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WSO2 APK - API Platform for Kubernetes

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A complete API Management platform for modern cloud-native architectures. This is an open platform to design, develop and manage APIs in Kubernetes environments. APK is a cloud-native API Management platform in K8s utilizing native K8s capabilities.

  • For more information about APK release planning and project management information, visit APK Project Dashboard
  • For in-depth information about WSO2 API Management Platform, visit WSO2 API Management
  • To ask questions and get assistance from our community, visit WSO2 Discord
  • To learn how to participate in our overall community, visit our community page

In this README:

You'll find many other useful documents on our Documentation.


APK is an open-source platform for providing complete API Management capabilities on top of the Kubernetes cluster management platform.

APK is composed of these components:

API Architecture

  • Control Plane - The APK control plane. It provides API Management capabilities, marketplace capabilities along with domain services and web applications. It consists of the following sub-components:

    • Back Office - Responsible for configuring the portal aspects of API including descriptions, documents, images, etc. Also, manage API visibility and lifecycle. The backend component was developed using Ballerina/Java while the frontend component was developed using ReactJS

    • Dev Portal - Responsible for API consumer interaction. API consumers can discover APIs, read documents, try them out and eventually subscribe to and consume APIs. The backend component was developed using Ballerina/Java and the frontend component was developed using ReactJS   

    • Admin Portal - Responsible for configuring rate limit policies, key management services, and other administrative tasks. Backend components developed using Ballerina/Java and frontend components developed using ReactJS   

    • Management Server - Responsible for communication with data planes and pushing updates. Backend components developed using Ballerina and frontend components developed using ReactJS

  • Data Plane - The APK data plane. It provides API runtime capabilities such as gateway, rate-limiting services, and runtime management. It consists of the following sub-components:   

    • Runtime Manager - Responsible for configuring the runtime aspects of API including API endpoints, discovering Kubernetes services, and converting them into APIs, etc. The backend component was developed using Ballerina and the frontend component was developed using ReactJS   

    • Management Client - Responsible for communication with the management server(control plane) to push/pull updates and maintain connectivity between the data plane and the control plane. The backend component was developed using Go   

    • API Gateway - Router - Router will intercept incoming API traffic and apply quality of services such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting. The router uses the Envoy Proxy as the core component that does the traffic routing. Required additional extensions were developed using C++

    • API Gateway - Enforcer - The Enforcer is the component that enforces the API management capabilities such as security, Rate Limiting, analytics, validation and etc. When the Router receives a request, it forwards that request to the Enforcer in order to perform the additional QoS. Plugins were developed using Java   

    • Identity Platform - Responsible for authentication and authorization happens in the data plane.

  • Operator - The component provides user-friendly options to operate the APK platform. Operator implementation is done using Go

Issue management

We use GitHub to track all of our bugs and feature requests. Each issue we track has a variety of metadata:

  • Epic. An epic represents a feature area for APK as a whole. Epics are fairly broad in scope and are basically product-level things.Each issue is ultimately part of an epic.
  • Milestone. Each issue is assigned a milestone. This is 0.1, 0.2, ..., or 'Nebulous Future'. The milestone indicates when we think the issue should get addressed.
  • Priority. Each issue has a priority which is represented by the column in the Prioritization project. Priority can be one of P1, P2, or >P2. The priority indicates how important it is to address the issue within the milestone. P1 says that themilestone cannot be considered achieved if the issue isn't resolved.