Starred repositories
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source.
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
京东风格的移动端 Vue 组件库,支持多端小程序(A Vue.js UI Toolkit for Mobile Web)
An out-of-the-box solution to quickly build enterprise-level applications based on Arco Design.
🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
A JS library for predictable global state management
Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript
Image tracking, Location Based AR, Marker tracking. All on the Web.
A Vue3 component library based on Material Design 2 and 3, supporting mobile and desktop.
大屏数据可视化 Big screen data visualization demo
28 JavaScript Skills a Qualified Intermediate Front-End Engineer Needs to Master
☂️ TypeScript style guide, formatter, and linter.
前端面试每日 3+1,以面试题来驱动学习,提倡每日学习与思考,每天进步一点!每天早上5点纯手工发布面试题(死磕自己,愉悦大家),6000+道前端面试题全面覆盖,HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Vue/React/Nodejs/TypeScript/ECMAScritpt/Webpack/Jquery/小程序/软技能……
Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo.
Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.
现代 JavaScript 教程(The Modern JavaScript Tutorial),以最新的 ECMAScript 规范为基准,通过简单但足够详细的内容,为你讲解从基础到高阶的 JavaScript 相关知识。