# Todo List This project represents modern UI design styles under a todo list app. ## Purpose Collect all design styles together in one place and learn how to implement them in CSS. ## Demo A live demo is available at [https://todo-list-rust-theta.vercel.app](https://todo-list-rust-theta.vercel.app). To change the theme, click the `Settings` button on the left navigation bar. Then, select the style you want to use. ## Design styles All design styles are written from scratch. This application does not use any UI component library. Currently, the app implements the following design styles: - Modern Dark - Modern Light - Brutalism - Neobrutalism - Cardboard - Glassmorphism - Claymorphism - Neumorphism - Aurora (the dark theme with some subtle vector graphics in the background) ## Screenshot โš ๏ธ The screenshot below is outdated. It does not show the latest design styles. ![all-in-one](https://github.com/wojciechmarek/todo-list/assets/27026036/3d663019-eef6-469f-9871-df8135bac2f7) ## Used technologies - ๐ŸŽ **Project:** vite, react, typescript - ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ **Tools:** yarn, eslint, prettier, husky, speedy web compiler, conventional commits, storybook - ๐ŸŽจ **Styling:** styled-components by emotion - ๐Ÿงช **Testing:** jest, react-testing-library - ๐Ÿ’Ž **Others:** desktop-first approach, atomic design, progressive web app, docker and dev container ## Storybook To see all components in isolation: 1. Run `yarn storybook` in the root directory. 2. Open `http://localhost:6006` in your browser. ## How to run 1. Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/). 2. Install [Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/). 3. Clone the repository. 4. Type and run: `yarn` in the root directory. 5. Type and run: `yarn dev` in the root directory. 6. Open `http://localhost:5173` in your browser to see the app. > The repository contains also the **dev container** configuration for Visual Studio Code. If you have the Remote - Containers extension installed, you can run the project in a container instead of installing all dependencies on your local machine.