-pull-secret
  • Set and image.tag in values.yaml
      tag: 1.132.0-ubi-1