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Sourcegraph derivative Docker images

This directory contains Sourcegraph docker images which are derivatives of an existing Docker image, but with better defaults for our use cases. For example:

  • sourcegraph/alpine handles setting up a sourcegraph user account, installing common packages.
  • sourcegraph/postgres-11.4 is postgres-11.4 but with some Sourcegraph defaults.

If you are looking for our non-derivative Docker images, see e.g. /cmd/.../Dockerfile and /enterprise/cmd/.../Dockerfile instead.


All images in this directory are built and published automatically on CI:

Exception: docker-images/alpine is manually built and pushed as needed.

git checkout master
cd docker-images/alpine
IMAGE=sourcegraph/alpine:$MY_VERSION ./

Note: $MY_VERSION above should reflect the underlying Alpine version. If changes are made without altering the underlying Alpine version, then bump the suffix. For example, use 3.10-1, 3.10-2, and so on. To find the current version, consult

Adding a new image

  1. Create a and add your publishing script to it - the script should end with docker tag ... "$IMAGE". See the scripts in this directory for examples.
  2. Ensure your new script is executable with chmod +x (you can try it via e.g. IMAGE=fake-repo/cadvisor:latest docker-images/$SERVICE/, or by building a test image)
  3. Add an image to the automated builds pipeline by adding it to allDockerImages.